Dear Praying Friends,
Thanks for praying about the super cyclone that hit India and Bangladesh yesterday. The good news is that so far relatively few deaths have been reported, only about 80 in both countries. In 1970, 500,000 died in a less powerful storm and tidal wave, and in 1999 almost 10,000 died in India from such a storm, so this reduced death toll is something to be thankful for since it could have been much, much worse. The main reason is India’s east and Bangladesh’s south lie on the Bay of Bengal, an impoverished region of 500 million people that has seen 26 of the deadliest 35 cyclones ever recorded. However, at this time, hundreds of thousands have been displaced and billions of dollars of property damage has been caused that these two nations will now need to recover from. Both countries need to quickly restore electricity and telecommunications and deal with the agricultural harm that will may continue to plague the region. But to do that while fighting off a growing coronavirus outbreak will be “a herculean task” as one news source put it. Traumatized and needy people will now need to overcome their fears of the coronavirus to get the relief supplies they need. Let’s, therefore, pray for those who have lost their homes and livelihoods as well as for the relief and rebuilding activities that are getting underway. Pray that fear will be vanquished and that relief operations will be well coordinated and effective in getting help to those left suffering by this disaster. Again, may the Lord turn tragedy into hope and life more abundantly through many of those affected, largely Hindus and Muslims, coming to know Christ.
Burundi’s national election happened yesterday, but we will have to wait till early next week for results of the voting. Pray for patience by all and especially for honest counting of the votes so that there will be no fraud and that the election results will be accepted. In the 2015 election, 1200 people were killed in the accompanying violence, so let’s pray that this time God’s peace will be felt tangibly and that there will be no violence. Pray that He will clean house in the government, bringing in honest and good leaders. Also, may His people there stand in the gap in prayer and keep united, not allowing such ethnic or political divisiveness to affect their relationships as followers of Jesus.
The following articles will give you more background on the situation if you care to read them:
Burundi awaits poll results as opposition alleges fraud Africanews
Burundi vote stirs new violence, five years after bloody crackdown The New Humanitarian
Finally, let’s pray for all the nations recovering from the coronavirus shutdown- for national leaders to do what is right and wise and that all the 190 or so nations that have shut down businesses and confined people to their homes these past two months will be able to re-open quickly, wisely, and safely after this economically devastating lockdown. Pray for up to half the world’s work force, probably at least hundreds of millions, who have lost their jobs, businesses, and the means to support themselves and their families. Pray especially for the children who need to get back to resuming their education and attend school. What a huge catastrophe for our whole world...but God! “All things are possible” with Him. Let’s intercede and trust Him for a strong recovery in every nation by His grace and again may He turn this awful ordeal around for redemptive good for tens of millions to come to know the Savior even during this month of the Go2020 prayer and mission effort to reach them!
Thanks so much for your prayers of faith that joined to those of many others He will use to move the mountains once again!
Yours in Christ,