Call in The Troops!
Shalom Praying Friends,
There’s a phrase that is frequently used when someone is under fire and in need of addition help. You “Call in the troops!” Ive been doing a lot of that lately and so have others. God, because He so loves us, has created the angelic hosts to not only worship Him and do His bidding but to also assist us when we need help to carry out what He has called us to do.
Everyone has different assignments, mine seems to be in large part to pray for our nation and Heaven’s plan to come to earth. If ever there was a time to pray and ask for help it’s now. Our Faith and liberty of speech is under assault. The Church is under fire, our Constitution is in danger of being re-written. God’s appointed President is fighting an uphill battle on our behalf against an enemy that hates him, our God and our nation. What are “We the People” doing about it?
I have never ever seen this much prayer going forth, and still more is needed in the event people grow weary. To those who may be coasting along and hoping others will fight for you, get real and join in. There are no free rides and in eternity we will answer for what we did and did not do.
It is written in 1Thessalonians 5:17 that we are to pray without ceasing. Will you? Many I know are weary, at times I am weary. I wonder…..was Yeshua weary when He bore the cross on His shoulders and suffered for us?
Pray without ceasing that our nation will not turn to communism or socialism, we are that close…. Pray without ceasing that the Church will arise to its finest hour. Pray without ceasing that our nation will unite against the enemy of our soul. Pray without ceasing that the election fraud and deceptions, corruptions and depravity will be exposed and proven and the wicked will be thrown down! Obey the Lord! Fear the Lord! Seek the Lord! We prophetically decree that we are one nation under God!
Please join in a prayer of agreement OUT LOUD! because it brings supernatural power as it infuses the atmosphere with holy authority.
Suggested Prayer Guide:
When you go to war in your land against the enemy that attacks you, then sound an alarm with the trumpets, so that you may be remembered before the Lord your God, and you shall be saved from your enemies.
Lord, as we prepare to engage the enemy, Your Word gives us instruction on the rules of spiritual warfare. We heed Your instructions lest we become unnecessary casualties of war.
We declare that our spirit man is clad with the armor of the Lord and the armor of light. We put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect our heart and our chest cavity and vital organs. We function and conduct our life’s affairs according to Your original plan and purpose for us. It protects our reputation. We gird our loins about with truth. It protects our integrity. We put upon our feet the sandals of the Gospel of peace which guides our every step. We put on the helmet of salvation to renew our minds daily. It protects us from negative thoughts that would derail Your purposes and plans for us. We hold up the shield of faith to thwart every fiery dart of the enemy, it secures our future and our destiny. According to Judges 7:18, with the Word we take up the Sword of the Lord which grants us dominion and authority against the powers of hell. In the name of Yeshua we shall be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand.
We declare all means of communication and connectivity; our phone lines, our electrical grid systems, our electronic devices and our internet service are covered with the Blood of Jesus. We activate the angels of the Lord to cut off the power and communication from the devil to us. We pray all these prayers in the name of Yeshua.The enemy is forbidden access and cannot interfere.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we bind the strongman (satan) and divide his house and spoil his goods according to Matthew 12 and Luke 11. We bind and forbid the spirits of retaliation, retribution, revenge, waste and destruction from operating against us in any way. We bind and forbid all hindering or harassing spirits sent by satan or his demons to stop our prayers from being delivered to heaven and here on earth.
Ephesians 6:12: Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. The Overcoming Church, the Church of the First Born is the only power on earth which has been given the authority and responsibility to attack, overthrow, and bring defeat to Satan and his spirits of antichrist which is over all the above.
Lord You choose leaders who are left-handed warriors and right-handed warriors. You choose leaders who are strong enough to fight the enemy, those who have been proven in battle. Those like Gideon’s army whose eyes are always alert to see and hear the enemy. You have chosen us YHWH Tsabaoth and all those listening and engaging who have answered this call.
Father God You have chosen a right handed warrior as our nation’s leader. President Donald John Trump is right handed and wields in the natural a mighty club at the enemy within this nation. His stand on the side of life and its sanctity is righteous in Your Sight! We thank You for the gift of Donald John Trump to this nation and the nations of the world as he wields his war club.
We acknowledge that Donald Trump is not perfect in the natural, neither was David when he laid with Bathsheba, neither was David perfect when he ordered the death of Uriah, nor was David perfect when he chose not to hold Absalom and Adonijah accountable for their rebellion against him. But You have created Donald Trump for this time in eternity, not as our savior but as a man after Your own heart who loves our nation the United States of America as do You. He is fighting for the destiny of our nation and our people. He is declaring and taking a stand that this nation is one nation and it is under the rulership of the one true God. If You be for him who can be against him without sinning and facing Your judgement? 2 Samuel 11, 1 Kings 1:5
YHWH Tsabaoth, our Republic, these United States were built on the foundation of Your Word. We cannot in our own strength defend this man, Donald John “the Beloved” Trump and this nation without Your help. You created the hosts of heaven a mighty host of holy warring angels to assist us. “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and he delivers them.” Psalm 34:7
Angels are present-time deliverers here, right now, to deliver us. We pray that presidential angels assigned to the President, his family and to Mike Pence and his family be alert and vigilant. Alert the secret service details assigned to the first and second families to be locked and loaded and on the firing line against the enemy target. We pray for discernment for the president as he continues the tasks of his office. Strengthen his body mind and spirit. Bring to him a Holy Visitation of Your Spirit.
“The Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous.” ….Proverbs 15:29
We ask You, Lord Jesus, to release Angel Armies to bring answers to our prayers. Release angels to tip prayer bowls of heaven into the fire on Your altar. Heavenly Father, we ask You to send the holy angels, the warring angels, covering angels, ministering angels, guardian angels of the living God, who came in the flesh, to protect us, guide and direct us, and block the attempts of satan and his wicked demons from sending his reinforcements and aid. Send the angel armies of God to bind all the spirits of violence, wickedness and election fraud. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”… Ephesians 6:12
We invite, in Jesus name, angels to come execute judgement upon deep-rooted iniquity and satanic perversion in the battleground states of this nation and in fact every state of our Republic because it was far more than the battleground states that suffered fraud and deception in the election. We sever demonic traffickers from the false deity of the demonic blood soaked satanic altars of abortion and midnight sacrifices of secret societies.
Angels of war go forth as battering rams and break down idols, demonic structures, false narratives, dirty funding, illegal access, plans to stifle free speech by removing the voice of the people and the crown of the coronavirus. Be dismantled in Jesus name!
We take authority in Jesus name and sever all demonic ley lines binding the occult sexual perversions, temple prostitution and blood sacrifices of those in leadership who are wielding evil power in the seats of authority of our nation. In executive branches, in legislative branches, in judicial branches on municipal, state and national levels. Elohim we ask You to remove them from office by any means You choose and convict them that they will repent and change their lives.
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Galatians 6:7
To the enemies of God, filled with the spirit of anti-christ we decree your power is broken! The political spirit behind political warfare is bound and forbidden from operating in Jesus name. The pride of your heart has deceived you, You who dwell in the clefts of the rock, Whose habitation is high; You who say in your heart, ‘Who will bring me down to the ground?’ Obadiah 1:3
Father God as the Ekklesia we stand in the gap and repent for the atrocities committed against Your Godhead. We renounce these acts as foul sins and defilements and ask Your forgiveness. Jesus Christ of Nazareth have mercy on us! We pray for peace, stability, and open-mindedness in the political realm in America.
Many are the hosts of heaven created for such a time as this. Angel Armies engage in combat against those in sin committing treason and sedition against our nation through fraudulent election processing and manipulation. Engage with us and fight doctrines of devils. Angels who cut off enemy attacks be loosed in Jesus’s name. 1 Timothy 4
Angels of Justice go forth and protect, guard and defend all the legal eagles engaged in election integrity investigations and overturning of the false prophets of the media. Jay Sekulow, Sydney Powell, Lin Wood, Joe di Genova, Victoria Toensing, Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani along with all their principle assistants and staff. Jeremiah 5:31 Lord God would You continue to bring forth the things done in darkness that they might be exposed to the light of Your righteousness and justice.
We summon the archangel Gabriel to bring the divine strategy of heaven to the President’s legal defense team and the election defense team. We decree “Every lawsuit to accomplish election integrity be victorious!” We decree legal teams be wise and strategic, be refreshed and encouraged in Jesus name!
Guarding angels protect and defend Emily Murphy of the GSA General Services Administration as she stands firmly on the established rule of law in resisting enemy demands for transition funds in the millions of $$$$.
Communication angels protect, guard and defend the IT personnel spending countless hours to break the source code of the hammer and scorecard systems. All of these people spoken for we cover in the Blood of Jesus and pray for a refreshing to their bodies, minds and most importantly their spirits. We decree they have the minds of Christ. We decree Psalm 91 over all of them and forbid the spirit of intimidation from going forth, we bind it in the name of Jesus and declare and permit freedom to every captive held bound by the enemies of God
Angels who bring us supernatural strength to finish our assignments- be released in Jesus’ name. Release the angels of strength. Angels of justice go forth, secure all evidence of the fraud in our election. Protect it from destruction, from being hidden, altered or destroyed in Jesus name until the court of heaven rules in our favor.
Archangel Michael and the hosts of heaven be released to our borders and in our nation, angels who attack Jezebels, Absalom, and Arab spirits engage the hosts of darkness. Loose them to free our assignments. Loose them to give us great victory. The years that the locusts, the Palmer worms, and the canker worms have eaten will now be restored to this nation America. Joel 2:25
It is written in the Word of God that we shall decree a
matter and it shall be established before us. Job 22:28
We decree that the Supreme Court of the United States will come into alignment and submit to the Supreme Court of Heaven in the case of election fraud and enemy wickedness.
We decree that on December 8, 2020 certified results in contested states regarding the election will favor Donald Trump.
We decree that on December 14, 2020 state electors will cast their votes for President of the United States for Donald John Trump in agreement with the Word of the Lord from the prophets. Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. Amos 3:7
We decree that on December 23, 2020 the president of the U.S. Senate will receive the certified electoral votes in favor of Donald John Trump.
We decree that on January 3, 2021 the 117th Congress of the United States will be sworn in and will righteously execute their sworn duties.
We decree that on January 6, 2021 the joint sessions of Congress will formally count the Electoral College votes and declare Donald John Trump as the victor in agreement with the prophetic Word of God.
We decree that on January 20, 2021 Donald John Trump will be inaugurated as President of the United States and Michael Pence as Vice President in agreement with the prophetic Word of God.
Heavenly Father, You are so good. You do not leave us to struggle alone with the thoughts that sometimes overwhelm us. All through Your Word, You remind us that our strength is found in You. Our faith may falter and feel weak, but we are, oh, so thankful that Jesus doesn’t measure us by the strength of our faith, but by its honesty. You are our Lord, and we submit to Your will. Settle our hearts and minds today by Your Word and Your love, to the honor of Your glory.
We pray that You would instill Your peace in our hearts and minds. We are grateful and thank You for the blessings You bring us in our lives, including to be living in the United States where we still remain free. Loose to us Your supernatural wisdom and patience with the situations that are not under our control. Loose to us throughout the day, encouragement to walk boldly in Your faith. Pour into us Your understanding of those who are broken to be blessed with healing.
People of God, faithful to hear! May the Lord bless you, and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you: May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. He shall put His name upon the children of Israel, and He will bless them. Numbers 6:24-27
We pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, “May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces.” For the sake of our brethren and companions, We will now say, “Peace be within you.” Because of the house of the Lord our God we will seek your good. Psalm 122:6-9 AMEN!