Today's Prayer Focus: FORGIVENESS
Each morning, when we come before the Throne of Grace to prepare our hearts to join the Prayer Siege for the White House, we must first examine ourselves to see if we are in the will of God.

Specifically, as we address our enemies, we must do so in the love of our Messiah. Let us look upon our enemies as Christ does: sinners, as we once were, waiting to be saved by His Grace.

Let us repent of any wicked thoughts we hold against these demonstrators, and instead rejoice that our Lord has now put a hook in their jaw, and caused them to come forth, so that we can now actually see those who need our prayers! Hallelujah!

Father God, we bring these ones before You who are intent on doing harm to our country and to our President. We ask You to forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Help us, O Lord, to see each one as You see them from Your Throne: lost souls who desperately need to know Your touch, Your deliverance, Your salvation, and Your healing power.

We cry out for their souls, and we thank You for the marvelous work You did on that Cross . . . shedding Your very Blood to cancel our sin and make us new again. In Your Holy Name we pray, amen.

A Song for Today:
The Old Rugged Cross

To sing along with this classic hymn, honoring the work of the Cross, please go here.