
May 17, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!


This update will be quite short, as I want you to be apprised of developments very quickly.

I suspect that Hamas is getting quite desperate right now. Some additional, very key, high-rise buildings in Gaza have been demolished. 9.3 miles of vital underground terror and transfer tunnels have been utterly destroyed, along with all the weapons and high-tech instruments contained within them. All that material is not repairable nor retrievable. At least 5000 buildings in Gaza have been damaged or destroyed, as terrorist leaders and operatives sought shelter within them, or shot rockets from them, and ended up being targets. The Hamas navy is destroyed. The Hamas banks are in rubble, along with all the illicit funds that the terror organization had stored within them to buy weapons, and to pay Hamas salaries. 2 million people live in Gaza. At least 10,000 are active terrorists making the lives of the population pure hell … but do they realize this fact? Too many Palestinians in Gaza believe the lies that the Jews/Israelis are their big problem. One would think that this kind of activity, seen in the past week, would awake them up; but their minds have been so poisoned from wee childhood! Many are so filled with hatred for the Jews and for Israel … some so bound to Islam’s claims … that they are not considering the cause and effect laws that have left them without water and electricity, cooking fuel and fresh food. Somehow, in their minds, the Israelis deserve to be destroyed, because they exist, and are living on, what they have been told, is rightful Moslem land. In many minds, the 4000 outrageous rocket attacks leveled against Jewish civilian towns and cities, have nothing to do with their suffering and losses. These things are heroic sacrifices according to their political and spiritual leaders.

Many senior Islamic Jihad leaders and commanders have been killed, as have many key Hamas leaders. I wonder, who is stepping in to take their place. Surely, this would be a great time for the Palestinian people to reject their terror leaders and demand that they stop cyclically destroying their lives and prosperity every so many years. Popular opinion in the world is not rising to support Hamas as they had hoped. Even Joe Biden has agreed to give Israel financial aid to purchase missiles to replenish their supply used in the past week. As the days go on, the world become more fed up with these attacks on Israelis … attacks which are fully in violation of international codes of war. These terrorists have very little solid ground on which to stand, and from which to wage war against Israeli civilians. So, what are they standing on? SAND!!! Gaza is built upon sand! The foundations of Islam … its murder, hatred, violence, arrogance, lust for blood, etc. are the bedrock on which these Islamic terrorist wage war against Israel … and from there to make war against all the western world. Infidels must be subjugated to Islam according to their holy book. This is not a religion. This is a governmental, judicial, and social system, comprised of severe controls and oppression … a totalitarian system that wears religious garb to give it social cover … as well as manipulative soul power, over intellectual reason and truth. The Islamic people need a great deliverance, not a global jihad to prove their ascendency … and to prove the superiority of their false god.

Let me be absolutely clear! ANY CHRISTIAN OR JEW, who says that the god of Islam is the same as the God of the Bible, is in deep error. Actually, it is a great offense to YHVH for anyone of faith to make that statement. There is one God, and His name of not Allah. (Note how politically incorrect, and how utterly offensive it is to speak that truth, which is clearly recorded in the Bible). The God of the Bible is love not hate. The God of the Bible demands truth, and never rewards lies. The God of the Bible is humility, not arrogance! The God of the Bible is service to others, not oppression and domination of others. The God of the Bible is freedom and joy, not heavy control and pain that strips away true joy. The God of the Bible opens up eternity to those, who live for Him. The god of Islamic denies all women, and all non-jihadists, an afterlife in paradise. No Moslem is guaranteed an afterlife free of hellfire, unless perhaps, the number of infidels he has killed, and the amount of territory he has taken for Islam, is pleasing enough for Allah to allow him a pass into heaven. In Islam, if you kill yourself in the process of killing infidels, you are praised. In the faith, and in the ways, of the God of the Bible, people are praised for laying down their lives, so that others might live and know the peace and fellowship with YHVH now, and in eternity. ALLAH is definitely in the opposite camp from the Kingdom and person of YHVH. Allah is not just another name for YHVH. It is a satanic/demonic entity, who operates in opposition to, and in competition with, the God of the Bible. We want all Moslems to be free and prospered in the truth of WHO they are, by coming to know WHO YHVH IS, and by embracing their salvation that has been offered in love. We love all Moslems and long to see then free and revived in the truth. Let’s raise some prayers before the Lord for that cause, as we pray for Israel’s victory in this battle against terror.


**It has been suggested that a cease fire is only about two days away. The Egyptian government has been serving as a mediator between Hamas and the Israeli government. As the defeat of Hamas becomes more evident, the more Hamas suggests that it has won the conflict and now can consider a ceasefire. Note that Islam is a very arrogant system … one full of deceit and delusion. Moslems are forbidden to declare defeat. They will lie about victory to save face, and will accept a truce to give them time to rearm, and to come back to battle again in the future. Israel must NOT sign any kind of ceasefire, until Hamas is crushed. It is a cancer that, if it is not dealt with completely, it comes back on the scene in a more invasive and deadly form in the future. The Israeli government negotiators will consider all the undercover intel and the evidence on the ground to determine when it is time to call a ceasefire. Expect that tomorrow and the next day (if it takes that long) will be very intense with fire into Gaza; making sure that the last vital pieces of the Hamas’ power puzzle is dismantled.

--Pray for wisdom on the part of the Israeli government in regard to accepting the terms of any truce.

--Pray for the Israelis to ignore any pressure that seeks to push the decisions being made, into a direction that puts Israel at risk, or into a position of foolish compromise.

--Pray that ANYTHING that is still hidden in Gaza, that needs to be dealt with, will surface in the next couple of days, and be addressed by the Israeli security forces. Give them eagle eyes.

--Pray that ANY AND ALL LIES, and deceit, being put forth by the Moslems, who are making this truce agreement, will be exposed and rejected by the Israelis.

--NO CEASEFIRE, unless YHVH agrees with it … and only in His timing!!

**Things are kicking up at the northern border!!

The IDF has discovered a network of terror Hizbullah tunnels running from Lebanon to 3 kilometers from the Israeli border. Meanwhile, rocket fire was launched from Lebanon today. Apparently, a group of Palestinians living in Lebanon fired 6 rockets toward Israel as a statement of support and solidarity. All of them landed within Lebanon. Never the less, sirens were heard in the northern Israeli towns of the Upper Galilee, and pubic bomb shelters in the region were opened, just in case. Hopefully, the Lebanese government can get a handle on these Palestinian rocket launch teams. Hizbullah has told the Palestinians in South Lebanon that this is NOT the time to pick a fight with Israel. The Lebanese government has given a resounding NO, to anyone, who wants to launch anything into Israel. The country would be severely divided, if battle would break out against Israel. Many of the Lebanese people want to have peace with Israel. They have become very upset with the meddling and influence that Iran has brought, unbidden, into their country. They don’t like having Lebanese citizens being used as surrogates in Syria against Assad.

--Pray that the Lebanese people will contain the Palestinian threats in their nation, and remain at peace with Israel.

--Pray for the Lebanese Christians to grow in their knowledge and faith in the God of the Bible, so that they stay out of replacement theology. They need to stand with Israel to be blessed by YHVH. (NOTE: that doesn’t mean they (or others) need to approve of everything that governmental Israel does, nor what religious Israel does. However, they must respect, and support, the role and calling that the Lord gave to Israel in regard to the Land, and according to the priority of the Jews assigned to Israel in the Lord’s plan for the world.)

--Pray that there will not be any “accidents” or foolish fire that becomes bait for the Israelis. No reaction that inspires conflictual contact! Only action that is wise and organized according to the plan and timing of YHVH.

--Pray that YHVH would keep a heavy hand on Hizbullah and its leaders. Pray that there would be division and suspicion introduced into the relationship between Iran and Hizbullah.

**Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, and other Islamic terror organizations, have called for tomorrow (Tuesday) to be a DAY of RAGE. They are calling for violent protests and demonstrations against Israel to take place throughout the world. Today, already, there were mobs of Palestinians in Ramallah, shooting weapons into the air, shouting support for the Hamas leader, Deif, and for the cause of Hamas against Israel. Tomorrow, they would like to see more riots, more car burnings, more ramming attacks, more stabbing attacks, etc. against Israeli Jews throughout the Land; particularly at the hands of Israeli Arabs. They would like to see Americans, European, Australians, Brits, etc. marching in the streets of their nations, in support of the cause of the Palestinians .. and shouting words of condemnation against the Israelis. They want the students of colleges and universities to rise up in support of the Palestinians against the Israelis. Their mantra declares “FROM THE RIVER (Jordan) TO THE SEA (the Mediterranean) PALESTINE SHALL BE FREE (meaning totally elimination of the State of Israel. Apparently, they have never seen the land grant that the Jewish people received from YHVH. They, and other foolish Christians and Jews, make the statement that all the Jews that have returned to the Land, by making aliyah to the modern Jewish State, are alien Jews, and illegal occupiers of Arab land. Apparently, they don’t believe what the Lord says about birthing His nation in a single day, and gathering His internationally scattered people back into their homeland … which HE ESTABLISHED FOR THEM. Such misinformed people are battling the God of Israel … His word and His power on the matter. That won’t end well.

--Pray that all organized violence scheduled for tomorrow will fail or be cancelled.

--Pray for the angels of the Lord to get into the middle of any violent assemblies or actions.


--Release the Spirits of Truth, Shalom, Sanity, Wisdom, Order and Lawfulness.

--Pray for the Lord to shut the mouths of the media that perpetually incite unrest, and who present fake news/ false reports in order to make Israel look bad in the eyes of the world.

--Pray that Truth will hold the Palestinians and their terror leaders accountable. Pray that YHVH will deny them any positive response, sympathy, or power from their violent and hateful actions against the Jews. BRING FORTH THE RIGHTEOUS CONSEQUENCES, LORD!

--Pray that the hateful, violent fires planned for the DAY OF RAGE will be “rained out”.

**Whenever rockets continue to be fired from Gaza, the IDF will continue to respond in force.

The people of Israel, who have been under the burden of these attacks for more than a week, need our support and prayers. Even in recent hours the Israeli Air Force was busy bombing 70 terror targets in northern portions of Gaza. Hamas continue to make statements that it will “destroy Tel Aviv”, and that many more Jews are dead than the Israelis are willing admit. NO! WRONG! The last report that I heard was that 10 Jews had been killed as a result of this past week’s hostilities. One man (Yigal Yehoshua), who had been hospitalized in serious condition, died today … a victim of a lynching in Lod. Interestingly, it was announced that more Jews are in hospitals, being mended from injuries from this war, than were there for anything COVID related. Somewhere in there is some good news.

--Pray for the Lord to fortify the bomb shelters and saferooms of all the Israelis under attack.

--Pray for Him to fortify the hearts and minds of the people as well. Pray peace especially for the little children, who are terrified, and unable to sleep, because of all the sirens and booms.

--Pray continued safety for all Israelis, especially the warriors that are defending Israel moment by moment. Pray against any downed IAF planes or helicopters, and against any destroyed Israeli naval vessels.

--Pray for the Israelis to be wise in their movement and fully alert … both as they emerge from secure rooms with an unfolding ceasefire. Don’t allow them to be ambushed or blindsided, Lord!

--Pray for the people in the cities that are distant from the rocket fire to be alert and discerning as well. They can be harmed by terrorists wearing bomb belts, ramming cars, and wielding knives, etc., as surely as they can be killed by rockets falling from the sky.

--Pray that the police and border guards would remain alert and in a defensive posture at all times. This is not the time to be distracted or to let your guard down.

--Praise the Lord that the crazy strange phenomenon, of sudden Arab and Jew violence among neighbors throughout the country, has subsided. Pray that it doesn’t fire up again.

A PRAISE REPORT: I just received an update from the IDF news feed that tonight in Israel was the first quiet night since the beginning of this action 8 days ago. There were no rockets fired from Gaza between 11:15 PM and 5:30 AM Israeli time! Only a few have been launched since 5:30 AM! PRAISE THE LORD!

On that happy note, I will conclude this update! As always, may the Lord bless you for your prayers and for your heart for Israel and for the Jewish people. Thank you for the encouragement and love you give me in the work of standing with the Kingdom of YHVH and presenting the updates … particularly right now in the midst of this battle against Islamic terror.

Until tomorrow … be blessed!
