Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus: How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order.
CDC Guidance on Reopening Houses of Worship: As Jenny Korn and Dr. Birx discussed in depth, we encourage you to review this document to learn best practices on safely reopening your houses of worship CDC Guidance for Communities of Faith.
As America struggles to re-open utilizing CDC safeguards, we are facing state and local government restrictions that infringe on our constitutional and personal freedoms. The well-intended restrictions on businesses and schools, canceling nonessential medical procedures, the closing of churches, parks, beaches, etc. have caused unintended consequences. Unemployment is reaching the Great Depression levels. Countless businesses will not re-open. Many students have fallen behind academically. Family violence, depression, and suicide have increased.
"I'm not saying Covid-19 isn't real... But Pay attention folks, there's much more going on here than what meets the eye.
Is it a coincidence that just when the economy is booming, the stock market is setting record highs, we are winning the trade wars, school shootings have stopped, our nation is at peace, the Democratic party is a disaster and so is their likely nominee? (Biden). He hasn't a chance in hell & they're not about to let an outsider(Bernie) destroy their scheme.
Left-wing billionaire George Soros has indicated that the coronavirus pandemic paves the way for societal changes previously thought impossible, calling it “the crisis of my lifetime.” Soros had lived through the Second World War as a youth.
A new twist in the COVID-19 narrative is a mandate some medical facilities are beginning to implement that requires all patients to be tested with the most invasive COVID-19 test before elective medical procedures will be performed.
While news reports have said we are still a year to a year and a half away from the release of the coronavirus vaccine, we know that they are working hard to roll one out. Once it is released, the CDC, Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates have said they want to make it mandatory for everyone living in America and around the world.
We’re all in this together. Stay home. Stay safe. We’ll get through this. It’s our new normal. These words have been repeated so many times, you’d think they’re used for selling the latest superfood. They’re not selling a superfood, but is it possible they’re trying to sell us something?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Today, I am identifying houses of worship, churches, synagogue[s], and mosques as essential places that provide essential services. Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential, but have left out churches and other houses of worship. It’s not right, so I am correcting this injustice.”
There aren’t enough disparaging epithets in the English language to adequately describe “journalists” such as ABC Nightly News anchorman David Muir, the dashing 40-something actor who pretends to share important national news with America. Five days a week, Muir recites agenda-driven propaganda as if it were truth, while his allies who run the social media monopolies throttle down, demonetize, shadowban, or flat out censor reports that conflict with his narrative.
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Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus: How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order.
CDC Guidance on Reopening Houses of Worship: As Jenny Korn and Dr. Birx discussed in depth, we encourage you to review this document to learn best practices on safely reopening your houses of worship CDC Guidance for Communities of Faith.
As America struggles to re-open utilizing CDC safeguards, we are facing state and local government restrictions that infringe on our constitutional and personal freedoms. The well-intended restrictions on businesses and schools, canceling nonessential medical procedures, the closing of churches, parks, beaches, etc. have caused unintended consequences. Unemployment is reaching the Great Depression levels. Countless businesses will not re-open. Many students have fallen behind academically. Family violence, depression, and suicide have increased.
"I'm not saying Covid-19 isn't real... But Pay attention folks, there's much more going on here than what meets the eye.
Is it a coincidence that just when the economy is booming, the stock market is setting record highs, we are winning the trade wars, school shootings have stopped, our nation is at peace, the Democratic party is a disaster and so is their likely nominee? (Biden). He hasn't a chance in hell & they're not about to let an outsider(Bernie) destroy their scheme.
Left-wing billionaire George Soros has indicated that the coronavirus pandemic paves the way for societal changes previously thought impossible, calling it “the crisis of my lifetime.” Soros had lived through the Second World War as a youth.
A new twist in the COVID-19 narrative is a mandate some medical facilities are beginning to implement that requires all patients to be tested with the most invasive COVID-19 test before elective medical procedures will be performed.
While news reports have said we are still a year to a year and a half away from the release of the coronavirus vaccine, we know that they are working hard to roll one out. Once it is released, the CDC, Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates have said they want to make it mandatory for everyone living in America and around the world.
We’re all in this together. Stay home. Stay safe. We’ll get through this. It’s our new normal. These words have been repeated so many times, you’d think they’re used for selling the latest superfood. They’re not selling a superfood, but is it possible they’re trying to sell us something?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Today, I am identifying houses of worship, churches, synagogue[s], and mosques as essential places that provide essential services. Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential, but have left out churches and other houses of worship. It’s not right, so I am correcting this injustice.”
There aren’t enough disparaging epithets in the English language to adequately describe “journalists” such as ABC Nightly News anchorman David Muir, the dashing 40-something actor who pretends to share important national news with America. Five days a week, Muir recites agenda-driven propaganda as if it were truth, while his allies who run the social media monopolies throttle down, demonetize, shadowban, or flat out censor reports that conflict with his narrative.