Insight for Intercessors -Update on "Operation Guardian Wall" Day 3




May 12, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!

Shalom, and welcome to day #3 of Operation Guardian of the Wall in the attacks of the Palestinians against Israel!

Israel is in very dire straits at the moment. Last night was a rough night. In a report from the IDF we learn that:

**During Israel’s last offensive with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, etc., in 2014,

a total of 4,000 rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza during the 50 days of the conflict. In less than three days of this operation, well over 1500 have been fired from the Arabs. 350 of those launches fell into Gaza; not making it over their boundary fence. The deaths, damages, and disabilities from those failed rockets are put on Israel’s account in Hamas’ reports to the international community … to heap up more condemnation on the Jews. Question: what nation in the world would tolerate 15 rockets shot at their cities and citizens … let alone 1500 in 3 days! The balance scale of justice, righteousness, and truth is so skewed against the Israelis. It’s outrageous!

--Pray for JUSTICE and TRUTH to come from the hand of YHVH; forcing the wicked to be held accountable.

--Pray for SHAME to be brought down on the heads of mainstream media, which continues to report this atrocity as the justice due to Israel for Israeli aggression against the Palestinians.

**The arch Hamas terrorist, Mohammad Deif has been planning this attack, and storing rockets in Gaza since the last operation ended. Israeli intelligence forces received intel about two meetings taking place simultaneously in Gaza, involving Deif’s general staff, in two underground locations earlier this evening. The Israeli security forces targeted those locations at the same moment, and reportedly eliminated 16 Qassam commanders. Was Deif one of those casualties? We don’t know, but I hope so.

**Pray that the Lord will fix, fry, or finish Mohammad Deif, and all the other terrorist leaders in Gaza, and in the so-called West Bank. Remove them from power, Lord!

**Praise the Lord for the amazing intel coming from technology, and from hidden Israeli forces embedded within Gaza … as well as intel gleaned from Christian Arabs, and from other freedom-loving Arabs within Gaza. Protect the hidden ones, and give them supernatural abilities to acquire accurate information, and to get it out safely in perfect timing.

**Pray also for spiritual intelligence to come to those making strategies and military moves within the Israeli military.

**Pray that the Lord will be raising up a righteous remnant of Arabs within Gaza, who will be prepared to lead their people, when their evil leaders are removed.

**Some are wondering if the IDF will make a full incursion into Gaza with ground troops and artillery. Most likely, such a move at this point would put the Israeli forces, and the government, in a huge trap. If it is true that a confederacy of Islamic nations is part of a plot to instigate a war with Israel at this time (see Psalm 83), to remove her from the Land, Israel must be exceedingly wise and discerning. Very likely, the Moslems are trying to exhaust the Jews mentally, physically, emotionally, and materially, so that a victory in war over Israel would be much easier. While Israel is distracted with, and engaged in, a ground invasion of Gaza, it would be easier for our enemies at the northern border to come down with their hundreds of thousands of rockets and missiles. Additionally, the Arabs see that those, who are sitting in (stolen) seats of power in the US government right now, have a different heart and intention toward Israel from what President Trump holds. They see the US administration as weak and as an un-invested ally of Israel. That makes the whole situation much more dangerous for Israel. Israel must not be blindsided or entrapped … nor ambushed and deceived.

--Pray that the Lord would send dreams and visions to the military and government leaders of Israel; instructing them what to do, and informing them what NOT to do.

--Pray that YHVH would block the path for any incursions that the Lord has not ordered. Pray that He will push from behind to facilitate any incursion into Gaza that He wants, even if Israel is hesitant to engage.

--Whatever happens, pray that Israel is ready. Pray for amazingly accurate and timely intel from the northern border. Pray against ALL ambushes, kidnappings, blind-sidings, and trip wires.

--Pray divine protection over all the warriors of Israel, who are involved in these battles and attacks right now. Make them strong, wise, skillful, and courageous. Keep them united.

**Egypt and Qatar are calling for a ceasefire, but blessedly Israel is refusing. Israel has learned over the years that Arab Moslem ceasefires only allow their enemies to rearm, and then to commence when they feel ready. There is never a true and honest peace with the Palestinian terror leaders. It is against their Islamic religion to make peace with any infidel enemy, unless it is a temporary, false, peace; giving the Moslems the advantage of deception, in order to gain the upper hand to attain eventual victory. Israel must not go with a ceasefire before the job is done.

--Pray that Israel would persevere in the operation; cutting down/destroying the communications, armaments, supplies, bases of operation, and hiding places of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (and all other terror leaders and operatives).

--Pray that Israel will not yield to any unholy international pressure; seeking to manipulate her into acting unwisely, into accepting conditions that are harmful to Israel, and wicked/deceitful in their intentions.

--Pray that YHVH would block any peace initiative, or ceasefire agreement, that He has not authored or sanctioned.

**An additional threat is the increasing number of Arab riots taking place in various Israeli cities, and clashes between extremist groups from both sides. Vandalism of property, arson, and beatings are taking place. Even the lynching of a 30-year-old Jewish man was done by Arabs in the city of Acco today. A far-right Jewish group was seen marching through the streets of Bat Yam, shouting, “Death to Arabs!” Surely that adds fuel to the fire! Last night, three Jewish synagogues were burned by Arabs in the city of Lod. Even now Lod is still burning. Riots have begun in Tiberius and threaten to break out in various other cities. Jerusalem is a potential powder keg with East Jerusalem in an outrage.

**Pray to bind down the spirits of Anarchy, Violence, Blood Lust, Jealousy of Influence, Murder, Fascination with Death, Dismemberment, Destruction, Arson, Vandalism, Tribalism, Power, Territorialism, Mob Mentality, Sensationalism, Egotism, Pride, Seduction, Unholy Passion, Competition, and Hatred. Bind these spirits down in all their all manifestations, operations, and transfers by the Name, Power, and Blood of Yeshua the Messiah.

--Release the Spirits of Self-Control, Truth, Humility, Wisdom, and Holy Tolerance.

--Pray and ask YHVH to bind up and to remove the Principalities of Islam and Leviathan.

--If mosques were set on fire by Jews, a case against Israel would be in the International Criminal Court within hours. However, 3 synagogues being burned doesn’t even make the international evening news. Pray for justice and for a 7-fold restitution to the Jewish people.

--Pray for YHVH to pour out living water upon unholy fires burning in the soul or in the human spirit.

--Release the Spirit of Shalom

**The strategy of having a huge number of rockets fired at once, is the attempt of Hamas to overwhelm the Israeli Iron Dome Defense system. That strategy has unfortunately been a bit too successful. Rocket impacts have taken place in Ashkelon, Ashdod, Petah Tikvah, Tel Aviv, Holon, and other cities. There have been Jewish deaths and several injuries, but also some real miracles. When there are 170 rockets fired in one hour … some as close together as 4 or 5 second apart … it is nearly impossible to intercept them all. The 90% interception rate of the Iron Dome teams is amazing … even miraculous!

--Praise YHVH for the wonderful technology and success of the Iron Dome Defense System!

--Praise YHVH for the incredible focus, skill, endurance and wisdom demonstrated by the young Iron Dome operators in this IDF special unit.

--Pray for refreshment from the Lord to bless these young, weary warriors after hours of operating the equipment.

--Bring comfort to the hearts of these young warriors, when they fail to catch a rocket and hear that it has caused injury or death. It is not their fault, but surely, they feel a sense of responsibility or failure. Free them from that load of heart and mind. Bless them!

**As of evening tonight, the expanse of the Hamas rocket attacks has increased. Before, the launches were largely directed toward the southern communities and those surrounding the Gaza border. Tel Aviv started taking hits when Iranian, long-range rockets were employed. Haifa took a hit as well as Modiin. Jerusalem was targeted by rockets that fell short; with them landing in Modiin. Here are the cities and the communities that received fire since 1:00 AM Israel time, around 6 hours ago at the time of this writing. Please note the highlighted time stamp to see how close these launches took place, and how many were launch at the same time. Each city listed is a target site for a launch.

Red Alert at bqa al-Gharbiyye, umm al-Fahm, Harish, Tel Aviv - Jaffa, Bnei Brak, Bat Yam, Givatayim, Herzeliya, Holon, Mikveh Israel, Petach Tikva, Rishon LeZion, Ramat Gan, Ramat HaSharon, Ra'anana, Hod HaSharon, Tira, Kfar Saba, Givat Shmuel, Kiryat Ono, Rehovot, Be'er Yacov, Ness Ziona, Ramla, Or Yehuda, Yehud-Monosson, Savyon, Lod, Kadima-Zoran, Ashkelon, Drom HaSharon, Hof HaSharon, Emek Yizra'el, Menashe, Megiddo, Emek Hefer, Lev HaSharon, Gan Raveh, Brenner, Gezer, Sdot Dan, Hevel Modi'in, Hof Ashkelon [01:12]:

13/05/2021 01:12:17:

• Sharon - Ramot HaShavim, Sdeh Warburg, Batzra

• Hefer - Tel Mond, Ahituv, Amatz, Be'erotaim, Burgata, Gan Yoshia, Yanuv, Kfar Yona, Olesh

• Wadi Ara - bqa al-Gharbiyye, Jatt, Lehavot Haviva, Magal, Meiser, Metzer, umm al-Fahm, Umm al-Qutuf, Bart'a, Harish, Mu'awiya, Mitzpeh Ilan, Ar'ara

• Tavor - Givat Ela, Gvat, Zarzir, Nahalal, Ramat David, Shimshit, Timrat, Kfar Baruch

• Menashe - Midrach Oz, Mishmar HaEmek, Sdeh Itzhak

13/05/2021 01:12:22:

• Hefer - Tnuvot, Geulim, Herut, Tira, Kfar Hess, Kfar Yavetz, Kfar Avoda, Mishmeret

• Wadi Ara - Katzir

• Dan - Tel Aviv - South and Jaffa, Tel Aviv - East, Tel Aviv - City Center, Tel Aviv - Across the Yarkon, Azor, Bnei Brak, Bat Yam, Givatayim, MODIIN, Holon, Mikveh Israel, Ramat Gan - West

• Sharon - Givat Hen, Herzeliya - Center and Glil Yam, Ramat HaSharon, Ra'anana, Gan Haim, Hod HaSharon, Kafr Misr, Kfar Saba

• Shfela (Lowlands) - Palmachin Industrial Park, Palmachim, Rishon LeZion - West

• Yarkon - Petach Tikva

13/05/2021 01:12:23:

• Hefer - Ein Vered, Ein Sarid

13/05/2021 01:12:27:

• Dan - Givat Shmuel, Kiryat Ono, Ramat Gan - East

• Sharon - Yarkona

• Southern Shfela - Gibton, Gan Shlomo

• Shfela (Lowlands) - Netzer Sireni, Rishon LeZion - East, Rehovot, Be'er Yacov, Yashresh, Nir Zvi, Ness Ziona, Ramla, Zrifin Industrial Zone, Achiezer

13/05/2021 01:12:31:

• Yarkon - Maas, Be'erot Itzhak, Bnei Atarot, Magshimim

• Dan - Ganei Tikva, Or Yehuda, Yehud-Monosson, Savyon

• Shfela (Lowlands) - Beit Dagan, Hemed, Mishmar HaShiva, Ganot, Zeitan, Yagel, Kfar Chabad, Tzafria

• Hefer - Porat

13/05/2021 01:12:37:

• Yarkon - Gat Rimon, Nechalim

• Shfela (Lowlands) - Lod

• Hefer - Tzoran, Kadima, Qalansawe

13/05/2021 01:12:40:

• Sharon - Ramot HaShavim, Sdeh Warburg, Batzra

• Hefer - Tel Mond

• Wadi Ara - bqa al-Gharbiyye

13/05/2021 01:12:49:

• Wadi Ara - Jatt, Lehavot Haviva, Magal, Meiser, Metzer

• Tavor - Givat Ela, Gvat, Zarzir, Nahalal

• Menashe - Midrach Oz, Mishmar HaEmek

13/05/2021 01:12:52:

• Western Lakhish - Ashkelon Northern Industrial Zone, Ashkelon, Ashkelon Southern Industrial Zone

• Gaza Containment Zone - Karmia, Netiv HaAssara

|| Major cities: bqa al-Gharbiyye, umm al-Fahm, Harish, Tel Aviv - Jaffa, Bnei Brak, Bat Yam, Givatayim, Herzeliya, Holon, Mikveh Israel, Petach Tikva, Rishon LeZion, Ramat Gan, Ramat HaSharon, Ra'anana, Hod HaSharon, Tira, Kfar Saba, Givat Shmuel, Kiryat Ono, Rehovot, Be'er Yacov, Ness Ziona, Ramla, Or Yehuda, Yehud-Monosson, Savyon, Lod, Kadima-Zoran, Ashkelon ||

|| Regional councils: Drom HaSharon, Hof HaSharon, Emek Yizra'el, Menashe, Megiddo, Emek Hefer, Lev HaSharon, Gan Raveh, Brenner, Gezer, Sdot Dan, Hevel Modi'in, Hof Ashkelon, MODIIN

--Pray for protection over all the people and property of Israel from these attacks. Pray for their rest, their courage, their wisdom, and their endurance.

--Pray for YHVH’s angelic hosts to be the cover and the defense system over all of Israel.

--Pray special protection over the ports on Ashdod and Haifa. Cover the huge storage containers of gas, oil, ammonia, and any other chemicals that are found in these ports.

--Pray that nothing will touch the Dimona Nuclear facility, the water purification and desalination facilities, nor the gas and oil rigs/fields offshore in the Mediterranean.

--In that the IDF intercepted a Hamas special forces navy unit operating on the coast, pray that not a single Palestinian frogman or other terror operative, will be able to infiltrate by sea, nor conduct terror by way of the sea. (And that includes the Red Sea in the South.)

**Now as if all that isn’t enough already, Arabs are rising up in support of the Hamas/Palestinian cause throughout the Arab world. The Turks have taken to the streets to pledge their support to the Palestinians in the battle for Jerusalem and to seize the Land. With one third of the population of Jordan being the same people/tribe as those in Israel, who refer to themselves as Palestinians (yes … Jordan is the true Palestinian State already), many Jordanians are eager to “get into it” with Israel as well. Hizbullah, in Lebanon, is poised and positioned to attack, when the call goes out to hit Israel from the North. And surely Assad is standing ready in Syria. The chief player in all this is, of course, Iran. What will Iran do? Has a trap been set for Israel through this fake “eviction of Arabs in East Jerusalem” scenario? Surely, with al-Aksa mosque (during the last few days of Ramadan) being filled with rocks and Molotov Cocktails to throw down on the heads of Jews at the Wailing Wall, this was a very carefully planned attack to celebrate the end of their “holy” month. But the anti-Semitic, fake news, humanist, globalist, luciferian spin on the whole thing, puts the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the Jews; giving the Palestinians sympathy from the world, and permission to destroy Jewish life through powerful, justifiable, “retaliation”. Ahhhh … the Palestinians do so love being victims. The Moslem world loves to have any excuse and opportunity to take the Land of Israel for the Islamic Caliphate … which they believe will bring forth their Islamic messiah, the Imam Mahdi.

--Pray that YHVH would keep His hand upon all the Arab nations surrounding Israel … but especially those in the North.

--Pray that the Lord would be the ONLY ONE to call forth the prophesied Middle East War. Pray that as He calls it forth, He will fight for Israel in that war.

--Pray that YHVH would not allow satan to get away with anything in this conflict.

--Pray for the FEAR OF YHVH to fall upon all of Israel’s enemies, so that they would be scared to engage her in war. Open their eyes to the angelic warriors that are already in the midst of this conflict.

--Praise YHVH for the Guardians of the Wall (both the human warriors and YHVH’s angelic warriors). May they prosper, and in the prospering, give YHVH great glory.

--Rather than the coming Islamic Mahdi, pray for Yeshua the Messiah to return to His city Jerusalem … to His Land, and to His people. We want Him back home! Praise awaits Him in Zion!

OK, the hour is late, and quite honestly, I’m a bit exhausted from three days with little sleep to engage in this battle. It’s time for a bit of rest. I have a wonderful rhema from the Lord, given to me last night, that I want to share with you. I will send it to you later today, rather than to make this writing longer. My YHVH bless you for your love of Israel and for all your prayers. As always, I cherish your prayers, love and support for me, as I seek to serve Him in this work for the Kingdom.

Stay well and stay IN HIM!
