Rock Island, IL Prayer Strike


Denise and Connie did a prayer strike locally in Rock Island, IL 

We targeted city and county municipal locations 

Democratic HQ 

Republican HQ 

We have a congress seat available as Cheri Bustos is not running for re-election and  wanted to hit both DEMS and REPUBLICANS for 2022 Election. Governor seat is up for  election as well. For the anointed ones God has appointed to get voted into these open  seats. 

7/1/2021 Denise & I also went to Springfield to be part of the Jericho Walk around the  Governor’s Mansion to oppose the Sex Education and CRT programs they are trying to  instill on our small children. The Mansion was part of our strike on 6/13/2021 and we felt  the Lord leading us to join this prayer walk to complete this target. 

City Hall – prayed for our Mayor, Mike Thoms and our city council (alderman) for Rock  Island, IL - We have the Water Department they may be selling to a private owner so  prayed for wisdom & knowledge for the best interest of the city and taxpayers. 

Courthouse – prayed for those in jail, sheriff and employees, judges  

County Building – strong ties to DEMS and prayed for the ties to be broken, forgiveness  for corruption, broke off a poverish spirit, leaders to make good decisions in regards to  taxpayers $ and for God to bring to the decision makers innovative ways to bring in  revenue, for our county/city to be fruitful and prosperous! 

Rock Island Public Schools Administration – prayed for against the CRT ideology, planted  2 hatchets over this land and grape juice (praying the blood of Jesus) over this  administration in their decision making for all the children. Prayed the CRT guidelines  you had posted on the website. 

Augustana College – Denise, her son Joseph and my son Erik are all alumni. This local  college roots were based and started as a seminary. Prayed for all of the CRT, liberal  ideologies, transgender to go and for GOD to rule and reign at this school, prayed over the  dorms, the clinic located there, the Admin building where students register. We prayed  for revival to come onto this campus. We ended at the Augustana President’s residence  as a new President is taking over in 2021 (Fall). Prayed for the future of this position to be  filled with a Godly man/woman.