Laying Siege Over the Election:
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Today is Day 6 of 21 Days
Prayer, Fasting and Repentance for Election Day
Our verse to claim for today:
It is written: "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."
Prayer Alert:
'Before the Polls Even Close': Anti-Trump Groups Plot to Shutdown DC and Spark National 'Uprising' After Election
The protestors are coming back, ready to do "whatever it takes" to force President Trump out of office AFTER the election!
A group called "ShutDownDC" is mobilizing protestors from across the nation to come to D.C. and to "shut it down", beginning on Election Day and continuing on until their goal is met.
We now quote from their website:
November 4-7: Ready to Do Whatever it Takes!
In the days following the election we'll continue to come out into the streets every day to respond to rapidly changing events. We may be waiting for votes to be counted or we may be responding to major attacks on democracy. Over the next few weeks we'll use our Spokes Council process to plan actions that are flexible and can scale to respond to a lot of different scenarios. November 8-11: No More Business as Usual
The week after the election members of Congress (many of whom will have just been voted out of office) are coming back to DC to go back into session. If Trump is trying to launch a coup, that's no time for business as usual. We'll meet them at the train station or the airports or if they drive into town we can meet them at their homes. And if Trump has already conceded, then we can pivot and use these actions to demand COVID-19 relief and other essential legislation!
Sources: CBN, go here.
ShutdownDC - go here.
The Federalist - Go here.
Our Prayer:
Father God, when we see the enemy rising up to "take us down," we do not fear, for we know that You, Holy One, are with us. Instead, we look to You, trusting that You will win this battle for us.
We thank You for the victory You won on September 17th, after we stood watch for 40 days to Lay Siege over their own plans to lay siege against the White House in advance of the election.
We thank You, too, for those who have stood on that ground, in Lafayette Park, every day since then, serving as Your "occupying force" to this day.
And now, O Lord our God, we look to You again, as we see the plans of the enemy in front of us. Thank You for hearing us, as we have stood in this 21-day "window" as Daniel did, awaiting to see You reveal Your hand upon us on Election Day.
We decree that, as it was then (on September 17th), so it shall be now, and we praise You in advance for the victory! In Your name, Lord God, amen and amen!
Secondary verse:
"Let God arise,
Let His enemies be scattered;
Let those also who hate Him flee before Him."
(Psalm 68:1)
> > > To revisit the victory for God's people on September 17th, when the enemy announced that they would, indeed, stand down from their planned "invasion," please go here.