What You Need To Know | President Trump’s Coronavirus Response Efforts

President Trump and his Administration are working every day to protect the health and wellbeing of Americans and respond to the coronavirus.


  • President Trump signed legislation securing $8.3 billion for coronavirus response.

  • President Trump declared a national emergency, inviting States, territories, and tribes to access over $42 billion in existing funding. 

  • To leverage the resources of the entire government, the President created a White House Coronavirus Task Force to coordinate response.

  • The Vice President named Dr. Deborah Birx to serve as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator.


  • In January, President Trump reacted quickly to implement travel restrictions on travel from China, buying us valuable time to respond to the virus.

  • The President has announced further travel restrictions on global hotspots, including Europe, the United Kingdom and Ireland, and Iran.

  • American citizens returning from travel-restricted countries are being routed to specific airports, where they can be screened and isolated as needed. 

  • The Administration raised travel warnings to their highest level for other hot spot locations, like Japan and South Korea.

  • The President has expanded airport screenings to identify travelers showing symptoms and instituted mandatory quarantines.


  • The FDA issued emergency approval for new commercial coronavirus tests to significantly expand testing across the country.

  • The President secured legislation that will ensure Americans are able to be tested for free.

  • The Administration is working with state and local partners and the private sector to open up drive-through testing sites.

  • The Administration is working with the private sector to develop a website that Americans can utilize to determine whether they need a test and, if so, where to get it.

  • HHS is providing funding to help accelerate the development of rapid diagnostic tests for the coronavirus.

  • The FDA cut red tape to expand testing availability.  

  • The Administration is working to provide states with flexibility to approve coronavirus testing laboratories.

  • Admiral Brett Giroir – the Assistant Secretary for Health and head of the Public Health Service – has been appointed to coordinate coronavirus testing efforts.


  • The Small Business Administration has announced disaster loans which provide impacted businesses with up to $2 million.    

  • The President has met with bank executives, insurers, pharmaceutical executives, and other industry leaders.

  • The President directed the Energy Department to purchase large quantities of crude oil for the strategic reserve. 

  • President Trump has held numerous calls and meetings with business leaders from the pharmaceutical industry, health insurers, grocery stores, retail stores, banks, and more.


  • The Administration negotiated legislation which will provide tax credits for eligible businesses that give paid leave to Americans affected by the virus.

  • The Administration took action to provide more flexibility in unemployment insurance programs for workers impacted by the coronavirus.

  • The President has directed the Education Department to waive interest on student loans held by the federal government.

  • The President has directed the Treasury Department to defer tax payments for certain impacted individuals and businesses.

  • President Trump has called on Congress to pass a payroll tax cut.

  • USDA announced new flexibilities to allow meal service during school closures.


  • The Administration launched a website – coronavirus.gov – to keep the public informed about the outbreak. 

  • The President announced guidelines for Americans to follow and do their part to stem the spread of the virus.

  • The Task Force is holding nearly daily press conferences to provide the American people with the latest information.

  • The Task Force has recommended mitigation strategies to heavily impacted communities, like those in New York, Washington, and California.

  • CMS announced guidance to protect vulnerable elderly Americans and limit medically unnecessary visits to nursing homes.


  • In January, the Administration declared the coronavirus to be a public health emergency.

  • The President signed a memorandum directing his Administration to make general-use face masks available to healthcare workers.

  • HHS announced it will be purchasing 500 million N95 respirators for the Strategic National Stockpile.

  • The President took action to give HHS authority to waive rules and regulations so that healthcare providers have maximum flexibility to respond to this outbreak.

  • CMS is giving flexibility to Medicare Advantage and Part D plans to waive cost-sharing for coronavirus tests and treatment.

  • CMS created new billing codes for coronavirus tests to promote better tracking of the public health response.

  • The Administration announced that health plans with health savings accounts will be able to cover coronavirus testing and treatment without co-payments.


  • The Administration is working to help accelerate the development of therapeutics and a vaccine to combat the disease.

  • The Trump Administration is actively working with drug manufacturers to monitor any potential drug supply chain issues.

  • The Administration is expanding research and consulting with experts to better understand the transmission of coronavirus. 

  • The National Institutes of Health has announced the beginning of a clinical trial for a coronavirus vaccine candidate.

Amanda Robbins
Associate Director
White House Office of Public Liaison