January 12, 2021
NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!
I have been waiting, listening, praying, and resting in the Lord since the Shabbat, while the events of these past months now seem to be swirling into some kind of vortex. Everyday there are new reports about President Trump’s defeat and the horrors that are soon to follow from a Biden/Harris administration. At the same time there are glowing reports of sealed indictments being opened, and of secret missions being carried out to unseat the global elite; reestablishing Trump as the President, and exposing the massive corruption in Washington (and in leaders throughout the world). The level and the intensity of the disinformation campaigns are off the charts. Everyday it’s something new being suggested. Two years ago I did an all-day seminar of the principality of Leviathan. What we are experiencing right now is Leviathan, full-blown in all his ability to spin, dismember, and devour. Intercessors, and all the people of YHVH, must come into a new state of soul and spirit very quickly. Too many are beginning to succumb to the pressure and uncertainty of all the noise and spin.
For those of us, who have been entrusted with gifting in spiritual warfare and in the discernment of spirits, the clash between the Kingdom of YHVH and the kingdom of satan has become exceedingly loud, and even palpable. For the past 12 years, the Lord has continually (almost daily) drawn my attention to 11:11 on digital clocks; saying, “Be prepared. It’s coming.” A double 11, I have been told, means devastation and destruction in Hebrew. Quite honestly, it feels like that time of warning has manifested in its reality right now. Repeatedly, over the past 10 months, I have heard the words, “The tsunami is about to appear.” Tonight, I was prompted to look back into my files of prophetic words and dreams from the Lord in regard to tsunamis. I have two major dreams about these huge waves. I feel led to share one of them with you now. It surely seems as if this is a word of instruction and encouragement for us today. Here is the dream. Note that this dream was given to me on Jan 9th, 2013 … 8 years ago this past Shabbat … with 8 in Hebrew meaning a new beginning. After I transcribe the dream below, I transcribe the insights that I received following it reception. All that will be seen in italics. Then I will briefly write a bit about how I see this dream unfolding right now. Right now, I give you my permission to share this dream, and its report, with all those, who may need to be focused and uplifted. Be blessed!
THE DREAM …. January 9, 2013 … Kolyah … given overnight in Madison, Wisconsin
In this dream I found myself with in a community of some family members, of some close friends, and of many others that I didn’t know. We were in what seemed like a remote, wooded area, located up on the top of a mountain. From that vantage point, it was possible to see a small village situated quite a distance down the slope, not far from the bottom of the mountain. All of us, in the group, had been staying together in a very large building that looked like a resort lodge. The structure had strong wooden floors, massive pine log walls, and tall wood beams supporting the high ceilings. The building was both grand and yet sweetly hospitable.
I had the sense that some sort of large ingathering, (an influx of many more people to come to the lodge) would be taking place soon. A few newcomers had been dropping in to see the lodge throughout the day. I had been them giving tours of the building and suggesting that it would be good for them to spend some time there with us. Some of the visitors would look around, express disinterest, and leave. Others wanted to hang around and become part of whatever would be happening there soon. When it felt like our “work day” was done (around 3 PM), I, and others, went outside to view the countryside and to walk about in the fresh air. We had started down the mountainside; walking on a large grassy slope that was not dangerously steep. That portion of the slope was devoid of trees itself, but was lined by many trees on both sides all the way down. It reminded me of a possible ski slope. We began to walk toward the rather distant village that could be seen near the bottom of this grassy slope. Trees walled off the downhill side of the village, so that we could not see what might be below it. While we were walking downward, but still far above the village, we noticed, what looked like water from a river, breaking through the trees at the bottom, and begin moving up the slope toward the village. As I focused on this water, I realized that not only was it an unexpected flow moving upon the scenery, but that it actually was part of an emerging wall of water, breaking through the trees below the village. As the wall of water broke through the trees, it formed a high and wide wall … a tsunami …moving up the mountain … destroying what was in its path.
We watched as this wall of water began to enter the lower edge of the village. The people were so busy doing the things of daily life, that they didn’t see or hear it advance upon their community. We could hear the roar of the coming water, but they didn’t seem to hear it; even though it was at their doorstep. They didn’t seem to get an understanding of what was about to happen, until they began to actually feel the wetness of the coming flood. Very quickly the tsunami covered the village … without any of those villagers fleeing even one step to avoid it. We watched in disbelief as the water continued to rise up the slope toward us. It was then that I noticed the watercourse had slowed down in velocity, even as it continued heading up the mountain as a wall. Someone behind me said, “We need to run! Soon it will reach us and we will drown or be carried away like the villagers.” I replied, “No, the fury of the water is being spent, and is now growing shallower, and much slower. It will come up the hill, but it will only to carry us up to our gathering house at the top. Let it come. Let’s turn our faces up to the peak of the mountain, and with our heads directed toward the summit, lay down flat on the ground with our arms outstretched. We can surrender to the coming flood; trusting the flow to carry us upward to the top, rather than destroying us. We will be able float on our stomachs and ride the flow of water up to the summit.” I, and the members of my family, did just that, while the rest of those with us ran furiously uphill. We waited for the water to come to where we were holding our ground. When the water became ankle deep, the three of us stretched ourselves out on stomachs, facing uphill, and allowed the flow of water to lift us up and to carry us. The flow of water never covered over us, but only lifted us as it came underneath us. We rode the wave all the way to the top of the mountain. The ride was delightful and so much fun! The water was warm, pure, and strangely comfortable. The debris of the village and the forest below had been left behind before the water reached us. That moving wave safely deposited us right near the lodge at the summit, and then quietly receded after gently bringing us to rest on the high ground. Those in the group, who had run uphill in terror, arrived at the summit the same time that we did, but they were totally exhausted both emotionally and physically. They collapsed and had to be carried into the lodge by those, who had not gone on the hike with us. The three of us, who had ridden the wave to the top were laughing and celebrating that awesome ride.
Standing to our feet, we entered into the lodge and found that a gathering of others had been taking place while we had been out hiking. Now, many more friends were on site. Everyone was greeting each other. Surprisingly there already seemed to have been some sort of organization, of those assembled, taking place while we were away. There was a sort of order that had been put into place for the many people assembling inside the great lodge. Suddenly, when everyone was inside the building, the doors closed by themselves and somehow became sealed. Wonderful praise and worship to the Lord … in instrument and song, accompanied by dance … began to fill the large assembly hall. Some of the powerful, energetic dancing that was taking place was clearly anointed by the Holy Spirit in a very new and unique way. It was almost the style of Irish river dancing, with all its energy and bounce, permeating the whole lodge. The music of our worship and praise blocked out all sounds arising from outside the building.
Comfortable beds appeared in another large room of the building, as music and fellowship reached every corner of the structure. A married couple that I know, was sitting propped up on a king-sized bed, like people of leisure, as they read scripture together. Other people, situated throughout the lodge were reading or discussing scripture as well. The upper story of the great house had many bedrooms where anyone could come to rest whenever they felt the need. Those who wanted to eat, found great tables of food, awaiting them in the open dining hall. There was great fellowship taking place among all those in the house, as if we were all a very tight knit family.
Then I was sovereignly given a glimpse of what was occurring outside of the great lodge. Outside, things were being washed away, by many different storms; coming one after another. There was an unspoken awareness of war and pestilence outside, but none of us inside the building heard it or observed it personally. No one looked out of the windows, as great curtains were drawn to focus us upon the worship, and fellowship in which we were now abiding. Inside, we were dry, safe, and enjoying life together in faith. We all knew that the storms and wars would rage for a while, but eventually all that would subside. What we would do now in the lodge, would impact what would happen when the tsunami, and when the other judgments, passed. When all that would end, the sign of the unsealing of the doors would call us out into the world. When that moment came, we would help with the cleanup and the rebirth. What felt odd was that we were at peace and in complete joy and rest, even though things outside the house were in great chaos, and while everything familiar in our world was changing. There was no fear, and no anxiety. We were focused on the Lord and upon worshipping Him. Faith was deep and trust was solid in a way we had never known before … before the trials and testing … before being sealed into this secret place of the Most High. We knew that His authority and goodness were doing only that which was necessary to redeem and to transform the world into righteousness. We were content to see what YHVH would do later, when the doors opened. In the present moment, our total focus was on Him … and upon attending to His presence in our midst … yielding to His order and plan.
The dream ended. I awakened feeling refreshed and so peaceful. There was an awareness that events will eventually be taking place that would be very fearful in appearance; but these things will have the divine purpose of taking us to where we need to be. Those, who dwell in the world will be caught off guard. They will have become deafened by the busyness of their lives, and by the reports of those operating in, and broadcasting deception. Many structures and corrupt, compromised, people will be washed away by what the Lord will be bringing to our nation/world. Those of us, who look to the Lord, and who listen to Him solely, will not be depleted by a panicked flight to outrun what is coming. Instead we, who will wait upon the Lord, will experience joy in the midst of the transition, as we are carried by the flow, according to the plan of YHVH. What will be sent to cleanse and to remove evil, will be used by the Lord to carry us to a new place of unity, love, truth, and community. Some casual, or social believers, will come to scope out the provision of YHVH before the flood/storm comes; but many will leave disinterested, in doubt, or in the confidence of taking care of themselves, rather than being confined in YHVH’s secure boundaries of provision. They will suffer loss in the storms that will come once we are locked into His safe place. Our worship and our focus on the King, must increase right now. We must prepare for turmoil and uncertain times. We must be awakened by fresh discernment to recognize deception, and the tricks of the Enemy, that will be coming to devour our faith and to silence our voices. We must walk out Psalm 91 right now, and be prepared in our heart to face some very difficult events. Our faith must become an established commitment to the Lord, and to each other. Within the storms that are coming, we are not to focus on the destruction, but to keep our focus on Him. We are to keep attending to what He is asking us to do, and providing for us, in order to prepare for the day after the doors of His confinement open … when the judgments are over. We will have a different world awaiting us after the judgements have run their course. A great harvest of souls will be available, and great power will be entrusted to YHVH’s own … for those, who trust in Him, believe, endure, and obey Him against all physical evidence, logic and social pressure. After the cleansing storms, the harvest will be ready for gathering.
I’m sure that many of you have already seen many facets from this dream which are applicable to our present-day challenges. It’s rather amazing for me to see now, how this dream was preparing me, and us, for what is now rolling out in our nation/s in this very hour. Perhaps the greatest comfort and insight that I receive now, as I review this dream from 12 years ago, is that I see the Lord doing a cleansing work that comes in a surprising way, but with a purpose for newness to break forth. In the dream it was shocking to see an entire village be washed away in an instant, while the people were totally unaware of what was about to befall them. I suspect we could likely see something very shocking … even horrifically destructive … appear soon from the hand of YHVH. And yet, there will not only be holy purpose in those events, but those very things will prepare us for what will come just beyond them. To wait in trust, while the Lord does what He intends to do … to hold our ground, and then submit to a strategy that is so strange (as allowing ourselves to be surrendered and carried by that which seems to cause harm to so many) … will take much faith. I think it’s time to ask for that faith. Being gathered and sealed in a safe place, ordained by the Lord, before the storms of judgment manifest, is very comforting thought. We are also shown in this dream that our focus must be kept on the Lord, and not on the storms and noise outside. Worship and praise, as well as study, will be important as the judgements do their work in the world. He will provide for us. We will encourage and support each other. Finally, there will be unity in the Body of invested believers. What does it mean to gather into the safe lodge of the Lord? I believe that is the strong tower of His name and character. It’s in our relationship with Him, experienced in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. We all can meet there, even when we are physically apart from each other. None of us knows right now what this will look like in the natural; even though many of us are sensing what it may be like in the spiritual. We have a great Father, who cares about our whole being. He will take care of us in spirit, soul, and body. Will the coming weeks and months be easy? Perhaps not! However, they will have Divine purpose and oversight. Satan will not have control, and he will not win in the final outcome. He will lose MUCH!
I recommend that each of us draws in very tightly into the Lord right now. Stay in prayer and in worship. Stay in the Spirit. At the same time stay in peace and in joy, by limiting the amount of news input you allow into your soul. There are massive disinformation campaigns being waged right now to cause doubt and confusion … and most certainly FEAR. So many people, who have been in communication with me this past week, have shared that their hearts are faltering … feeling as if all is lost and satan’s operatives have won. That is exactly what the Enemy hopes to instill in us. The first big question is: WHAT will the Lord do to turn all things around to accomplish His purposes on the earth? The second question is WHEN will He manifest this strike of His great hand against all this evil? Do we really have to know the answers to those questions in order to be in faith and at peace? Not really. We only need to know that HE IS SOVEREIGN … HE IS LORD … HE HAS HEARD OUR CRIES … HE IS A GOD OF TRUTH, JUSTICE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND LOVE. He HATES lies and theft. He HATES the slaughter of innocent babies in the womb, and the torture and murder of sex-traffic victims. He hates corruption and the alliances with satan that have been established by human beings. Right now, He has a great deal to be very angry about. The truth is: YHVH IS GOD AND WE ARE NOT. It’s time for us to do our job and to trust Him/allow Him to do His job. As He told me (the day after the Washington DC gathering that was so wickedly misrepresented by those, who are bent upon doing evil): “Would I cause My children to labor and then not bring forth birth?” We have labored hard for at least the last 4 years … but really, many of us for the last 13 years or longer. The Lord keeps speaking about a “transition”. Transition in labor is when the baby is about to be born. It’s the most painful and overwhelming part of labor. It’s the time when finally, the birthing mother can PUSH to facilitate the baby’s emergence. Beloved, it is time to push, but only as our labor Coach instructs us to push. We are all players on His playing field … participants in a great strategy being played out by His design. He has declared that this battle is not over yet, and that the outcome of this war has not yet been fully manifested upon the earth. Watch and pray. When HE SAYS it’s over, it will be over! At that time, He will usher us out into a greatly changed scenery, where the harvest will await us. HOLD! BELIEVE! TAKE COURAGE! PRAY! OUR GOD YHVH REIGNS! THIS IS HIS FIGHT! TRUST HIM!