The One Word Order - October 23, 2021



October 23, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!


This edition of the The One Word Order will be a very sobering one. During these 40 days of fasting, it has been my passion to seek the heart of the Lord. As much as our hearts are breaking to see the advancements that Evil has been making against our world, we need to know what YHVH’s heart is feeling as He watches this unfold. We need to know how He wants us to respond, but we also need to hear His perspective on the issue of how we actually got into this very dangerous place in our world. The many major advancements of the Dark Kingdom that we are seeing, did not happen in a vacuum … or maybe they did, if we consider the spiritual vacuum that the church and synagogue made available to satan by abandoning the way, will, and word of YHVH. We helped make this mess (whether directly or indirectly … whether by action or by inaction). Therefore, we all have a role in cleaning it up. As I was sitting before the Lord three days ago, YHVH suddenly began to speak to me about something that shook me deeply. Tears flowed as I internalized the truth of what He was saying. It was the type of word that you cannot set aside or dismiss. You can’t deny it, nor rationalize it. It just is solid truth, and the Holy Spirit, living within us, confirms it. As heavy as the word is, it contains hope, which is always found in the purposes of YHVH.

The rhema that I will now share with you below, is that word, which I so clearly heard. I believe it could be a game changer in the course of this Covid scenario, and in other threats that our nations and families are facing. I will not follow the rhema with any commentary, but will leave it with you, to pray over and to share with as many as the Lord leads. I believe it needs to go far and wide. Whether, or not, we ever actively, personally, participated in the sin that is mentioned, is not relevant. Every one of us has a voice and a vote. Every one of us has the power to enact change. Therefore, we are ALL involved, and are all included in the responsibility that comes with this word. While we know that those, who are IN THE MESSIAH through the blood of salvation, are not under condemnation, we are all under conviction when a wrong has been committed. Please go to a quiet place and sit with this message from the Father. Allow His Spirit to lead you in the response you make, and in the steps you take. As He says in the message: THE CLOCK IS TICKING.

Love and blessings,


Rhema … received 10.20.21 9:00 AM … Entrusted to Kolyah

Little ones, AWAKEN! Come! Attend to My voice! Come to hear My word! The hour has come. It has arrived as you have requested. The war, against this wicked takeover of your world, has now come to the edge of its fullness. The angelic hosts are poised to engage as never before. The spiritual realm is bristling with the activities of spiritual war that will be reflected in the world’s battle against tyranny. My hand is raised up against the wicked, and is about to descend with a sharp blow. It will be decisive and swift. I have heard the cries of My children; pleading for freedom from this bondage. My timing of engagement will be perfect! The cup of wickedness has now overflowed. The strongholds of the evil ones are now accessible, as their strategies and activities have entrapped the perpetrators through their zealous overkill. How long will I delay in striking the definitive blow? You have a role to play in that timing.

The timing of My strike against evil depends upon what you will do, little ones. Will you arise and finally push back to refuse this illegal power being wielded over you? Are you tired now of complying to evil judgement, rules, and operations? This is your moment. What will you risk? What will you dare in taking a stand for life, for truth … and for liberty in both of those two things? For too long you have enjoyed the blessings of license, and believed it to be liberty. You had the freedom of license to do what you pleased, and to ignore what was inconvenient for your lifestyle. Have you now seen the effects of your apathy? Are you now repentant for ignoring the degradation and evil, which has been continually working against My Kingdom in your world? Now that the oppression has personally impacted your lives, are you willing to engage in a strong resistance, and in a total rejection of, evil’s agendas and advances? RISE UP! Do not arise, merely, so that your comforts and prosperity might be restored. Rise up, because if you do not, TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS will be eliminated from your world. Value what I value. I value souls, and their freedom to KNOW ME. I value the lives, which I have created for My glory … lives not created for human self-satisfaction and comforts.

Know this: Know that LIFE is a key issue at stake in this battle. For too many years, you have ignored the slaughter of My little ones in the womb. You brushed off their suffering, and were content to believe the lies; reporting that these creations were merely collections of human tissue in the womb, and not yet living beings. WRONG! From the moment that two parent cells join, I trigger life to bloom by Divine spark. These little collections of human tissue are MY CREATION … MY little ones! Through abortion, you have given permission for the spirit of Death to enter into your societies; so, death is what you have reaped throughout your world. Your complacency, in regard to these little lives in the womb, has literally fed the beasts, who now seek to control your world and to depopulate it. The blood of My little ones has literally comprised the substance of both the food, and profits, of these evil monsters. So now you want Me to break this yoke of Death that is being thrust upon your world, and injected into your bodies? So, now human life is precious to you, because it is your own lives being threatened? Are rights and liberties now a concern for you, after so many years of unconcern for the rights and liberties of life for the unborn?

I have been waiting to hear travail arising from recognition of the great evil that you have allowed for so many years. I sent you precious packages in the womb, but you shattered them and return the tiny souls to Me … rejected, inconvenient, and unappreciated. Do you not understand what you have done? What you have legalized? What you have sanctioned? I sent you treasure, but your world treated it as dung, or as a product to be sold and used wickedly for evil purposes. There is no excuse. My Spirit has been crying out against this evil practice of child slaughter without ceasing. Death is what you allowed to devour your unborn. Now Death is exerting its legal right to devour your populations.

I am love. I am rich in forgiveness. I hate evil. I am mercy, but this slaughter MUST STOP! You are finally raising up voices against the tyranny, which is seeking to seize your lives and liberties. What voices do the children in the womb have, if not yours? Abortion is a tyranny that has stolen the lives and liberty of many millions of My little ones in the womb. Since you did not consistently respect, and love, the fruit of the womb, your wombs may now be unfruitful, because of these poisons being injected into your bodies. Since you did not protect the children in your wombs, the children in your arms may be taken from you, as these poisons are now being given to them.

CRY OUT NOW! Cry out, now … not just for your lives and liberties! Cry out now … not just for truth about this wicked injection, depopulation, and takeover agenda. Cry out now for the lives of the unborn, and for the truth of what child slaughter in the womb really is. It is not a right, nor an option. It is not about personal opinion, dogma, or philosophy. It is not about women’s health any more than the Covid attack has been about protecting human health. Both agendas are about murder. Do you not see the connection? Did I not say that what you sow, you shall then reap? The door to this satanic agenda, which is raging against your world, and against your very lives, was opened by your choice to surrender your unborn children to Molech.

Understand this truth most clearly. Does that truth OFFEND YOU? Your lack of willingness to make the connection offends Me. Humble yourselves … all of you, who claim My name as being the identity of your God. What you have allowed to be done to the least of these little ones, you have done to ME. Fighting against this satanic Covid agenda is not about saving your world. It is about saving souls from eternal separation from Me. Therefore, your protests against this global tyranny must be about murder. It’s not just to be about your lives and freedoms being preserved. It must also be about the lives and freedoms of the murdered unborn being restored. You will not have one without the other. The specter of oppression, subjugation to unholy power, and death will remain, hanging over your head, until you deal with this great sin of abortion. If it offends you to hear My word on this matter, then you do not have My heart, nor know it. I am Life and I am LOVE. If you will not honor My Lordship, My priorities, and My heart for your human creation, you will suffer increasing losses until you do.

Pray for this revelation to be poured out into the hearts and minds of the people. Pray for their eyes to see the horror of the slaughter, and the utter horror of the profiteering from this slaughter. Pray that the truth regarding this innocent blood … which is that it is being spilled for satanic worship, for profit, and also being consumed … will sicken the people to the point of vomiting. The populations of the world must know this truth. Who will speak it without compromise? Who will rend their garments and travail until the revelation is poured out and realized?

I extend mercy to those, who are deceived. But once the truth has been given to the blind and ignorant, the clock starts ticking, as I await their response to the truth. If they do not act … if they ignore and reject the truth … judgments will be released to impress the arrogant, and the rebellious, of the need for them to change course.

The clock is ticking, little ones. My mercy has been extended. Speak out the truth and pay the price for it. Do not allow the lying voices of evil to prevail over yours. I will be standing with you … empowering you and supporting you. You must be voices for those, who do not yet have a voice from within the womb. There is no more delay.

If I would withdraw My hand … if I would bring recompense for the sin committed against the unborn … the number of the aborted children would quickly become the number of dead citizens lying in your streets. That is NOT what I want to happen. Therefore, warn the leadership of the Body to repent for their role in tolerating abortion. Call the Body at large to come to their faces in confession of the sin that has been allowed, and tolerated, on their watch. I will be swift to forgive, and quick to turn the tide. My armies are at the ready to engage against the tyrants of your world, but until the legal right, claimed by the Enemy, is removed through recognition and repentance of the evil that has been done to the unborn, the tyranny will continue. I want it to END. Change course NOW! If you, the Remnant, will fulfill your calling by speaking out and interceding, My Spirit of Truth will be poured out. ABORTION WILL STOP, as will the plague of Death and Control, which is consuming your world. Stand forth and engage!”