Insight for Intercessors - July 9, 2021



July 9, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!

Blessings in the name of Yeshua,

The heaviness, which we are feeling right now in the spirit, reflects the level of warfare taking place in the spiritual realm over the fate of our nations. The battles are very intense. A certain weariness and discouragement are seeking to overtake the minds and hearts of those, who believe in the God of Israel. We, in the Remnant Body of Messiah, have read the Bible from Genesis to the back of the book. In John’s Revelation, we see words on the pages, that are now becoming more relevant and manifested every day. The books of the prophets … of Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, etc. are coming alive in our daily life experiences now, as never before. While some of the outworking of the biblical prophesies continue to be a bit of a mystery, our present day, unfolding realities seem to be shedding much more light on what the fulfillment of these biblical prophesies may entail in our lifetime. This a time to trust in the Lord as never before. It’s a time to cling to Him and to His word with an intense increase in faith. We are being called to stand courageously against an ever-increasing darkness, and against the threats that dark powers in leadership are leveling against the righteous.

Below are some continuing and unfolding events that indicate we could be reaching a critical point in global conflict. Following the list and the details, I will present a prayer for all of us to prayer against these things. Don’t give in to fear or discouragement as your read.

#1: The spin and the manufactured fear scenarios of the Covid “pandemic” continue to roll on against truth, wisdom, actual data, logic and facts. Israel, and various other nations, are being consumed in the “threats” of a new Delta (or Delta plus) variant, to the point that the experimental vaccines are being promoted and demanded now as never before. These vaxes are being reported as hugely effective defense against Covid infection and variants, when they are not. The evidence of death and disability from these injections is being totally hidden or ignored. Some people have been financially paid for their silence of the truth, while others have been killed for speaking out across the globe. At this point, the untested, experimental mRNA vaxes remain to be approved for emergency use. Any day, the FDA could APPROVE them fully; unleashing massive mandatory vaccination requirements from employers and governments across the globe. We must lock that down, and cry out to YHVH to NEVER allow that to happen. Meanwhile, next month, Pfizer will be applying with the FDA for emergency approval of a third dose of this injection formula or an upgrade of it. This third dose has already been prepared before the approval is given. Can you define the word CONSPIRACY? Already Israel and other nations are lining up to obtain this third dose, and preparing to administer it broadly to their already vaxes citizens.

Threat scenarios continually project massive numbers of assumed casualties from unfolding variants of the “virus”; driving this horrific agenda through fear and assumption. In actuality, the Delta “variant” resembles the symptoms of the common cold for most people. It’s contagious but not deadly, but you would never know that by the spin being projected. Death stats are largely ignoring the fact, that those, who are being hospitalized now, are most often the vaxed. They are hiding the facts that those suffering and being sickened are most likely in that condition BECAUSE of the vax impact of negative effects on their bodies. Covid is being blamed. Now, the “authorities” are saying that high natural antibody titers (which show strong natural, God-given immunity against Covid viruses) in non-vaxed individuals, are unacceptable as evidence of that individual’s health and safety. To enter into other nations, it will still be required to have either a vax certificate, or to present a positive PCR test, with a recovery date; indicating that the traveler actually had the illness and recovered. If that doesn’t reveal the true agenda of getting everyone vaxed, I don’t know what does. That is total insanity and mad science! Vaxing those, who have recovered from the illness, because their own antibodies are not sufficient, is as stupid as insisting the healthy, unvaxed, people with high natural antibody titers against Covid to be at risk of infecting the rest of society. To have natural, broad spectrum, antibodies, from a God-given, human immune response to a pathogen, is far superior to any artificially induced, narrow spectrum, antibodies acquired through a vax (especially when it is not really a vaccine). Are people blind, ignorant, or complicit when they accommodate these narratives and insane requirements? The creator of the PCR test has repeatedly declared that this instrument can pick up any fragments of any DNA, and therefore, should NEVER be used to diagnose, or to identify any kind of illness. The scientist, who actually developed the mRNA technology, has declared that it is DANGEROUS as a vaccine, applied to massive human populations. The test animals demonstrated lethality and disability in the lab from these vaccines. The long-term impact on human health and fertility is too unknown and untested. Why are the scientists with truth, knowledge, and wisdom being censored and ignored? Why are the true statistics of death and disability from these injections being suppressed and hidden? When will all this coordinated, pre-planned, agenda of wickedness END? When will the power of true science, and actual data, be allowed to prevail against the globalist narratives, and against the excuses of a potential deadly threat, which are being empowered to control populations, and to mandate dangerous injections into the people of the world? When will righteousness and truth prevail?

(NOTE: Projections of major global population declines in the West by the year 2024-2025, which was presented in a report created in 2018, seem to line up precisely, with a report from England this week. The report states that bids are being taken by the British government between June 10th and mid-July, for companies willing to set up temporary holding facilities for massive numbers of dead bodies, until disposal can be arranged. What??? Do they know something that we don’t? Bona fide scientists, researchers, and physicians … many of which are strong bible believers … have warned that the vax will kill multitudes, when the vaxed people are exposed to the native virus in the coming months … that a huge overkill, autoimmune, response will be primed by the injections, to kill many. Does people in high positions know about that? Is it all part of the global depopulation plan suggested by the Luciferian global elite years ago (via the World Economic Forum, the Bilderbergers, the Gates Institute, the Humanist Manifestos, the Georgia Guidestones, etc.)?? You can bet on it. Why would these organizations (including the WHO, the UN, the CDC, the NIH, etc.) be pushing so hard for vaccinations for an illness, which was lab-created as a bioweapon, which they designed, patented, and released? They are tightening the controls and the mandates with the intention of forcing all the “excess populations” to submit to these nasty injections. That’s why truth-tellers are being killed or censored, and why these campaigns to vaccinate roll on, and promote narratives which decry natural immunity in order to demand compliance. In the assessments of the elite, everyone must be considered UNHEALTHY, until they are deemed safe and healthy through the injection of this dangerous technology. It was all planned out in advance … but YHVH will soon arise to present HIS response to this wicked agenda. Bring us deliverance Lord! Give power to Truth and Wisdom! Protect the righteous!

#2: Perverse and wrongful leadership continues to set up oppressive rulings, and to manufacture propaganda against the righteous. Wokism is being dictated as lawful, just, and good, while seeking to entrap the Godly in its tentacles.

Those, who have taken over leadership in governments … whether acquired positions by outright, illegality and theft, or by hiding their true agenda, or by making deals of unholy compromise with the global powers in exchange for personal position and financial gain, are bringing havoc into the nations. The leaders of nations have joined together in their contrived arrogant agendas to deal with their populations according to what the cabal has decided to be the fate of the world. Lies are abounding. History is being rewritten in perverse ways, to confused, to guilt, and to destabilize the people. Education is being funneled into a divisive, humanistic, perverse format that promotes globalism while decrying historical, national foundations and identity. People groups are being set against each other through as such things like Critical Race Theory; pigeonholing and condemning entire populations. The family order and family authority is systematically being decried and shattered by indoctrination of the children, so that they mistrust the elders, doubt the truth they speak, delegitimize their faith, and question their integrity. Entitlement has become the “free pass” to claim prosperity and opportunity, while meaningful contributions through personal labor and service to others are being discouraged. All this is being orchestrated and coordinated on a global level, with the single goal of the Luciferian One World Order being established over the whole earth. The majority of the populations are sleep waking and tacitly agreeing to the global takeover of life, liberty, truth, and morality.

#3: Satan is trying to destroy Israel through globalistic leaders and through upbuilding the satanic Islamic agenda, which seeks to remove Israel and the Jews from the planet. Currently, the global cabal is setting the stage for a Middle East war. Iran is spreading its Islamic poison throughout the region, while financially supporting the increase of weapons and violent activity in Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq and Gaza. Hizbullah, an Iranian surrogate, is making huge strides in taking over power in Lebanon. Lebanon as a nation is crashing in a failed economy, in massive poverty, and with a lack of supplies of all kinds. Those, who can afford a move are now fleeing the country. Hizbullah is stepping up with Hizbullah ATM machines and banks backed by Iran. The group is supplying the needs of the people to gain influence, as as well as funding the Islamic schools. All of this generous active has multiple agendas. One agenda is to cover the fact that they are a terror organization. Another one is to cover the truth that they are opening the door for Iran to take control of the country. Hizbullah is moving deliberately and systematically to obtain influence and power in the nation; putting Iran basically in charge of the nation’s future; setting up a military base and a government from which Iran can attack Israel. The unrest in Syria and in Iraq … along with the attacks released by the O’Biden regime in Washington, which are being conducted against various actors in the Middle East, are adding fuel to the fire. Israel could be caught in the middle. A nasty game is being played with Jerusalem being the “winner takes all” prize for both the Moslems and the global cabal. If the USA rejoins the failed Iran Nuclear Agreement, that Obama established, it will undo all safe sanctions, and release billions more dollars into the Iran’s terror coffers for global distribution. Compromised, foolish and complicit leaders in Israel can do much to open the door to a loss of Israeli freedom and self-determination; bowing to the will of the global powers against national interests of the Israeli people. Israel must not be brought under UN control or under the mandates of the elite. We must be praying.

There is so much more that I could present to you, but time is of the essence. We must begin to pray before this Shabbat begins. The Lord is speaking hope to us in these days, but He is also asking for action on our part. We must speak the truth in love, and stand to resist the powers of evil. We must raise up strong intercession for Israel and for each of our nations. We must cry out for righteous leaders to arise in power, while the evil ones are taken down. This is not too difficult for the Lord. He is with us, and He is leading the charge to turn this wicked situations around, so that righteousness and truth can prosper. Rather than list itemized prayer points, I will share with you a word that I received yesterday from the Lord, as well as a prayer that I was given. Please meditate upon the word, and seek the Lord for its application in these above mentioned scenarios. Then slowly, intentionally, pray through the prayer that follows the vision. We have a Champion. He is on the move. However, the Enemy is coming in like a flood, so we must cry out to the Lord and raise a standard against the evil. Be blessed and prospered.

Shabbat shalom!


As I sought the Lord, I poured out my heart to Him in these words. He responded with the rhema.


It seems as if the righteous have been thrown into the midst of a den of lions, who intend to devour us. We obey you, and we lift up Your truth, and yet we end up being put into this place, where these wicked lions are confining and surrounding us with their evil demands and plans. Deliver us, Father. Send Your angels to shut the mouths of these lions, and to bring us out from this cave of oppression. Please arrange for the evil ones, those, who have called for our entrapment and death, to be put into the midst of Your lions for their own destruction … destruction, which they had planned for us.

Rhema in response to my prayer:

“The spider webs have been spun, and they have been hung in their key locations to prosper the most destruction. Even now those blood drinkers … those wicked spiders … hide; awaiting the entrapment of those, whom they would seek to devour. You are wise to stay out of the web. Move away and notice the fine threads the are barely visible, but which could cause you to get stuck in a dangerous position.

Fire burns spider webs. Call for My hand to bring down the fire upon these snares, webs, lies, and traps. Call for the spiders to be inextricably stuck in their own webs before the fire falls. The time of reckoning is drawing near. This operation will not go down easily, for the Enemy has plotted so precisely; assuring that his fail-safes will succeed in granting him victory. However, My fire will destroy his backups and his fail- safes. Call forth the fire and watch what appears in the coming days.”

After receiving this word, I looked up the term FAIL-SAFE in the dictionary.

Fail-safe definition: incorporating some feature for automatically counteracting the effect of an anticipated possible source of failure. Steps set up that are capable of compensating automatically and safely against the threat of a failure of a mechanism or of a power source.

Plans and safeguards set up in advance of an operation to provide a guarantee against failure … making strategies and plans unlikely to fail … making them foolproof

Let us join in this prayer:

All power, dominion, authority and honor are Yours, Almighty Father, YHVH! We have no other God … no other Source … no other authority over us. We serve and acknowledge ONLY YOU, as our ultimate and complete Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. By Your grace, we stand in this corrupt and darkening world, and continue to bring the light of Your truth. Thank you for listening to our hearts and for hearing our appeals to heaven.

Father, the powers of darkness have made a bold claim that we have no right of refusal against their rebellious decrees, laws, and mandates. We stand before you today, and declare upon the earth, and into the heavens: YOU HAVE GIVEN US FREE WILL; THEREFORE, WE WILL CONTINUE TO APPLY OUR FREE WILL FOR THE BENEFIT OF YOUR KINGDOM AND FOR YOUR GLORY.

We utterly renounce and reject the social justice standards, and the humanistic value system of false righteousness, that the wicked lift up as their requirements for all humankind to obey.

Those, who assert their rebellious rules and definitions, increasingly suggest that through obedience to their demands, we will be ALLOWED to live, and to experience an element of freedom. We stand now and declare that our lives are held in YOUR hands … not in theirs! Our freedom arises from our relationship with You, and from living within the power of Your authority

YOU, mighty YHVH, determine the length of our days … both the beginning and the ending of our earthly journey. We declare that the forces of evil have NO AUTHORITY, NO ABILITY, AND NO RIGHT to take our lives out of YOUR hands. It is upon Your Divine hands that our names are engraved. Furthermore, we will not remove ourselves from Your hands, in order to entrust our continuing existence to these global Luciferians, who call themselves the worthy elite, nor will we entrust our lives to their servants. Give us the strength and courage needed to be unmoved by their threats and evil demands. Cause us to arise as Your overcomers against this wickedness.

We declare that YOUR WORD, mighty YHVH, is YES AND AMEN … not the word of these evil luciferian masters, nor of their deceived pawns. Your Word is the Rock upon which we stand, and the place from which we choose to live, and to take our stance for righteousness.

Those, who have wrongfully seized power over human lives and nations, have decreed that we must submit to their injections of death, perpetual monitoring, and ultimate control. We declare a resounding “NO”! We have the Divinely granted right/obligation to refuse their mandates in order to obey Yours. Father, please make a way for us to maintain our stance, as well as to encourage others to likewise stand up in resistance against this evil. Father, send forth Your decree, and dispatch Your holy angels, to back us up in our righteous stance on behalf of Your Holy Name.

Father, give us Divine cover and miraculous success in our battles. Give our voices credibility, and the power of influence, over and above theirs. Please add YOUR VOICE to our resounding declaration of “NO, WE WILL NOT COMPLY!”, and make it deafeningly LOUD. Demonstrate the power of Your word and opinions, so that Your position on these matters is unmistakable. Strip this evil cabal of its voice, its finances, and its power. Strike down those, who will not fear You, but who openly choose to defy You in their continuing allegiance to satan, as they rob, kill, and destroy human lives. Bring down Your fire to consume their wicked web. Cause the spiders to become entrapped in their own evil plans, so that all will be consume in Your fire with a single blast from Your nostrils. Save those, who are still redeemable. Remove from the planet those, who are beyond redemption, solely according to Your assessment.

Father, we know that Your words of prophesy, recorded in the Bible, are sure and true … YES AND AMEN. They will be fulfilled. We presently see the technologies and the strategies, which would seem to be fulfilling the prophesies, that will, one day, enable the anti-Christ system to control what we can buy, sell, and do. Even now, they threaten us with constant monitoring and with confinement/imprisonment, if we continue to resist their agendas, standards, methods, demands, and rulings. Defend us, Father! If this is NOT the time for this global domination of evil to appear briefly before Yeshua’s return … if this advance of evil is seeking to take control of the globe in advance of Your great harvest of souls … please bring these satanic, totalitarian, advancements to an abrupt halt. Overturn them swiftly and completely! Give us the revival, and receive Your harvest, before this crushing blow against the righteous manifests as is biblically prophesied. Provide a way of escape for the righteous, but also enable us to bring many out of the darkness into Your light with us.

Finally, Father … we, who love You with a whole heart, and who stand in that love to obey your wise laws … laws which prosper the human family against the certain destruction that comes from rebellion against You … we are grieved with the perversions that we see arising to rule over us in this hour. Among the most grievous is the perversion of LOVE, demonstrated in both their humanistic definitions, and in the demonic manifestations being mandated in our world. Rebellious, homosexual lifestyles, and twisted values lead to destruction. Your word tells us that Your definitions and manifestations of love bring life. The LGBTQ agenda, that has seized ascendant power in our human cultures, is leading our societies to death and to separation from You; putting our world in the position where You must bring forth harsh judgments. The slaughter of innocent children in the womb as an act of self-love, of convenience, or deemed a right, is horrific to the highest level. Our nations come under a curse for these great sins and for many others.

The rebellious authorities have announced that they are now, intentionally, coming for our children … to indoctrinate and to convert them to their false standards of love, and to their social mandates; dictating norms that contradict Your holy law. The rebellious intentionally seduce our little ones into rebellion against Your assigned authority and sovereignty; decrying You and rejecting Your laws to fulfill their laws of the flesh. They threaten to remove our little ones from our biblical influence and foundations altogether. They are promising to punish all those, who maintain Your standards, and who speak of them to others. Intervene, on our behalf, mighty YHVH! Intervene, and send a warning to those, who might yet be turned away from living/acting according to satan’s agendas. You blinded the citizens of Sodom; causing them to stumble in the darkness of their wicked sexual perversions, as a warning, before destruction came upon them. Cause the people walking in darkness to stumble in their darkness and be terrified by the experience of it, so that they may cry out to You and repent.

Please, wherever possible, quickly open the eyes of the deceived, in this day, to see/recognize Your warnings. Allow them to catch a glimpse of what awaits them in eternity, if they do not turn away from their sin and from all rebellion against Your authority and law. Convict the lukewarm/accommodating Christians, and the tolerant Jews, who have wrongly embraced the standards of fleshly entitlement, and soulish, perverse, “love” in any form, which are an affront to You, and which are violations of Your holy law. Shake them awake, and allow them to see the demons, who possess and oppress them; those beings, who are leading Your children into the pit of destruction. Cause them to clearly see the level, and the sources of evil, which are directing their narratives. Cause these compromised spiritual leaders to understand that they are blessing, teaching, and promoting accommodations of rebellion set against You. The price will be high. Warn them that the fire is coming.

Cause us, Your righteous Remnant, to become radical lovers of You, and of Your human creation … ones living as obedient servants, who love Your truth to the point of laying down our lives, so that others might come to know true Love. Conform us into Your character, so that we will better reflect Your glory. Embed Your law within our hearts as treasure, which we will never surrender for any reason. Make us one in You, and one voice of unity for Your Kingdom.

Now, Father, come down upon our world in heavy footfalls, and in obvious manifestations of Your power. Vindicate Your servants, and quickly course-correct our nations, before we reach the point of no return. Set Your children free from these heavy yokes of false authority that are seeking to rule over us. Shatter and burn these unholy yokes. Deal, according to Your most holy wisdom, with those, who set these unholy yokes upon the shoulders of our nations. And Father, give us righteous leaders … wise and God-fearing servants, who will reject these evil agendas … who will successfully drive back this advance of evil, which seeks to swallow our nations, and to rob them of both soul and of Your divine blessings. We look to you Holy One. We trust in Your love and in Your power. Hear us, and send help from Your holy mountain.

B’shem Yeshua, Ha Mashiach AMEN