THE ONE WORD ORDER - December 22, 2020



December 22, 2020

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!

“What Can the Righteous Do?”



Over the past few weeks, I have had many conversations with believers, who are feeling very frustrated and weary … some even to the point of wanting to give up hope after so many weeks, and months, of fervent prayer and expressed faith. The problem is that they have seen too little advancement against evil. Many are saying that the prophesies and the promises of victory/breakthrough have failed to produce, visible, certifiable, evidence. Meanwhile, the evil players, and the advancement of their rebellious agendas, seem to be marching on in victory; set to destroy all of our national and cultural foundations … and even our personal health. I have been hearing the following questions, and comments (in one form or another) from many faithful believers: “What else can we do, that we haven’t already done? It all feels so hopeless, so futile. I feel so helpless to do anything other than to pray, as I watch truth being trampled and lies triumphing …as I see life as we have known it, collapsing, to be replaced by something horrific! When will the Lord MOVE on our behalf?”

Over the past week, the Lord has had the words of Psalm 11 in my mind. Here is it:

Psalm 11 (NASB)

1 In the LORD I take refuge;

How can you say to my soul, “Flee as a bird to your mountain;

2 For, behold, the wicked bend the bow,

They make ready their arrow upon the string

To shoot in darkness at the upright in heart.

3 If the foundations are destroyed,

What can the righteous do?”

4 The LORD is in His holy temple; the LORD’S throne is in heaven;

His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men.

5 The LORD tests the righteous and the wicked,

And the one who loves violence His soul hates.

6 Upon the wicked He will rain snares;

Fire and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup.

7 For the LORD is righteous, He loves righteousness;

The upright will behold His face.

The first part of this Psalm certainly is relatable to our present-day struggles, isn’t it? Wicked things are happening upon which righteousness, justice, and truth seem to have little impact in regard to reversing evil or shutting it down. Sometimes it feels as if we are in satan’s crosshairs, the way the people of YHVH are being attacked and afflicted. We are praying, fasting, believing, speaking out, repenting, etc. but the barrage of satanic challenges, falsehoods, and inequities continue to march on, nearly undeterred in any way, it seems. Ahhh … but this Psalm tells us why things have gotten to bad! The foundations have largely been destroyed! Let’s take a few minutes to look at this text more closely to see what we can learn.

Vs 1 and 2

1 In the LORD I take refuge; (this is a statement of faith)

How can you say to my soul, “Flee as a bird to your mountain?

2 For, behold, the wicked bend the bow,

They make ready their arrow upon the string

To shoot in darkness at the upright in heart. (It seems as if whenever we try to fly to the protection of the Lord, the ungodly have us in their sights as we arise. Congregational meetings, prayer groups, singing and caroling are being restricted right now … all for the sake of COVID-19, 20 or 21. The very things, that would help us fly in a unified formation of strength, are being forbidden. There have been fines levied, and arrests made of those believers, who will not comply. The upright in heart … those obedient to the call of YHVH … seem to be targets right now. Those, who stand against YHVH seem to shoot at us in the darkness … in this time of deception and wickedness.)

3 If the foundations are destroyed,

What can the righteous do?”

It doesn’t require a long look for us to realize that the Godly foundations in our nations are being destroyed more each day. What can we do about it? Perhaps there are two other questions that need to be considered in this search for truth and solutions/remedies:

**How have the foundations been destroyed?

**What foundations have been destroyed?

I came across a quote by George Washington, which our first President of the Republic spoke just as he took office. It is a powerful statement of warning that we need to hear right now.

“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.”

Much later, when George Washington was leaving office, he spoke again about the course of our nation. Again, his words strike at the very core of the issues facing our nation in this hour.

“Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars.”

**HOW have the foundations been destroyed??

The foundations, set by our forefathers, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, have been destroyed by ignorance and by neglect through apathy. The Body of Messiah, along with the institutional church and synagogue, have played a contributing part in that destruction, through their apathy and ignorance. Consider this issue as exhibit A:

How long has the abortion issue been raised in this country? Roe vs Wade was passed by the U.S. Supreme Court almost 48 years ago … on January 22, 1973 to be exact. Since that time, when Christians have been asked how they felt about abortion being legalized, or conducted, many have said, “I don’t know” or “I don’t care”. “That’s not my issue”. Ignorance has been an escape hatch used so often; allowing people to keep themselves blameless and unaccountable (in their own eyes) for this murder of the innocent. Apathy has been expressed by asserting that abortion is “not my problem”, “not my assignment for prayer”, or “not my concern”. The sanctity of life is essential in the foundation (and in the continuation) of any righteous nation. Why did we allow more than 60 million babies to be sacrificed on the altar of convenience and entitlement; allowing witchcraft to gain massive legal rights in our nation, through that sin of abortion? How could so many Christians and Jews vote for the recent Democratic team for the presidency? How could both Rabbis and Christian pastors endorse those candidates, when Joe Biden openly supports abortion as a right … and when Kamala Harris has a public record of attacking pro-life individuals, and any pro-life efforts, that would restrict abortion as a legal right up to the full term of pregnancy? Who could ever do that, and at the same time claim to KNOW and fear the Lord, as well as the scriptures; ignoring the very clear scriptural mandates about the abomination of spilling innocent blood … and about those, who support and celebrate that horror? Do they truly believe that the broken, bloody, mess that is extracted from a woman’s uterus, (and which only moments earlier had a visible heartbeat on the ultrasound screen as the procedure was beginning) is not the slaughter of a human life … with life in that blood? Are they ignorant of that fact or apathetic?

For years, the ethical and moral foundations of this nation have been neglected to the point that they are now disintegrating into dust before our eyes. Abortion is a HUGE issue for the Lord, and a massive opportunity to bring about the destruction of our foundations; setting up a total downfall from the righteous hand of the Lord.

**WHAT portions of our foundations have been lost or destroyed?

--Our DEPENDENCY UPON THE LORD has been lost. When the early settlers arrived on these shores, they battled unbelievable odds in order to survive (disease, drought, weather, crop failure, hostile neighbors, etc.). They totally depended upon the Holy One to keep them alive, safe, and prospered. Nowadays, we depend upon our own wits, and upon our leaders, to meet our needs and to keep us safe. Just look at how the people flock to the vaccines to be their savior, and how they look to the restrictions of their freedoms to be their safety net against disease and death. Where is the Lord in all that? We have gotten to this place of being controlled and deceived by unholy leaders, because our dependency was switched from God to human beings. That, beloved, is very dangerous idolatry!

--COMMON DECENCY and having respect for others has been set aside as outdated, disdained, and even totally forgotten on many accounts. Modesty and morality that were once part of our national foundations have been destroyed. Anything goes now. There is no shame. Perversions abound on in the media … witchcraft, blatant sexuality (hetero and homosexuality) and in-your-face rebellious immorality. Almost nothing is censored anymore. Even the government-mandated, inclusive, sex education textbooks for children in school, as young as six-years-old, teach, endorse, and illustrate, masturbation and intercourse … as well as endorse homosexuality and assuage transgender confusion. Generally, our population has become desensitized to the unclean rebellion of it all. There are no boundaries for indecency anymore. Children have lost their innocence and are no longer protected according to the mandates of YHVH. No wonder pedophilia is being legalized in some countries/states, as well as prostitution. The moral foundations of decency, and of respect for the human creation, deemed to be made in the image of YHVH, have been destroyed.

--The foundations for our sense of DUTY, ACCOUNTABILITY, and RESPONSIBILITY have been lost and destroyed. The honorable hard work ethic that was in our national foundations has been destroyed. Thinking of others before self has been trashed in favor or “me alone” as the priority. There is little consideration of how our chosen individual behavior might harm or be costly to someone else. There is blaming of others for our difficulties, rather than having accountability to a higher power, or to any authority, for our choices/actions. All those false, self-indulgent, standards are the foundation of lawlessness. Entitlement has replaced the standard that each one is expected to contribute to the nation; as a “thank you” for the blessings received in citizenship. Selfless service to others is considered to be laughable … only fools do things that cost them personally, with no personal benefit in it. Ambition and incentives to engage in productive work have been weakened by free handouts and welfare benefits to those, who are able in body and mind. The honor that was once given for hard word, has now become a joke. Now, there is honor given to individuals for working the system and getting rich from it. The “nanny state”, where entitlements and social welfare benefits flow freely, are leading us right into the pit of Marxism … a trap where our “duty” will be dictated. In Marxism, the people must obey the dictates of the power over them, or die. Everything is equal and nothing is individually owned, determined, or controlled … except by those “elite” individuals (taskmasters) in the top echelon. At the beginning, and embedded into the foundations of life, the Lord created us to be a team … a family … a nation bound together so that His glory would manifest in our midst. Right now, human glory is sought and valued by the multitudes. And the worst of it is that the majority of the people feel no sense of duty, or accountability, or responsibility, before their Creator. That precious foundation, which was with our nation at the beginning, is largely destroyed.

--DEVOTION and DEDICATION TO YHVH AND TO HIS ORDER AND LAW HAVE BEEN SET ASIDE. Devotion to the word of the Lord and to His destiny for this nation … God and country … were vital stones laid into our foundation. Princeton, Harvard, Brown etc. …the nation’s first universities … were all biblical based and founded upon the faith to train up Godly graduates to create a strong nation. Now these universities are the seats of Humanistic rebellion against the bible, and against faith in favor of secularism and witchcraft. Justice and governmental laws … the deliberations of the courts … originally had the word of YHVH at the foundation of these things. That is no longer the case. Human thinking, personal feelings, and human desires determine the governing laws now. What the popular culture dictates as right and wrong … what feels good … determines the rules. The bible is seen as too restrictive and the 10 commandments, that were part of our foundations, are now deemed outdated and irrelevant.

--DIGNITY OF HUMAN LIFE has been lost. The value of human life was once based upon the fact that each person is a creation of YHVH, made in His image … designed with purpose and innate value. Each life was a gift to be lived well as an offering back to the Lord. Our dignity came from our identity based upon/in the Divine. Now babies in the womb are nothing more than globs of inconvenient, disposable or marketable tissue. Human trafficking and pornography depreciate human dignity. Freedom, and basic human rights were always to be part of human dignity … cherished and guarded as a blessing to be invested into a life well lived for the glory of YHVH. Now we are considered the result of evolutionary processes. The global elite (the members of the World Economic Forum) declare that some people are of more value than others. Some don’t deserve any value or dignity in their assessments. They have labeled/classified those, who they consider to be “disposable people” as Deplorables, Momentary Useful Idiots or Useless Feeders. These extinction threats, that are now being created by these global Luciferians, to reduce the “excess population”, are able to have traction because the foundations of individual human dignity and value (as determined by YHVH) have been set aside. If we cannot respect and dignify the unborn, how can we expect others to respect anyone else … or us. IF WE DON’T KNOW, AND DECLARE, WHO WE ARE IN THE LORD, SATAN (and his operatives in power positions) WILL DICTATE WHO WE ARE, AND WHAT WE MUST DO. When we allow our foundations, established in the Lord, to be destroyed by satanic input, without us defending those sacred foundations, we are pitifully set up to be taken over by evil powers.

--DESTINY has been replaced with Immediacy and with Mammon. The sense of national calling and destiny given by YHVH has been lost since the time of our forefathers. Everything has become man-made, man-ordained, and man-serving. We have decided to determine our own destiny (remember the Tower of Babel?). We live to acquire, or to build/create what we want for ourselves. Immediate gratification has become the goal of daily life. We don’t see the necessity, or the practicality, of claiming a calling to be a Godly guiding light to other nations. Instead we have become all about proving our own materialistic power, and establishing our value upon what we can do and gain for ourselves.

Now back to Psalm 11.

4 The LORD is in His holy temple; the LORD’S throne is in heaven;

His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men.

The Lord is watching. He is measuring. What does it mean that His eyelids test the sons of men? Even with His eyes closed, He sees it all.

5 The LORD tests the righteous and the wicked,

And the one who loves violence His soul hates.

Both the righteous and the wicked are tested. YHVH alone holds the balance scale and the plumb line. He HATES violence, so you can imagine how much He hates abortion, Islamic terror, human trafficking, drug dealing etc.

6 Upon the wicked He will rain snares;

Fire and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup.

He will set up snares for the wicked, to trap them in their evil actions and plots.

The substances of hell’s torments will be their payment and their drink in eternity … and even now they will experience the burning wind of YHVH when He moves in judgment against them.

7 For the LORD is righteous, He loves righteousness;

The upright will behold His face.

As we walk in and build upon righteousness, we will have the favor and support of the Lord in this life. We will have an eternity with Him, face to face.

Ahhh … but now for the HOPE! George Fredrick Handel’s Messiah is often performed around Christmas. One of the most powerful scriptural quotes from that oratorio is this text from Isaiah 9, beginning with verse 6.

6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish and sustain it with justice and righteousness from that time and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of Hosts will accomplish this.…

This is where we put our hope and our faith. Yeshua the Messiah, born of a Jewish virgin as a tiny baby, is absolutely and totally, and eternally: Pele Yoretz … El Gibor … AviyadSar Shalom (the Hebrew words for Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.)

No evil can stop or thwart Him … no power can contradict His authority … no agenda, plan, or confederation can defeat Him. HE IS ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGN. He is our firm foundation upon which we can build our personal life, and upon which we can restore Godly foundations to our nation with His help. With Him, all things are possible. He sees ALL THINGS, even with His eyes closed! He deals with the wicked! The righteous can depend upon Him. We can trust in Him. We can stand in dignity, in devotion, in decency, in duty and in destiny before Him; making our appeal for His help to restore our broken foundations. We can confess the sins our of nation, and depend upon His mercy to respond. YHVH is on our side, as we stand righteously in the blood of the Lamb before Him. He wins all challenges against Him and against His people. Our job is to surrender to His will, and to build up those ruined foundations … with His help restoring them. Call them forth! Declare the need for them in our present day. Work so that the foundations of the wicked will be pulled up, removed, and replaced with the help of the Lord. If we do our job, and trust YHVH to do His job (in His timing and in His way) … we can live out these days of great threat, uncertainly, and challenge in absolute shalom (wholeness spirit, soul, and body). Yeshua was born. He died as the atoning sacrifice for sin. He rose again as Conqueror over all death and evil. He lives eternally, so that we can, in the midst of all this turmoil and deceit of the enemy, HAVE A VERY MERRY CELEBRATION OF HIS BIRTH UPON THE EARTH! His birth, His life, His death, His resurrection and our subsequent salvation IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THE FOUNDATION OF THIS NATION, ACCORDING TO HIS PLAN AND DREAM. When the Messiah returns, the destiny of every nation will be realized in perfection and in perfect order. Until then, we live and work in hope. We resist the Enemy and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit regarding how the warfare and victory are to be lived out. The joy of a victory, which is already secured in heaven, can be ours right now, until it manifests fully upon the earth. What can the righteous do, when the foundations are destroyed? LIVE BOLDLY, AND CONFIDENTLY, IN THE ONE, WHO IS OUR ETERNAL FOUNDATION … AND THEN REJOICE IN THE TOTAL SECURITY OF THAT AMAZING REALITY.