Insight for Intercessors - July 12, 2021


RESOURCES and Websites for more information


July 12, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!


Wow!! Do we ever NEED shalom right now!! The Enemy is coming in like a flood, but the Lord is raising up His standard against him. It’s time to lock and load in the Spirit, and be ready to take a stand.

It was shocking to hear that an Australian news broadcaster had announced that his country is now operating under the New World Order. Severe lockdowns continue there, and in portions of the UK and other nations. Mandated vaccinations are being organized, while some organized opposition is arising to reject that demand. All the while, the testimonies of credible, first-hand authorities in science, medicine and patent law are pouring forth massive amounts of evidence that this whole contrived Covid crisis was planned for years, and enacted to bring the whole world to its knees economically, and to come under the control of the global Luciferian elite. The Global Reset, that was announced in 2020 to take place in 2021, by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, is what we are now seeing; manifesting in rigid controls, financial losses, food shortages, drought, lawlessness, propaganda, division, racial strife etc. All these facets are part of their plan to create chaos, out of which they can depopulate the planet, and restructure it into their Marxist, Luciferian, anti-Christ, totalitarian rule.

Blessedly, the people of the world are waking up, even though there may not be any visible changes being seen in governmental operations yet, which would reflect the progress being made against the global agenda. Likely, much of that stalled success of the resistance is due to the complicit, bought-out, black-mailed, corrupt leaders … in not only world governments, but also in agencies, organizations, media, education, religion, law, police, and in all aspects of social life of the human creation. The overturning of so many evil strategies and operations have been slow, also due to the fear factor. Those, who often witnessed and heard the dark things that were being done, have been too fearful of losing their livelihoods, or their lives, if they spoke out. Too many truth-tellers/whistle-blowers have, in fact, been “suicided” (i.e. died mysteriously … making it look like suicide, while really being killed by the elite’s operatives). Believers have often been fearful of sharing the reports that bear the evidence of what it really going on, for fear that they will be marked, tracked, and targeted; putting their own family put at risk, as well. It’s time to gird up our loins (using that biblical term), and to get moving to push back these enemies. Gird up our loins literally means to wrap up the loose ends of our emotions, focus, and mental functions. That means to bring these aspects of our human flesh into submission to the way, will, and word of the Lord; making these Kingdom aspects our motivation, and the power, out of which we make war … or take a stand against the enemy’s advance. If we don’t gird up our loins … if we keep our emotions, assumptions, and mental conclusions flapping around us in the swirling winds of life, as we try to go into battle, we will trip on those things, or be taken down wherever the Enemy finds an unsecured place to grab hold of us; stopping our advance. We must first lock, load, and advance spiritually, and then lock, load and advance in the natural. We must be clear. True believers, in this season of the earth, don’t just cry out to the Lord and then sit on the sidelines, when spiritual war has been declared in the heavens. They don’t say, “Well, these things have been prophesied in the Bible, so we can’t have any impact on stopping them.” Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:13, that when we have put on the armor, and done everything we can, we are to STAND. Yeshua said in Matthew 11:12, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of heaven has been subject to violence, and the violent lay claim to it.

The Greek word that He uses in the statement “the VIOLENT lay claim to it” is this:

973 biastḗs – positive assertiveness; used/applied by the believer living in faith ("God's in-worked persuasions") guiding and empowering them to act forcefully – i.e. being "fired up" by God to act by His revelation.

The people of YHVH don’t sit on their hands, or stand back, when the battle for souls, and when the battle for what will be valued as truth on the planet, is raging. We are to actively bring forth the Kingdom, as YHVH leads us in the fight. We have to listen to the Lord’s call before making a move in the physical realm, even as we must do in any spiritual advance. Our prayers, decrees, repentance, declarations etc. are powerful in the spiritual realm for bringing changes that will be seen in the natural realm. Our fight in the physical/natural plane may take place through petitions, speaking out, challenging the lies, and spreading the truth against the swift current of disinformation and threats, which are being sent into our world. All of these things MUST be Spirit led and confirmed.

True followers of YHVH are not inert or uninvolved in the battle between Kingdoms. They do not obediently follow what their leaders tell them to do, without seeking the Lord. It’s vitally important to seek YHVH’s counsel with an open heart, and without preconceived notions about what His answer will be to our inquiry. I have spoken to several strong believers, who reported that the Lord blessed them to take the vax; saying that it was OK. Deeper inquiry as to why they felt it was necessary to take it, often reveals that they needed it in order to travel, or they wanted to see their family, or they felt that it was the wisest and safest way to go to protect others. Those background messages of the soul, running in the mind, will, and emotions, can make it difficult to hear clearly from the Lord. They often speak over the Holy Spirit’s voice, enabling the believers to hear what they had hoped to hear. It’s very difficult to hear accurately, when our hearts are already indicating the course that we really want to go. It’s important that the followers of YHVH not be side-lined in apathy, fear, or confusion. When those things start to creep into our thinking and emotions, we must run to the Lord and seek His help and counsel. If we go to the media, or to our own comfortable hiding places, and excuses derived from playing with the interpretations of scriptural texts, we WILL be sidelined, and disqualified to be part of bringing the miracles, signs, and wonders of the final Great Awakening of revival.

Summarizing: It’s time for the people of YHVH to take a stand. However, it might be necessary to change course, and to reposition our feet before taking that stand, so that we are in agreement with the Holy Spirit, and united as a Body. Some believers are now experiencing “voter regret” and “jab regret” for having unadvisedly joined with agendas, and initiatives, before discerning in the Spirit; thus participating in things, or taking actions, that were not approved by the Lord, but which deceitfully came out of the dark kingdom. If you are in that place, or if you know of anyone who is, just seek the Lord. He is merciful and can heal/restore as easily as He can forgive, when a humble plea and confession is raised. Pride is often the cause for continuing to stand in unsafe positions against wisdom, and against the call of the Spirit. As I recently heard: If you’ve submitted to something that could harm you, simply submit yourself to the mercy of the Under-Taker (Yeshua), so that you can avoid going prematurely to the undertaker (as in funeral director).

Taking a stand may not be easy. Many truth tellers have found themselves being attacked verbally, and being rejected by family members (and by other believers), who often suggest that they are “conspiracy theory” nut cases. So … when has truth everbeen given an open road, and an easy path, when standing forth against the lies of the Enemy? Some believers have said, “The Lord alone will take care of this. We don’t need to do anything.” “We can’t know the truth, so must trust the government agencies, medical community, pharmaceuticals and lawmakers.” Seriously!?? Yeshua told us that after He left the planet (following His victory over the grave), He would send the Holy Spirit … and that the SPIRIT WOULD LEAD US IN THE WAY OF ALLTRUTH. So, it IS possible to know the truth from HIM. If we ignore what He says, and if we refuse to consult Him about our course, or about the credibility of information sources, we can end up in a very dangerous place. Some believers have supported their accommodations of the government requests and mandates, upon the text in the bible that tells us to obey our government authorities. That is a correct action, so long as the course and demands of those leaders do not counter what YHVH says in His word and Spirit. If, those leaders don’t serve the plans and purposes of satan … if they are in opposition of the Lord (His way, will, and word), they are to be rejected and resisted. There is often such a clear lack of understanding among believers … sometimes arising from wrong teaching from leaders (false teachings infiltrating from humanism, or liberation theology, or replacement theology for example), who, themselves, have not been in consultation with the Holy Spirit … or who, perhaps, are involved with Freemasonry, or other deluding/compromising, fellowships of false power, that have led them blindly astray, or into deliberate collusion. You must discern those, who you allow to have authority and influence over your life, beliefs, and choices. Follow those, appointed by the Lord, not by human beings.

The good news is that the Lord is the Highest authority of power, and is fully in control. He has chosen to make us warriors and defenders of His Kingdom in a dark world. He has chosen us to give our lives, our hands, and our voices in His service on behalf of His truth. Our victory is assured in Him. The comfort of our lives in the thick of the battle is not assured; nor should it be expected. The blessings are abundant in the midst of battle; but they could be quite unusual and often unexpected. As warriors, our first focus must be on the Lord, and not on the enemy. At the same time, scripture tells us to be aware of satan’s advances, strategies and operations. We battle with our eyes open; knowing who our enemy is, and discerning his strategic moves through the Spirit. We battle and stand upon our confidence in the Lord’s promise and ability to lead of us in His truth. We need to be well informed, operating in unity, and radically obedient, regardless of the price that might be paid in the natural, because of our obedience.

I have assembled a list of websites that can give you information on various topics to keep you informed; but also, to cause you to seek the Lord for His perspective on various matters. It is up to each of you to discern which sites to explore, as well as what to do with the information you gather. Do both of those things (study and act) under the advisement of the Holy Spirit.

Before you look at the list, here is something taking place this weekend that I would like for you to be aware of. Here is the text message that I received to inform me of this initiative of resistance.


Sunday, July 18th 3pm BST (10 AM, USA eastern time)

(Please check for your countries time zone)

**Turn off all our devices for 1 hour!! (computers, cell phones, ipads, fitbits, … unplug your modem … unplug and turn off anything digital that provides the global powers with information about you … your location, choices, activities, shopping, web surfing, television viewing etc.). The point is to: Stop all the activity, through which we are being controlled or monitored through our Data and digital devices!!!

This is so simple … something we ALL can do as a form of Resistance.

Imagine the impact and the energy this simultaneous Strike will create if it’s done worldwide, by a massive number of people. It WILL get attention! The elites tell us that they can shut us all down at will. We need to tell them that we see what they are doing, and we can shut down their sources of digital control and monitoring of us.

We can make it happen!! A Global Blackout. This IS a Plan and a very strong part of a Solution.

All Groups and individuals are called upon to get this message out and to Engage and Participate.

**Synchronize our energies and intention.

Remember WE ARE ALL in this together.

Now in 2021, It's us fighting for our countries, our Children and Future Generations.

Join us on this day 18th July, and Take our lives back.

This is "Not" a Rally nor a Political Protest.

It is a Strike, a Rebellion, a Resistance.

It is a Duty, It is a Peaceful Stand of Silence.

No Placards, No Signs Just your presence is needed.

Pray about participating and enlist others to join in. It is only an hour. Set your alarm clocks to remind you of the hour. Let’s make it black out all around the world for that one hour.

Initiative #2:

Monday, July 19th, 3:00 PM, BST (10 AM eastern time) … gather in non-violent protests to make your voice heard and your presence seen. This is occurring in Britain, but could happen in every nation, if the people unite and let their voices be heard, saying “We do not approve of your New World Order/Global Reset control and lawbreaking methods to remove our voice and freedoms. You cannot have our children! ENOUGH!” Again, this is to be peaceful … a gathering at your government body of authority … parliament, capital, Senate, House of Representatives whether state of national. Here is the site for the details. Take note not to be offended by the F word spoken by the organize of this initiative, as he speaks in great, urgent, passion.

POWERFUL! The heart of William Wallace (Brave Heart) calling out from Scotland in our present day. Forgive the F bombs in the presentation, and HEAR the call arising for taking a stand.

As always, pray into each of the concerns raised in these websites, as the Holy Spirit stirs you. Join in prayers of agreement with others. Pray particularly about the violent protests and looting taking place right now in South Africa. Be blessed! Be safe! STAND FOR THE KINGDOM!

Much love,


WEBSITES FOR YOU TO VIEW AS YOU WISH: (note, I have used red letters to highlight a few important ones for you, if your time is limited) Share these site with others!!!

Explosive Covid info

An amazing cure for Covid!

EXCELLENT! Reiner Fuellmich outlines his class-action lawsuit for crimes against humanity

Tim Sheets … THE BLITZ

A treasure trove of truthful, annotated information

True stats on vax related miscarriages of pregnancy

Elvis was Jewish?

Biden regime will be having canvassers going door to door to pressure people to get vaxed … and to record, who has not been vaxed, and who is unlikely to comply.

VERY ENCOURAGING! LET FREEDOM RING … Kent Christmas prophesy from July 4th

Danger for the USA

Contents of the vax exposed

People, who had, and recovered from COVID, have become sick after getting the vax.

School Board members are being recalled for supporting Critical Race Theory

Casualties of vax jabs, speak out

BE AWARE! OAN … report AMERICA: The Age of Woke

Robyn Bullock speaks of Baal

So why does the UK government need contracted dead body storage facilities for the next 4 years?

Proof of the agenda to cull the world’s populations

The new currency of the red dragon

HEADS UP! The gay chorus announces that they are coming to convert your kids to LGBTQ lovers

Did the Lord provide a specific gene to protect some people from Covid?

The science of the mRNA technology as reported by the creator of the technology … and for which he warns people NOT to take the vax

Truth about the CCP agenda from a Chinese insider

IMPORTANT INFO: Federal law prohibits forced vaxes, masks and PCR testing:

Graphene oxide in vaxes

Fall the Cabal … EXCELLENT!!

Chinese insider tells us that the CCP will try to release a more deadly virus at the end of the summer. (Let’s shut it down in prayer! It’s time to capture these CCP elite cabal members!)

Evidence from 2011 … Chinese documents declare that accidental mistakes in biolabs creating man-made pathogens, could infect the whole world.

Does China target specific people groups by releasing specific virus pathogens to take them down?

ENCOURAGING: Chris Reed (begin at the 35 min point for the message)

Based on a lie

VERY INTERESTING! 1930’s cartoon reveals the global plan for the future.

Israel’s first Artificial Intelligence fought war

We are under satanic attack

Biden orders canvasing neighborhoods for the unvaxed

**Watch this THE SILVER BULLET OF EVIDENCE; proving that the Covid crisis is a manufactured plot that has been formulated over a period of years … with an ulterior motive against humanity.

Australia TV announces that the nation is now under The New World Order

WOKE ideology sets up totalitarian destruction:

More evidence of the shot’s repercussions

The SONG OF RUTH … beautiful musical presentation by Marty Goetz and Misha Goetz

Lawlessness and violence break out in South Africa … very volatile and dangerous situation.

UK nurse speaks out on UNNS regarding vax and current conditions

EXCELLENT! "Proof that puts an end to the Sars-CoV-2 Narrative" - Professor Sucharit Bhakdi

Rand Paul exposes CDC fraud

YOU MAY NEED THIS: Legal tools to fight vax mandates