Let our prayers be the sound of corporate faith and expectancy which attracts heaven and neutralizes enemy forces. It’s the sound of faith from a people who know their God.
Let us pray for all standards and guidelines to be followed to maintain the integrity of our elections. Shall all people demand to have paper ballots as an option in each state; refusing to use the machines, which can be manipulated. What should be done when someone sees the machine changing their votes? How can it be made right? Who to tell when there are potential non-citizens voting – this may be a significant game-changing factor this year. How to stop voter intimidation outside the polling places?
Pray to neutralize a repeat of the previous “calibration errors” with voting machines which have changed votes from Republican to Democrat in states such as Texas, Illinois, Florida, Mississippi, or the extra ballots that have suddenly appeared in recounts, most notably in Florida. There must be rules and regulations established in advance of the elections so that there are straight-forward guidelines to follow for recounts and “extra” ballots will NOT be permitted. In fact, perhaps the people in the chain of possession for the ballots from the polling place to “wherever” they were found, should be held legally liable and responsible for stealing, losing or misplacing the votes of American citizens.
These areas of concern and prayer need to continue being addressed as we head into the 2020 election season. It may be a bumpy ride.
Areas in which to pray:
Protection against voter fraud, including voting irregularities and illegalities.
Protection from malfunctions, intentional or otherwise, in voting machines.
Protection from “stuffing” of the ballot box.
Protection over the voting process so that only citizens can vote and can vote only once.
Protection against attempts to vote under the names of deceased people.
That any irregularities or illegalities will be revealed and dealt with appropriately.
That any intimidation techniques at the voting precincts would be stopped.
by Karen Hardin, an intercessor, author, minister, and literary agent, published on IFA Nov. 7, 2019