Shalom Praying Friends,
The enemy weaponizes fear to effectively crush destinies and planned outcomes for victory. The enemy has been very very busy lately wielding that weapon as a sharply honed sword. Coronavirus, the weapon of the enemy. People are going berserk ensnared in the grip of “what ifs!”
What if I get sick? What if I die?(we’re all going to die someday and that’s the only thing I have ever agreed upon with the disgusting comedian Bill Maher.) What if I get contaminated by coronavirus? What if he sneezes and I’m in the room? She’s sweating and its not even hot, what if she has the virus? What if they cancel my yoga class? What if I can’t use the internet? What if my vacation plans are cancelled? What if there’s a bug on the plane? What if I can’t go shopping? What if? What if? What if?
All of these “What Ifs” are a specter of disaster. Specter is defined as something widely feared as a possible unpleasant or dangerous occurrence. Emphasis on the word possible. The Book of Job is chock full of specters.
Fear is defined as a feeling of anxiety concerning the outcome of something or the safety and well-being of someone. It is also listed 437 times in the Bible. 27 times topically. It can be good as in “Fear of the Lord” or it can be bad as in “What If?” Monger is a person who promotes a specified activity, situation, or feeling, especially one that is undesirable or discreditable. Thus we come up with the description “fear monger.” A person who promotes anxiety concerning the outcome of something. The Lord must have thought it a significant occurrence if its listed 437 time in His holy Word.
Fear is also a spirit and it can be contagious in normally somewhat sane people. The only inoculation against it is perfect love. Media is the the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet) regarded collectively. Fake news is media that is unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something. Fake news is a fear monger. It is weaponizing fear through a spirit of deception.
Fake news sells ads. Fake news is corrupt. Fake news exaggerates. There’s no monetary gains in happy endings so that’s why they push the sensational so much. Or else there is an underlying agenda to the “bad news of early demise.” Or the media is corrupt and being paid to report false information.
Last week I wrote decrees to eradicate the Coronavirus. I believe it has been a real threat albeit a greatly exaggerated one. And the more people focused on it the bigger the threat became. Kind of like a pimple that gets rubbed and rubbed and becomes a boil. If people prayed more (and talked less) with faith that God hears their prayers, they’d have already solved the problem.
Over the years I’ve become a direct person.” As a child I watched the t.v. show “Dragnet.” Dragnet was an American radio, television, and motion-picture series, enacting the cases of a dedicated Los Angeles police detective, Sergeant Joe Friday, and his partners. Maybe I became a cop because of Joe Friday. I just want the facts, I don’t want all the embellishment. When he interviewed witnesses he would say “Just the facts ma’am.”
I’m that kind of person when I pray. I determine what the problem is and I want to pray it out of existence. I don’t want to cut off it’s tail, I want to chop off it’s head. My weapon and ammunition is the Word of God. For every problem there is a solution in the Holy Scriptures, if you look for it.
In the past I’ve shared about my fear of heights when I was a child. I’d climb up in a tree but then froze when it came time to descend and my father would have to get a ladder to help me down. I was able to overcome that fear when in spite of it, I rappelled down a 9 story fire tower in the sheriff’s academy. It took my drill instructors 45 minutes to talk me over the edge but they did and I did! And I’m still here. I moved over the edge in spite of the fear and that broke the stronghold regarding heights.
As a “baby christian” I volunteered in the Red Cross as part of a disaster response unit. In 2005 I was assigned to New Orleans on the third day after the disastrous Hurricane Katrina demolished the city and surrounding territories. When I arrived in Houston to get my assignment and to proceed to the disaster area, the lead director spoke to all the volunteers and presented such a horrible scenario that I was seized with fear. I called someone and they prayed for me and I went into the assignment in spite of fear. That forward motion broke the stronghold of fear of the unknown.
One Sunday during service I was worshipping the Lord when He asked me to dance for Him. I looked around because surely He wasn’t asking me to dance for Him. He must have meant someone else. Nope! He wanted me to dance for Him. I said, “Oh no I couldn’t dance, everyone will be looking at me, they’ll laugh and make fun of me!” He whispered, “Will you do it for Me?” How could I deny my Lord? I began to dance in the sanctuary. Me, a tall full bodied, well fed middle aged woman. I danced and and then the next thing I knew I was dipping and turning and twirling. My fear of man was gone! His perfect Love had filled me and shoved out that fear. I’ve never returned to that intimidation. I was set free.
I just overheard my daughter-in-law complaining that all her favorite regular events are being cancelled because people are worried about being in crowds and being infected by the coronavirus. So the enemy is weaponizing fear to create blame, division and isolation. It is also causing them to abandon assignments they have been called to by the Lord.
Stores are emptying out shelves of cleaning/disinfecting supplies and water and toilet paper as people are hoarding. The enemy is weaponizing fear to create greed. It is also weaponizing a perverse spirit that distorts the truth and creates panic.
Doctors have repeatedly on the health segments of some news stations cautioned that in fact the news is promoting deception and fear. They say the coronavirus causes less harm than influenza. In fact influenza has caused more fatal outcomes.
Okay I’ve made my point so let’s get down to the business at hand and deal with the spirit of fear and others behind the coronavirus.
Suggested Prayer Guide to Pray Aloud so Your Spirit Man Comes to Attention:
We put on the full armor of God [for His precepts are like the splendid armor of a heavily-armed soldier], so that we may be able to [successfully] stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the deceits of the devil that attempts to overcome our minds with dread, fear and hopelessness. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places. Ephesians 6:11-12
We put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect our heart and our chest cavity. We gird our loins about with truth and put upon our feet the sandals of the Gospel of peace. We put on the helmet of salvation to renew our minds daily and hold up the shield of faith to thwart every fiery dart of the enemy. According to Judges 7:18, with the Word we release the sword of the Lord against the powers of hell in the name of Yeshua that we may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand.
We forbid any retaliation of the enemy against us in the name of Yeshua. We blind his vision through the pentagram and deafen his ears to your plans. We cover ourselves, our families, homes, finances and ministries in the Blood of Yeshua and We ask You to deliver our nation from fear and all the spirits behind the coronavirus.
Lord caregivers are exhausted from ministering to people who have been infected by the coronavirus. Your Word says if we wait for You we shall renew our strength. We shall mount up with wings like eagles and we shall run and not be weary; we shall walk and not faint. Holy Spirit of God help the caregivers to wait on You. Isaiah 40:31
YHWH fear and isolation without cause has exalted the coronavirus to the mountain top and become a prison for many but in Your Word You say You will go before us and level the exalted places and You will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut through the bars of iron. Isaiah 45:2 Do it now Lord! in the name of Jesus set the captives free! Fear must stand down! Isolation must give way to fellowship! Give us the treasures of darkness and the hoards of the secret places for we know it is You who can, the Lord God of Israel. Isaiah 45:3
Lord, as You promised in Your Word, deliver us from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence coronavirus. Cover us with Your pinions, and under Your wings we will find refuge; Your faithfulness is a shield and buckler. We will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. Psalm 91:3-6 Your Word that has gone out of Your mouth and shall not return void but it will accomplish that which You purposed and shall succeed in the very thing for which You sent it. Isaiah 55:11
Even though we may walk through some deep valleys filled with shadows of death we will fear no evil, for You are with us; Your rod and staff offer me comfort. Psalm 23:4
Lord we are seeking You, do You hear us? In Jesus name deliver us from all our fears. Psalm 34:4 The enemy has weaponized fear against us to try to take our lives just as he did to Yeshua in the garden that fateful night. But as long as You are with us we will be safeguarded. 1 Samuel 22:23
We are determined to be strong and of good courage, we declare we will fear not nor be dismayed. You will be with us and will not fail us or forsake us and we will finish all that You have called us to accomplish for Your Kingdom.1 Chronicles 28:20
In spite of fear and trembling which has made all our bones shake. Job 4:14 We rebuke you satan you cannot come upon us. Job 3:25
Angels of power and might, in the name of Yeshua, we call you forth to do battle with the mountain of main stream media. Move the mountain out of the control of the global elite, the cabal of satan. Sift every demonic perverse agent working fear against the destiny of nations. 2 Thess1:7
Lance the ugly boil of corruption and deception of the corporate media leaders and the journalists under them who have been paid to lie to the people of this nation. The putrid spoil of allegiance to the wicked one must be released. We bind every enemy agent aligned with darkness against the truth that must be revealed. Lying spirits be bound in Jesus name. Messiah Yeshua, shine Your light and reveal hidden money trails to bank accounts that have received dark money. Matthew 16:19 For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light. Mark 4:22
In Jesus name, financial institutions that have colluded with the media and conspired to steal the wealth of this nation’s inheritance with false prophecies of financial recession due to pandemic fear, stand down and deliver the spoils for return to the people. The International Monetary Fund and the Federal Reserve and all institutions that have controlled interest rates designed to impoverish the people but line the pockets of the enemy thru fraudulent lending, foreclosures and mortgages we say “Give it back!”
Media agents that have committed treason through bribery by leaking highly classified information and thereby threatening the security of our nation, surrender to angelic authorities. Wicked agents making lying accusations and promoting the demise of President Donald Trump, surrender and be held accountable to the Lord YHWH.
Father God, You in Your wisdom appointed Donald J. Trump to be president of this nation. You have plans for this nation You created. Your Word instructs us to pray for those in authority. Irregardless of ourselves and our inclinations, we cast down every evil prediction against Donald Trump and pray for him to complete his full terms of office and accomplish all that You have purposed for him to accomplish for the benefit of our nation.
Therefore we exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, especially Donald J Trump, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in Your sight oh God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:1-4
We pray that Donald Trump is saved and comes to know the truth of who You are and that he would be radically filled with Your spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. The media has tried to lay blame that he is the cause of the virus but that is the spirit of division that has been loosed through their corrupt efforts.
Lord Your desire is that none would perish and for that reason we repent on behalf of the agents of darkness in the main stream media and ask forgiveness. We say to the wicked now, “You shall surely die unless you turn from your sin, give back peace that you have stolen and walk in the statutes of life without committing iniquity. Therefore choose life, do what is lawful and right. Ezekiel 33: 14-15
Donald Trump has stood for righteousness before the nations of the world against abortion and climate change, for religious freedom and national sovereignty. His message faced down the globalists, North Korea, Iran, terrorism, China and socialism. The retaliation by the Illuminati and the dragon has been brutal. Every media giant staging a kangaroo court against President Trump, drop the charges and withdraw your lies in Jesus name. Do not be hung by the deceit of your tongue. Cease sowing seeds for a harvest of division in this nation and the Body of Christ. We forbid civil war. We declare that America is one nation under God. We will not be divided! Job 22:28
In the name of Yeshua, we dismantle every brick of deception that the main stream media has used to weaponize fear and cause division, confusion and chaos in the eradication of the coronavirus. We decree heaven’s Angel Armies are released into eradicating the pestilence coronavirus, as a result of our crying out to You. In Jesus’ name, enemy resistance in the natural realms or spiritual realms is being scattered and shattered. We cry out, God, give us mercy. Grant us loving kindness. Hear our prayers.
We ask You, Lord Jesus, to release Angel Armies to bring answers to our prayers. Release the angels of strength to strengthen us to overcome and reign with Jesus.
We decree we will move with the Holy Spirit. We will move forward, we will confront fear and we will overcome fear! Perfect us in Your love for there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.1John 4:18
We decree a shift in this nation to move from fear to boldness. From plagued to healthy. Proverbs 3:7-8 From hopelessness to confidence, From four walls inside buildings to the streets. From selfish Christianity to servant Christianity. From consumer Christianity to discipleship. From lost harvest to in gathering.
We declare America Shall be Saved! America Shall be Healed! Send awakening fire! Fire of God, fall on us like the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts! Acts 2:3 We decree Holy Spirit and angels of fire are welcome among us as our King ordains. We decree we are shifting from dire predictions to glorious testimonies. The Lord’s glorious presence will be visibly seen in this nation. We are willingly subject to His Glory! Hallelujah! To the Risen King!
Lord You have promised that You have prepared a place for us and that You will come and take us there that we might be with You the same as You are. In peace! John 14:3 We shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before us shall break forth into singing and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12
Oh Lord bless us, and keep us: make Your face shine upon us, and be gracious to us: Lord lift up Your countenance upon us, and give us peace. Numbers 6:24-27
We pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, “May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces.” For the sake of our brethren and companions, We will now say, “Peace be within you.” Because of the house of the Lord our God we will seek your good. Psalm 122:6-9 AMEN!
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