The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022
Last night was the CHPP National Prayer call. 
Guest speakers: Bill Cook, Black Robe Regiment, Dr. Jana Schmidt, naturopathic doctor. 

 Topic: A Report on the “Defeat the Mandates” March that took place in Washington DC on Jan 23, 2022. And Special Prayer for the Ottawa Truckers Freedom Convoy! Let my people go!

Read the notes (with links to news updates on the Convoy) by CLICKING HERE
Listen to the Audio of the prayer call by CLICKING HERE

Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

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The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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“Judgment is turned away backward, and justice stands afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." (Isaiah 59:14)

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
Someone Opened the Doors From Inside,
January 6th Defense Attorney Says 

Kelly Meggs and other members of the Oath Keepers could not have done one of the major things of which they are accused by federal prosecutors: force their way into the U.S. Capitol Rotunda on Jan. 6, 2021, through the famous Columbus Doors, a defense attorney says.

The two sets of historic doors that lead into the Rotunda were opened by someone on the inside, and not his client, says defense attorney Jonathon Moseley.

Department of Justice video widely circulated on Twitter this week shows a man trying to open the inner doors by leaning against them, before turning around as if listening to someone, then returning to the entrance and opening the left door for protesters.

“The outer doors cast from solid bronze would require a bazooka, an artillery shell or C4 military-grade explosives to breach,” Moseley wrote in a letter to federal prosecutors. “That of course did not happen. You would sooner break into a bank vault than to break the bronze outer Columbus Doors.”

The 20,000-pound Columbus Doors that lead into the Rotunda on the east side of the U.S. Capitol are secured by magnetic locks that can only be opened from the inside using a security code controlled by Capitol Police, Moseley wrote in an eight-page memo.

‘Impossible and Cannot Be Done’

“Imagine how the prosecution will prove at trial what cannot be proven because it is not true,” Moseley wrote to prosecutors Jeffrey S. Nestler and Kathryn Leigh Rakoczy of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. Read more

- Lord, the lies of the government in their prosecution of everyone associated with the January 6th event are so egregious that we can’t comprehend it. We ask for the move of Your Spirit that will bring truth to the hearts of everyone. For those who refuse Your Spirit, we ask for removal from their positions of authority.

- “And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules.” (Ezekiel 36:27) 

1.  'Area C falling into Palestinian hands while govt does nothing' - Israel National News

On Sunday morning, Knesset members belonging to the Religious Zionism party toured western Samaria, focusing on areas in Area C (designated to remain in Israeli hands in the event of a partition) that are de facto being taken over by Palestinian Arabs. Accompanying them was Samaria Regional Council Head Yossi Dagan, who told the MKs about the efforts being made to counter Arab encroachments. Several community council heads also joined the tour, from the towns of Alei Zahav, Bruchin, Leshem, Barkan, and Kiryat Netafim, as did representatives from community land planning councils.

At the start of the tour, Dagan noted that Arab encroachment includes the paving of new roads, erection of buildings – illegally constructed – and other actions.

The Knesset members then visited State-owned lands near the industrial zone in Alei Zahav which Arabs have infiltrated, and were told about other infiltrations into the area around Bruchin. Local residents are waging a strenuous campaign against such takeover attempts. (Read more)  

2. Israeli airstrikes said to hit Hezbollah targets near Damascus - Times of Israel

 Israeli jets carried out airstrikes against targets near the Syrian capital of Damascus early Monday morning, Syrian state TV reported.

The pro-opposition group, the Syrian Observatory For Human Rights, said the targets of the attack were Hezbollah positions, outposts and weapon depots, northeast of Damascus.

The alleged strikes were the first since Russia announced last week it was carrying out joint military jet patrols with the Syrian air force of the airspace along Syria’s borders, including in the Golan Heights area. (Read more) 

3. Israeli Justice Minister Taps Gala Baharav-Miara as Country’s First Female Attorney-General - Algemeiner – Israeli Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar on Monday tapped former Tel Aviv District Attorney for Civil Affairs Gali Baharav-Miara as Israel’s next attorney general.

Baharav-Miara would replace Avichai Mandelbit, whose term ends today, Jan. 31.

The appointment is pending Cabinet approval, which is expected next week.

If it is confirmed, she will become the first woman to serve in the role. (Read more) 

4. EU commits 657 m. euro to first step in connecting Israel to European power grid - Jerusalem Post

The European Union committed 657 million euro ($732 million) on Wednesday to connect the electricity networks of Cyprus and Greece as the first step in forming the EuroAsia interconnector, which will eventually link the power grids of Israel, Cyprus, Greece and Europe.

The 898 km undersea line will end the energy isolation of Cyprus and allow the transmission of electricity in both directions. The line will reach a maximum sea depth of 3,000 meters, setting new world records for a project of this kind.

Cyprus is the last EU member remaining fully isolated without any electricity or gas interconnections. (Read more)  

5. Florida Nazis Out in Force in Orlando with Flags, Swastikas & Salutes - Jewish Press

A bunch of Neo-Nazis on Saturday and Sunday chanted antisemitic slogans, waved Nazi flags, and jumped on a driver who confronted them near the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida.

That’s all you need to know in terms of background. The rest are tweets that say everything. Of course, by definition, tweets are great examples of personal journalism, but because they are so random and erupt at the reader without context and other editorial constraints, they also tend to abandon perspective and proportion. So the reader knows very well what happened, when, and where, but remains fuzzy on the why.

But in this case, our first Twitter user already cited the immortal Elwood J. Blues, played by Dan Aykroyd, the surviving half of the Blues Brothers. (Read more) 

The Daily Brief
1. Ukrainian President Zelensky Told Biden Don't "Panic" | Video | RealClearPolitics

“In Time Ukraine" broadcast this English translation of President Volodymyr Zelensky's Friday press conference, where he clarified confusion about what exactly happened during an important phone call last night with U.S. President Joe Biden.

A question to Zelensky was about the dissonance between his message that things are "under control" and leaks coming out of the White House and CNN that seems to suggest a Russian invasion is imminent.

He said he does not expect a war and sees no major escalation from what Russia has been doing for years. He said there are no "tanks on the streets" and President Biden should get information from him instead of the media.

"This is not our first phone call with President Biden. I would like to thank him, he is not just interested in Ukrainian developments, but he knows lots of details in terms of what is going on in Ukraine," he said, which is a totally normal thing to clarify about a president who has visited Ukraine more than a dozen times.

"We are grateful to the United States for their ongoing support to our sovereignty and territorial integrity. But I am the president of Ukraine. I am based here. And I think I know the details better than any other president."

- Lord, we do not know whether a war will occur over the Ukraine, but we do recognize that the constant war rhetoric coming from the White House is panicking many. We bind fear and worry, and command it to stop in Jesus’ Mighty Name.

- “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.” (Proverbs 29:25)


2. Chinese ambassador warns of ‘military conflict’ with US over Taiwan | Fox News

The Chinese ambassador to the United States this week gave another hawkish warning about growing tensions over Taiwan -- predicting a "military conflict" if Taiwan kept moving toward independence.
"If the Taiwanese authorities, emboldened by the United States, keep going down the road for independence, it most likely will involve China and the United States, the two big countries, in a military conflict." Qin Gang said in an interview with NPR.
As the U.S. focuses its attention on the growing crisis in Ukraine, where more than 100,000 Russian troops have gathered at the border, China has been increasingly aggressive toward the independent territory that it believes should belong to Beijing.

- Lord, we bind tightly the demonic powers in China and ask that You not allow their plans to move forward. We plead the Blood of Jesus over the people of Taiwan and ask for a move of Your Spirit and a hedge of protection around them.

- “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”  (Acts 1: 8)   

3. Chinese Top Scientist working with Hypersonic Missiles Defects To The US | SOFREP

A top Chinese rocket scientist has defected to the United States with the help of the United Kingdom’s intelligence agency MI6, carrying with him vital pieces of information regarding China’s hypersonic, nuclear-capable missile program.
This defection is key for the United States and its allies in defending and developing its own arsenal of hypersonic weapons, where the military has been struggling to keep up with. The defector in question is affiliated with the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), a state-owned aerospace and defense company in charge of developing the Chinese Armed Forces’ weaponry. The AVIC was alleged to have obtained classified information from the Joint Strike Fighter program in 2009, information that they have allegedly used to make the Chengdu J-20 and Shenyang Fc-31.
In October 2021, it was reported that hypersonic missiles were now live and actively being tested in Beijing. These missiles are known to have nuclear capabilities, circling the Earth at low orbit, then speeding up toward their designated target. The US had underestimated the Chinese’s development for this technology and swore that it would keep up with the Chinese’s pace.

- Lord, we thank You for this situation, and ask that You protect this defector from any attacks by his former government. We also pray that our military will  find cooperation with him.

- “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” (Isaiah 54:17)

4. U.S. Navy In Race Against Time To Beat China To Recover Downed F-35C Jet | The Daily Wire

The U.S. Navy is currently in a race against the clock in the South China Sea to recover a $100 million F35-C jet — before the Chinese military gets there first.
“The $100m F35-C plane came down in the South China Sea after what the Navy describes as a ‘mishap’ during take-off from the USS Carl Vinson,” the BBC reported. “The jet is the Navy’s newest, and crammed with classified equipment — and, as it is in international waters, is technically fair game.”
Although the location of the crash has not been revealed, the Chinese Communist Party claims almost all of the South China Sea’s 1.3 million square mile area as its territory.
The Chinese military will want to reach the fighter jet first in order to harvest “all the secrets behind this very expensive, leading-edge fighting force.”
“It’s vitally important the US gets this back,” Abi Austen, a defense consultant, said. “The F-35 is basically like a flying computer. It’s designed to link up other assets — what the Air Force calls ‘linking sensors to shooters’.”

- Lord, we ask that You help the Navy recover this jet quickly, and protect those who are doing the work.

- “You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance.” (Psalm 32:7)

5. ‘Mounting By The Day’: ISIS Rapidly Regaining Territory In Areas Where Trump Wiped Them Out, Report Says | The Daily Wire
ISIS terrorists are reportedly rapidly regaining territory in Iraq and Syria, their so-called “caliphate,” after former President Donald Trump effectively wiped them out in those areas.
“The evidence of a resurgence of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq is mounting by the day, nearly three years after the militants lost the last patch of territory of their so-called caliphate, which once stretched across vast parts of the two countries,” The New York Times reported. “The fact that ISIS was able to mount these coordinated and sophisticated attacks in recent days shows that what had been believed to be disparate sleeper cells are re-emerging as a more serious threat.”
- Lord, we ask that you move on  behalf of all of those who are being attacked and overwhelmed by this terror group. We ask for a move of Your Spirit to counteract their evil!

- “The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence.” (Psalm 11:5)

6.  ‘Government Overreach Is Coming to an End’: Massive Truck Convoy Heading to Washington After Ottawa (

American truckers protesting against vaccine mandates and government overreach have been joining a record-breaking Canadian convoy of tens of thousands of vehicles headed to Ottawa.
Brian Von D, the administrator at “Convoy to DC 2022” announced that they will “join forces” to ride from California to Washington, adding that “America is next.”
“As [the Canadian convoy] moved from the west to the east, [the American truckers] have been filtering into this convoy, and it is absolutely massive. It is known worldwide, it is the largest thus far,” he said in a live video on Facebook.
Tens of thousands of vehicles were reported to have departed from all parts of Canada.
A large number from the United States have been joining along the way.
Brian clarified that some numbers “running around” on social media about the trucks joining the convoy are not correct.
“A post says 100,000 to 5,000. Those aren’t correct. Somebody made those numbers up. There’s no way for us to put a number on exactly how many United States trucks have gone over there.”
Speaking about the upcoming U.S. convoy, he said “it will start in California and it will end in DC and we’re gonna stay there, just like Canada is doing,” Brian said. “You’re gonna have your main artery … everybody will join in as they go down the interstate to DC.”

- Lord, we pray for Your protection over this plan. We declare peace over all who participate, and ask that You not allow a twisting of their words or thoughts by those who have the agenda to destroy them.

- “It is an honor for a man to keep aloof from strife, but every fool will be quarreling.”  (Proverbs 20:3)

7.  White House Confirms Judge Michelle Childs Is Under Consideration For Supreme Court | The Daily Caller

The White House confirmed that South Carolina District Court Judge Michelle Childs was under consideration Friday as a possible candidate to fill the seat of retiring Justice Stephen Breyer on the U.S. Supreme Court, Fox News reported.
“Judge Childs is among multiple individuals under consideration for the Supreme Court, and we are not going to move her nomination on the Court of Appeals while the President is considering her for this vacancy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement, according to Fox News. “At the same time, reporting indicating that the President is only seriously considering three potential nominees is incorrect.”

Childs was expected to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee in early February for a confirmation hearing, after President Joe Biden had nominated her for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. The Biden administration has since postponed the judge’s appearance in the Senate while she is considered as a potential pick for SCOTUS seat, CNBC News reported.

- Lord, we pray that Your will and ONLY Your will be done regarding this nomination for the Supreme Court. We do ask that any of the possible picks not be a radical lefist, but one of integrity and fairness. 

-“To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.” (Proverbs 21:3)   

 8. Nationwide push to liberalize prostitution laws prompts concerns about human trafficking | Fox News

A long list of jurisdictions have moved to deregulate prostitution in recent years, prompting concerns that the nature of the industry and barriers to law enforcement could lead to an increase in human trafficking.
Leaders in Ann Arbor, Michigan, reportedly argued as much about law enforcement when they opposed a decriminalization measure that was rejected by the city council last week. Besides Ann Arbor, states and localities from New York to California have considered a variety of methods for loosening restrictions on prostitution. 
Earlier this week, an advocacy group reportedly withdrew its petition to decriminalize the practice in Oregon, noting that it wanted to improve its policy. And as Manhattan's new prosecutor Alvin Bragg showed, the changes don't always need to come through legislation or ordinances. Bragg committed to not prosecuting those offenses.

- Lord, once again, sin is being championed by our governments. We ask for a move of repentance across the nation, changing hearts and bringing truth.

- “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”           (Proverbs 14:34)  

9. Georgia Secretary of State Calls for Release of ‘Secret Report’ on Dominion Voting Machines (

Georgia’s secretary of state has joined plaintiffs in lawsuit filed against him in calling for the release of a report that analyzes Dominion Voting Systems equipment.
The report, completed by J. Alex Halderman, director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, was filed under seal in Curling v. Raffensperger, a federal case that alleged hackers had “the capability” and “easy access” to voting machines in Georgia.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, said Jan. 26 that the report should be made public because it is “generating misleading media articles about the Dominion voting equipment used in Georgia.”
Halderman was given full access to the state’s election system, which utilizes Dominion equipment, state officials say.
“The public deserves to know the context of J. Alex Halderman’s claims and his testimony regarding the 2020 election,” Raffensperger said, adding that the system “is safe and secure.”
Little has been revealed about the report in court sessions and in court documents but the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that it concluded hackers could change votes if they gained access to the machines.

- Lord, we pray that this report would be made public, and that it be a truthful report not a fabricated one. Let no more confusion and lies reign over the election in 2020 and reveal the truth to all.

- “No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.” (Psalm 101:7) 

10. .Florida father sues school after daughter's suicide attempts, says gender counseling hidden from parents | Fox News
Florida father said Thursday his daughter attempted suicide twice after her school encouraged others to call her a boy and gave her a new name, while not notifying the parents about meetings discussing her gender identity. 
During an appearance on "The Ingraham Angle," Wendell Perez said he took legal action after the elementary school counselor told him his 12-year-old daughter had attempted suicide over issues with her gender identity. Perez said the counselor told him he was not been informed about his daughter's situation because of his "Catholic beliefs." 
"The counselor had secret meetings with our daughter about gender. She was groomed to something that she’s not, and she was encouraged," Perez told Laura Ingraham, adding his daughter is home with the family. 
Perez said the counselor precipitated a pattern of bullying by calling his daughter by a different name and pronouns in front of other students. He added that the school has accused him of lying and has taken an "arrogant attitude" in their correspondence with him and the public. 

- Lord, we pray for this father who seeks to protect his daughter from the sin that is raging around her. We speak peace to her mind and ask that You reveal to her who she really is in Your sight. We ask that You stand with this man and grant him favor.

- “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.”  (Psalm 127:3-5)  

The Daily Jot

Confidential Pfizer FDA report sheds light on COVID vaccine safety

Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, Monday, Jan. 31st, 2022  

A confidential Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine adverse event report to the FDA dated April 3, 2021 obtained by The Daily Jot possibly sheds light on why the FDA wants 75 years to release vaccine data, and why Pfizer filed in federal court to work with FDA to ensure “proper redactions are made.” The report, “5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021,” indicates as of February 28, 2021 there were 42,086 reports of 158,893 adverse events caused by the Pfizer COVID vaccine—all withheld from the public. The report’s data indicates far greater long-term risks than was ever made public.

Pfizer reported, “Pfizer’s safety database contains cases of AEs (Adverse Events) reported spontaneously to Pfizer, cases reported by the health authorities, cases published in the medical literature, cases from Pfizer-sponsored marketing programs, non-interventional studies, and cases of serious AEs reported from clinical studies regardless of causality assessment.” Reported side effects on pregnant women, heart conditions, blood clots, anaphylactic shock, and lack of efficacy were withheld from the public as the government propagandized that the vaccine was “safe and effective.” In fact, the Appendix of the report listed 9 pages–472 lines and 2072 words–of “Adverse Events of Special Interest.”

Some of the results: “Pregnancy outcomes for the 270 pregnancies were reported as spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each).” These represented 11.8% of the pregnancy outcomes in the database. Pfizer concluded: “There were no safety signals that emerged from the review of these cases of use in pregnancy and while breast feeding.” All along, CDC maintains on its website “COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future.” Other results included:  Anaphylaxis in 54% of the relevant cases retrieved, four causing death, and Pfizer concluded that the data “did not reveal any significant new safety information.”

Lack of efficacy was found in 3.9% of the cases. In the footnotes, Pfizer states that an additional 623 lack of efficacy cases were removed from the database analysis, the majority of them because they “developed SARS-CO-V-2 during the early days from the first dose.” In other words, the vaccine didn’t work, so they fudged the data. Some 3.3% of the total database developed cardiovascular adverse reactions, and “136 (9.69%) were fatal.” Again, Pfizer concluded: “This cumulative case review does not raise new safety issues.” No wonder FDA wants 75 years to release this data. The side effects of these vaccines can be devastating. Safe and effective, as the CDC adamantly claims, is not true. As Christ said in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” These deceptions can be life-threatening.

Read the report here:  

Durham Court Filing Reveals DOJ Inspector General Horowitz Withheld Key Evidence From Special Counsel
A new court filing by special counsel John Durham reveals that Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz concealed crucial information from Durham in connection with the ongoing prosecution of Michael Sussmann, a former attorney to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. 

The filing also reveals that Horowitz failed to disclose that his office is in possession of two cellphones used by former FBI general counsel James Baker. The phones may contain information that’s important to the Sussmann case, as well as to a separate criminal leak investigation of Baker that Durham personally conducted between 2017 and 2019.

Horowitz first came to public prominence in June 2018 when he issued a report on the FBI’s actions leading up to the 2016 presidential election. Horowitz followed up in December 2019 with another report on the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation and the bureau’s pursuit of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. 

Durham’s filing on Jan. 25 involves discovery issues surrounding Sussmann’s upcoming trial for allegedly making a materially false statement to the FBI’s then-general counsel James Baker. As part of Durham’s discovery obligations, the Special Counsel’s Office met with Horowitz and his team on Oct. 7, 2021, and subsequently requested any materials, including any “documents, records, and information” regarding Sussmann that may have been in the possession of the Office of Inspector General (OIG). [Epoch Times] Read more  
- Lord, the withholding of evidence is the same as lying to the people. We ask that You visit Mr. Horowitz and bring conviction to his heart. Let the truth be known to all regarding the Durham investigation.

- “And when He comes, He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment: concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me; concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see Me no longer; concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.” (John 16:-8-11)  
Canadian 'freedom' truckers massive vaccine mandate protest convoy may smash world record
Canadian 'freedom' truckers massive vaccine mandate protest convoy may smash world record

Truck drivers in Canada are protesting vaccine mandates on their industry with a massive convoy that may break a world records. 

"It’s 70 km long," Benjamin Dichter, spokesman for the Freedom Convoy 2022, told the Toronto Sun. "I have seen footage from an airplane. It’s impressive."

The Freedom Convoy left from Vancouver for Ottawa on Sunday to protest the federal government’s vaccine mandates for cross-border truckers, which took effect on Jan. 15. The Canadian Trucking Alliance estimates that roughly 15% of truckers in the country are not fully vaccinated, or about 16,000 truck drivers. 

The truckers’ convoy could be 10 times larger than the record if it stays intact on the trip to the Canadian capital. Estimates say 50,000 trucks could be participating, the Toronto Sun reported. 

The convoy plans to reach Ottawa by Saturday for a protest. (Fox News) Read more. 


Please pray for Canada.  The thousands of truckers and others who oppose the government are meeting with tremendous resistance.  The media does not report the true picture.
Opponents are throwing nails on the road beds to hinder the truckers from advancing.  Bricks have been brought in and piled up.  The president of Canada I am told is in hiding.
There may be a civil war, which would affect our northern borders.  Those opposed to freedom will do everything they can to oppose those fighting for their freedom.
When the church of Canada did not stand up and received payment for remaining silent, the truckers and other civilians stood up.   
It is urgent that we intercede for Canada.
Tomorrow: More headlines about the truckers' strike and convoy in Canada. 

- Lord God, we stand in one accord with these truckers and all who are gathering together for freedom.  We rebuke the spirit of tyranny off Canada, off the USA, off every other nation.  We will not be yoked or bound to a group of so-called "elites" that serve the enemy of our souls.  In Jesus name we will stand for freedom, justice and peace in this earth and we will not stop crying out day and night until Father, we see Your hand move in this earth.

- "A noise will come to the ends of the earth– For the Lord has a controversy with the nations; He will plead His case with all flesh.  He will give those who are wicked to the sword,' says the Lord."  (Jeremiah 25:31)  

Signs & Wonders
NASA attempting to redirect asteroid
NASA and SpaceX launched a spacecraft that will attempt to redirect an asteroid later this year, their first planetary defense mission. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission is designed to prevent an impact of Earth by a hazardous asteroid, a post by NASA stated.

The asteroid that NASA is targeting, Dimorphos, is not a threat to Earth but is a “perfect testing ground” to see if crashing a spacecraft into an asteroid will change its course. Dimorphos is a 525-foot moonlet asteroid orbiting a larger asteroid named Didymos.

The DART spacecraft will use NASA’s kinetic impactor technology to see if a collision will adjust the path and speed of the asteroid. The spacecraft will crash into the small asteroid at a speed of approximately 14,763 mph with the aid of an onboard camera.

The spacecraft launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket out of Vandenberg Space Force Base in California on Nov. 24. The DART impact is expected to occur on Sept. 26, 2022. (MSN) Read more  

The Good News Corner
Truckers inspired by Canada begin 'freedom' convoys around the world

Truckers around the world are creating their own convoys to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates after being inspired by the Canadian Freedom Convoy, which reportedly has thousands of trucks.

Freedom Convoy 2022, the group that organized the Canadian trucker protest, reported initially having 1,600 trucks. The convoy, which now has nearly 50,000 trucks, will be in Ottowa by Saturday with the goal of getting "the government of Canada to repeal its cross border Covid tracking passport / phone app and ALL Covid-19 vaccine mandates," according to a press release.

The Canadian convoy has reportedly been joined by some American truckers and in Ontario, farmers came in tractors to show support. Both the United States and Canada mandate cross-border truckers to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Americans are invited to also protest the mandate this Saturday at three border locations: Houlton, Maine; Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan; and Sweet Grass, Montana.

In Australia, the "2022 Official Convoy to Canberra" has more than 44,000 members on Facebook and more than 10,000 followers on Telegram as of Thursday. The group is planning to meet in the capital by Jan. 31 to protest vaccine mandates.

European truckers are organizing to protest vaccine mandates as well. The European Convoy Telegram channel has more than 7,300 members. Truckers are organizing across Europe, including the Netherlands, France, Hungary and more, to converge on Brussels by Feb. 7. 

The truckers have received an outpouring of support from celebrities as well. 

Entrepreneur Elon Musk, one of the wealthiest men in the world tweeted his support for the convoy. "Canadian truckers rule," he said, later adding: "If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny."

(Source: Just the News) Read more. 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Whispering Hope 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Septimus Winner

Scripture: Hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast. 
Hebrews 6:19

Soft as the voice of an angel,
Breathing a lesson unheard,
Hope with a gentle persuasion
Whispers her comforting word:
Wait till the darkness is over,
Wait till the tempest is done,
Hope for the sunshine tomorrow,
After the shower is gone.

Whispering hope, oh how welcome thy voice,
Making my heart in its sorrow rejoice.

If, in the dusk of the twilight,
Dim be the region afar,
Will not the deepening darkness
Brighten the glimmering star?
Then when the night is upon us,
Why should the heart sink away?
When the dark midnight is over,
Watch for the breaking of day.


Hope, as an anchor so steadfast,
Rends the dark veil for the soul,
Whither the Master has entered,
Robbing the grave of its goal.
Come then, O come, glad fruition,
Come to my sad weary heart;
Come, O Thou blest hope of glory,
Never, O never depart.


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