Over the last few months it has been like watching a cultural tropical storm ramp up into a category 5 hurricane, and now as the eye of the storm is about to make landfall America’s 2020 election is the flood barrier upon which this storm now breaks. The question on everyone’s mind is, “Will the ship of state be able weather the storm or will it sink?”
For more reasons than COVID, the nation is dealing with an “invisible enemy.” If we do nothing to stop this demonic turbulence, it will not simply go away, it will actually increase and intensify.
James exhorts us that, “ faith without works is dead.” This means that faith without corresponding action is impotent. We must learn to deal with the organizational structures looking to exploit the turbulence and the spirits working behind them.
We are going to have to wage war in the heavenlies and contend for the destiny of America. On Saturday October 31st from 6pm to 9pm and Sunday November 1st from 10am to 6pm we are going to the National Mall to pray that God would save America and that His will would be done, even in the whirlwind. Rain or shine, Annabelle and I, our speakers, and team I will be LIVE on the National Mall... as we speak peace to the cultural storms raging around us.
Before you get there, here are some things my team wanted you to know:
The stage will be in front of the 12th Street gravel area and you will want to begin to show up at 5:00pm EST to get a good spot.
Washington D.C. weather is all over the place so prepare for everything. I know it’s going to be in the 60’s on Sunday, but we’re getting started tomorrow night, with Steve Swanson kicking things off at 6pm (gates open at 5pm) bring a jacket for those cooler temperatures.
The Bible Museum has given our attendees a 50% discount when you purchase online or in-person using the code Faith20
Two amazing Gen-Z ladies, The Patriot Sisters, are doing a flag drop at the White House! It’ll be Saturday, October 31st at 1 PM EDT – 3 PM EDT
RSVP right here on Facebook!This is a standing event so bring a blanket or a folding chair. Hint: Amazon Prime one to your hotel.
Please also remember to bring your face mask and dress comfortably for the weather.
Bring a blanket if you need to, and also a bag or backpack with a hot beverage of your choice to help you stay warm.
Take time to enjoy the fabulous monuments and museums!
I believe this event is the concentrated prayer assault God is asking for from, political ground zero, needed from Washington D.C..
Join me tomorrow as we ask the Lord for His mercy and guidance for the coming days and months.
As One!
Lance and Annabelle