Siege Alert - January 14, 2021

Siege Alert: Thursday, January 14, 2021



We quote from FRC's announcement:

"There is a clear understanding it is time to turn to the Lord. This is not just another moment in our country's history; the sobering reality is that this moment may decide how long we have as a country. The prophet Isaiah called God's people to the Lord and to return to him so that He might have compassion upon them and abundantly pardon them." (Isaiah 55:6-7)

For more information, please go here, and spread the word!

Contending Daily in Prayer for Election Integrity

Today's Prayer Focus:


Today's Verse

JOB 38:10

It is written:

"This far you may come, but no farther,
And here your proud waves must stop!’"

Today's Commentary

Today's Commentary is taken from an article, posted on Saturday, January 9th by Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick. His comments reflect our own thoughts at this time.

With yesterday's vote in the House of Representative to impeach our President, we too say that "enough is enough!" We are posting a portion of his comments below.
Please go here to read all of this excellent essay. Thank you.



Like you, I have been disturbed and unsettled about the events of the last several days. I am sure we will continue to unravel this as our country continues to move forward, but I want to share my thoughts at this point in time.


There are no excuses for those who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday. Five people died. And, sadly, it appears that most of the protesters inside the Capitol were Trump supporters. Antifa wears face coverings obscuring their identity.


Of blaming all Trump supporters for the crimes of a small group who attacked the Capitol.

I've spoken to and met thousands of Trump supporters across the nation. They love this country and the Constitution. They hate what they saw at the U.S. Capitol as much as I do.


Of the Democrats and the mainstream media’s sudden case of amnesia. For months they encouraged and justified street riots, looting and the torching of police stations, court houses and businesses. Their protesters at so-called “mostly peaceful demonstrations” acted out as criminals just like those who stormed the Capitol.


There is no such thing as justifiable political violence. Politics is never an excuse for criminal behavior. 

Today's Prayer

Lord God, in this tumultuous hour, we turn to You for guidance, direction, and peace. Help us, O Lord. to discern good from evil, right from wrong, true from false and beyond.

Help us to simply pray in the Spirit when we know not what to do, as Scripture clearly directs us to do:

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans." (Romans 8:26)

Lord God, we as a people have now been thrown into the "fog of war." Help us, O Lord, to find the grace to wait upon You until the way is clear to go forward in prayer.

Help us to remember to pray FOR our enemies, and for those who would despitefully use us, again as Scripture decrees:

"Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.” (Luke 6:28)

Thank You, Holy One, that You promise to never leave us nor forsake us as we work our way through these perilous times.

It is in Your name we pray. amen and amen.

Today's Election News

1. Trump Calls Impeachment Push a ‘Witch Hunt’ That Stokes Anger - The Epoch Times (Go here)

2. Democrats Cannot Impeach Trump, and You Can’t Impeach Him After Leaving Office: Dershowitz - The Epoch Times (Go here)

3. DISSENT IS NOT ALLOWED: Twitter Will No Longer Allow Any Questioning of Fraudulent Election …Update: Twitter Extends GP Suspension Until Inauguration due to “Risk of Violence” - The Gateway Pundit (Go here)

4. World Leaders Denounce Big Tech Censorship of President Donald Trump - The Epoch Times (Go here)

5. Patrick Byrne: This Is a ‘Communist Party Takeover’- The Epoch Times (Go here)

6. Report: FBI Reverses What It Told America, Confirms Agency Knew People Were Coming to Capitol 'Ready to Fight' and Cause Trouble - Western Journal (Go here)

[Please note: this one is serious!]

7. Trump Releases Statement 'In Light of Reports of More Demonstrations' - Western Journal
(Go here)

8. Blue Lives Matter Organization Calls Out Democrats Over Their Sudden Change of Heart - Western Journal
(Go here)

9. Man From Georgia Arrested After Entering US Capitol Killed Himself - The Epoch Times
(Go here)

10. Pompeo Says History Will Reflect ‘Good Work’ of Trump Administration - The Epoch Times
(Go here)

11. Marjorie Taylor Greene to file Joe Biden impeachment articles on Jan. 21 - Washington Times

One of President Trump’s newest allies in the House said Wednesday night that she will file articles of impeachment against President-elect Joseph R. Biden on Jan. 21, his first day in office, for “abuse of power.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Georgia Republican, cited Mr. Biden’s alleged family business connections with China and Ukraine. “We have to make sure that our leaders are held accountable, we cannot have a president of the United States that is willing to abuse the power of the office of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments … Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies,” she said on Newsmax. “So on January 21, I will be filing articles of impeachment on Joe Biden.” (Read more)


(This article was posted yesterday on the blog for Intercessors for America .Below, IFA is quoting from Dutch Sheets' prayer for America, with permission, on a recent "Give Him 15" devotional.")

Father, protect us from the flood of disinformation pouring into America! It is coming at us from all sides. There are enemies of our nation that have realized they can move our hearts and emotions with disinformation. Well meaning intercessors have even formed prayer strategies from false information they are receiving. The lying snake, Leviathan, is twisting truth, using the same tactic he used on Adam and Eve in the Garden. Help us recognize what is happening, and stay on track! Lord, examine our hearts and remove any hooks the enemy might find to snare us in this plan. We must not be distracted. Keep us focused on Your assignments. We ask you for safety over our nation during this next week and through Inauguration Day on January 20th. We continue to believe and watch for Your miracles.

We pray for the President as he makes significant and weighty decisions regarding what is best for America. Lord, I feel he is weighing the cost versus the benefit of continuing the fight: of declassifying information, of exposing leaders here and abroad, of tearing down in order to restore and build. I know this deep in my spirit, Lord. Please give him wisdom, courage, proper perspective, and sound advice. Give him the ability to separate himself completely from reputation, legacy, and the opinion of man. Cause him to think only in terms of what he must do to save our Republic and to preserve our God-given destiny. Then make undeniably clear to him what this course of action is. In Christ’s name we ask, Amen.

> > > To read this entire article, please go here.

Today's Daily Jot:

"Redefining insurrection with a warning"

The House of Representatives voted to impeach the President. This time for “high crimes and misdemeanors” and stating that the 14thAmendment prohibits a person from holding office who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the US. The Articles of impeachment further outlined that the President “engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors by inciting violence against the Government of the United States.” It can be debated whether the President incited violence. Those on the President’s side, who know the meaning of words, can legitimately say he did not incite violence and the handful who did the violence made their own decisions. Those opposing him argue his remarks were a dog whistle.

The political party in control of the House is trying to ensure that Donald Trump never runs for or holds office again. The words insurrection and rebellion do not describe what occurred on January 6. Insurrection is defined as: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government. Rebellion is defined as: open, armed, and usually unsuccessful defiance of or resistance to an established government. A handful of people, unarmed, is hardly an insurrection or rebellion. But the victor writes the history and solidifies the narrative. Conservatism and Trump will long carry the black mark from this unpeaceful assembly and lawless act by a small group of undiscerning rioters—no matter the facts on who instigated, facilitated or directed it. This is insurrection and rebellion redefined as a grave warning.

Consider the past five years of facts that don’t seem to matter. The Democratic Party and its leadership paid for a false dossier on Donald Trump; used it to get a warrant to spy on his campaign; conducted a highly visible and media-charged investigation on Russian collusion that found nothing; put people associated with Trump in jail; repeated the investigative narrative about a non-existent quid pro quo call with the Ukrainian President; impeached Trump on baseless charges resulting from the aforementioned; relentlessly pursued disrupting and obstructing most everything of his administration’s actions; and somehow won an election amid a mountain of election fraud evidence that was systematically suppressed by the mainstream media. Does any of this sound like insurrection?

The impeachment is perhaps symbolic of socialist regimes. When socialist regimes take over a country, they usually have kangaroo tribunals resulting in execution of the opposition. With this impeachment, the President was politically executed. It also sends a strong message to all that those in power are politically intolerant of those who dissent or disagree, already evidenced by the coordinated censorship and cancelling of diverse opinion. On one hand, they call for healing. On the other, some 74 million citizens are held in contempt because of their support for Trump. Don’t believe me? Read what they are saying. I wish it wasn’t true. It’s not fair. It’s not American. Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn.” Lord, show us your way.