Insight for Intercessors - UPDATE ON OPERATION “GUARDIAN OF THE WALL” … DAY 10




May 19, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!


It was another busy day for the IDF in Israel. Rather than give you a play by play that I would assemble, I will copy the activity reports of the IDF below for you to see and to understand. I will highlight special items for you to note


-- Large barrages at 11:45 pm on Ashkelon and Ashdod, and 12:45 am on Ashdod and Rechovot, theoretically aimed at IDF air force bases (that somehow only hit civilian areas).

-- Rockets at 2:20 am and 5:45 am towards Sderot and Gaza area towns.

-- Attempted ramming attack near Adam in the Shomron, attacker, an Israeli Arab, shot and injured.

-- IDF reports a large bombing attack on Khan Yunis and Rafah on 40 underground targets.


— Brief morning lull from 5:45 AM - 9:40 AM.

— At which point constant attacks returned to the near-Gaza towns such as Sderot, Otef Aza, etc.

— Ashkelon and Ashdod large barrages started again at 1:20 PM, 2:00, 3:00, 3:07, 4:14.

— Be’er Sheva joined under fire at 3:00 PM.

— Kiryat Malachi and surrounding farming towns attacked at 3:30 PM.

— Acco and north of Haifa towns like Kiryat Yam targeted from Lebanon at 4:12 PM.

— 4 rockets fired from south Lebanon, IDF is retaliating with artillery, 1 intercepted, 1 in an open area, 2 in the sea.

— No reports of direct impacts, but lots of pictures of holes in roads, sidewalks, and some fires in fields.

— Terror attack near Hebron, attacker killed, no IDF injuries, 4:05 PM.

— IDF reports strikes on 3 launchers.

— IDF reports strike on PIJ operatives trying to launch.

— IDF reports strike on Hamas operative trying to launch.

— IDF hits Hamas observation post and tunnel shaft.

— IDF hits Hamas technological department in Jabalya.

— IDF reports strike on PIJ weapons manufacturing facility.

— IDF re-opens Keren Shalom port-crossing to humanitarian aid which arrived from Jordon … it again it fell under rocket attack from Gaza, and again closed. (No IDF injuries)

--Praise the Lord that the rockets that flew to Israel today from Lebanon, were again, not from Hizbullah. Praise the Lord that the IDF showed wisdom in hitting back at the launching site, but didn’t overreact. Praise the Lord that the US peacekeepers, who are usually inert, picked up the investigation and did their job. Praise the Lord that the Israelis in the north were unharmed by the rockets from Lebanon.

--Pray that in the coming hours and days, that there will be no more fire from the north.

--Pray that as time goes on, the Christian Lebanese will come on line with Israel and begin to become stronger as a voice in the government. Pray that their lights will shine more publicly/openly, with more influence and more favor. Pray that these Christians will jettison all replacement theology and anti-Semitism.

--Praise the Lord that the volatile elements in Haifa’s port area, were untouched by the rockets.

--Praise Him that the gas and oil rigs in the sea were kept safe.

--Praise the Lord that no Israelis were killed by today’s random terror attacks that occurred in other parts of Israel, outside the main attack zone. Praise the Lord that the IDF soldiers in Hebron were not killed by the attacking terrorist today.

--Pray that the closing of the Keren Shalom crossing, keeping humanitarian aid out of Gaza, will be understood as being the fault of the terrorists, who were shooting rockets at the crossing. The Jews shouldn’t be blamed. They made provision for the food and water supplies to enter into Gaza. The rocket attacks have kept the shipments of aid out for the past two days.

--Pray that YHVH would provide for His children in Gaza. There are some believers living in the Gaza Strip. Pray blessings upon them as well as safety and Kingdom opportunities.

**Daily Rocket summary report … note the number of rockets per hour and the growing total

Screenshot 2021-05-20 072530.png

--Given the huge number of rockets fired into Israel, praise the Lord for the miracles that happened to keep the people safe and alive.

--Praise the Lord for the miracle that occurred in Sderot, when a rocket burst into the room of a sleeping baby. It didn’t explode and the baby was not harmed … nor were the other family members.

--Praise the Lord for the Iron Dome technology which He gave to the Israelis years ago … and which has been ungraded as recently as this past March. His timing and provision are perfect!


I’d like to make a comment at this point. Israel has endured 3750+ rockets from Gaza in only 10 days, and has struck back; bombing 1,000+ targets in Gaza. Those IDF targets were intentionally chosen as the result of extraordinary intelligence reporting … including intel from Israeli soldiers, who are secretly embedded among Hamas, as if they are part of them (risking their lives at every point). ALL the targets attacked by Israel were justified and certified Hamas targets. Unlike other nations conducting other wars, Israel pinpoints its targets to effectively deal with the enemy, while preserving the civilians. There is no widespread carpet bombing and certainly no chemical weapons used. The targets that were hit, during these past 10 days, were homes of terror leaders, buildings that housed critical operations of Hamas, the massive metro underground terror tunnel network (which stores weapons and acts as command centers). These tunnels also enable the secret movement of weapons and personnel underground throughout the area. Other IDF targets slated to feel the sting of Israel’s precision missiles were weapons factories and caches, as well as various gatherings of Hamas terrorists. If a building, which was set to be hit, contained ANY civilians, those civilians were warned to evacuate, by cell phone message and by roof tapping; anywhere between 1-2 hours before the strike was made. Unfortunately, that compassionate warning protocol enables many terrorists to escape.

--Praise the Lord for the accurate and timely intelligence reports that made this operation such a success.

--Pray that the Lord would continue to hide, cover, and protect the embedded Israeli soldiers in Gaza. YHVH bless them for their huge sacrifices, and for the huge danger they live with each day in order to protect Israel.

According to the report of Hamas, and the Gaza Health organization, 227 Palestinians have been killed. Of those, 160+ are Hamas terrorist, and only 60 are civilians. In reality, many of the rockets that Hamas launched from Gaza, landed back in Gaza; killing some of the Palestinians, and damaging their property. The number of casualties from those misfired rockets, are counted among the total number of dead … as if Israel caused those deaths and injuries. I believe this operation by the Israelis is nothing short of brilliant. The people of Gaza were blessed to have such a righteous army responding to such a great level of aggression. We only need to look north into Syria to see what might have happened, if Israel had unleashed with her full potential. Gaza would be a parking lot rubble right now, and multitudes of civilians would be dead or injured.

--Praise the Lord for Israel’s Godly and wise military leaders … and for all her amazing soldiers.

--Pray for justice against the lies and mis-reported statistics by Hamas, in their effort to bring condemnation down upon Israel continually.

**An important Hamas asset was taken out overnight. Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV broadcaster, Yusuf Abu Hussein, was in his house when an Israeli missile brought it down. Why was this person a target? Yusuf was a powerful, influential, propagandist, mouthpiece for Hamas. He stirred up young Palestinian hearts into rage and blood lust, by fabricating insults and injury, and accounting the Palestinian suffering to be the wicked work of the illegal, occupying, Israeli Jews. Yusuf was like a potter, forming the solidifying conclusions of the world, in regard to Israel, according the spin of what his words (and their images) formed on his potter’s wheel. In a nutshell, this man did an all-too-effective job of providing Hamas with a weapon called "jihad al-kalma" … to destroy the enemy though the words of your mouth … "jihad” against the infidel through the spoken and written word". He was a professional liar and serious mind-controller. Hamas adored him and made very good use of him. Blessedly, his voice has been silenced. While his fellow Moslems may be celebrating his martyrdom and his entry into paradise to collect his 72 perpetual virgins (as promised in the Islamic hadiths), I suspect he is dealing with an entirely different reality tonight … and for a LONG TIME to come. Only the Lord knows where his soul now abides, but unless something radical happened in time, his vicious hatred against Israel, his incitement to murder Jews, and his massive lies of manipulation, probably didn’t leave him in a good place with YHVH!

--Praise the Lord that this propagandist is now gone.

--Pray that his influence will die quickly and that his voice will not be replaced by another one of satan’s little helpers.

--Pray for the Lord to detoxify the people, whose minds and hearts he perverted into loving death and glorifying martyrdom to become terrorists.

--Pray that the Lord will wash the minds and the hearts of the gullible and clueless westerners, who gobbled up, digested, and integrated the bad food that his man served up with such huge credibility and demonic skill. Pray for the Lord to clean out all the false voices, liars, and manipulators throughout the media.

--Pray for truth-tellers to arise in Gaza now … those, who will decry jihad and the power of Hamas over the people. Pray for Arabs, who truly want to live in peace, and who are willing to speak the truth about the Jewish people … things that contradict what the Hamas leaders and Yusuf spouted.

--If possible, pray for the Lord to RESET Gaza and to cleanse it of this Hamas cancer.

**The international response to this ongoing operation: There clearly are some serious disconnects surrounding this conflict and response. First of all, Israel has endured repeated attacks from Hamas in Gaza over the years. When there is a ceasefire, Israel usually does all the ceasing and Hamas does all the firing. Why? The international community, the UN, and the EU are largely humanistic in their worldview, which means that, in their value system, the little guy is always the victim, and the powerful guy is always the villain. These deceived (or complicit) ones put huge pressure on Israel and on her allies. There is a skewed sort of relativism that fails to see truth, reality, injustice, and justice with intellectual understanding. It’s as if these people have a learning disability that is perpetual. To make this Israel/Palestinian conflict fit their equity model, the humanist/Marxist WOKE community believes that the have MUST give to the have-nots until all things are equal … well sort of equal. The “redistribution of wealth concept” in the thinking of the Left, insists that compensation penalties are required of the “haves” … so that when the re-distribution of wealth (whether material, financial, influence, power etc.) occurs, the “victims” end up with more that the wealthy have. It’s not at all surprising to see that the Black Lives Matter organization is shouting support and identification politics alongside Hamas. A Twitter post from BLM 2 days ago, in the midst of the battle, declares the following:


While BLM and other pro-Palestinian groups are shouting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”, they are either clueless of the facts about WHO/WHAT Hamas is, and what it is all about. It’s either that, or they don’t care about the nature of that beast. Hamas horrifically oppresses and abuses the people of Gaza. They keep for themselves, all the resources, which were intended to improve the lives of the common people. They live to kill and to steal. They have no concern about building a good life for the people, but only about asserting their totalitarian control, founded up ascetic Islam. They aren’t about freedom for the people, nor about a homeland for the people. It’s all about politics and power. Their mission statement is clear: Kill all Jews, and remove them from the Land … from ALL of it. Given that BLM is a Marxist organization that doesn’t care about freedom either, but rather only about controlling the resources, and all the people, for the attainment of power, it’s easy to see why these two groups stand together. They were conceived by the same “father”. One of these days, if Hamas and BLM continue on their current course, the mantra of the Lord may be, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will cease to be.”

--Pray for a deep revelation to come to the people of the WORLD regarding the dangers and realities of Islam.

--Pray that the BLM core heart, origins, agendas and goals will be totally exposed and condemned.

--Pray for the prideful, gullible, blindly asleep, humanists … who are soul tied to the wrong causes because of delighting in delusions and fantasy … will WAKE UP and get a revelation of the truth. Deliver them, Lord.

--Pray for the people of Gaza, and of the Islamic world, to be delivered by getting a revelation of the God of Israel, and of their Messiah, Yeshua.

**Biden is asking Bibi to de-escalate the level of violence, but is stopping short of demanding a ceasefire now. Again, it’s best that he not go there! Israel must not respond to ANY international pressure when it comes to ending this Operation. We have some legislation in the US House of Representative, being introduced by AOC, and supported by I. Omar and R. Tlaib. Not surprising! They are supporters of Islam, and haters of Israel and of America. They want to cancel the weapons aid that Biden has promised Israel. These nasty people talk about cancelling weapons to Israel, in order to “save lives”. How ridiculous! It is those very weapons, those hi-tech, precision weapons, that have saved the lives of countless Arab and Jews during this operation. Meanwhile, the US ambassador to the UN has told Bibi that he will block the UN Security Council referendum from making demands upon Israel, and casting the blame on her. Member nations of the EU have begun increasing their pressure on Israel in regard to stopping the hostilities. Again, they need to back off and let Israel complete what Hamas began.

--Praise the Lord that our prayers are hedging in Biden

--Praise the Lord that the USA will stand with Israel in the Security Council. Pray that there are no obligations or strings attached to the USA support of Israel.

--Pray that YHVH would REMOVE AOC, Talib, and Omar from their positions of power. Kick them out of government, Lord! They are traitors!


Israel’s Energy Minister, and one of my favorite politicians in Israel, Yuval Steinitz, sits on the Security Cabinet as an observer; offering recommendations, input, and ideas. He presented an interesting thought to the group, but one that is unlikely to be followed. Knowing that peace with Hamas is never real, deep, or permanent … and knowing that it is just a matter of time until this Islamic cancer in Gaza rears up its head again, Steinitz suggested the possibility of troops going into Gaza for a few weeks, now that Hamas is very weak. The thought is to go in to disarm Hamas completely, and to enable the people to envision, and to select, leadership that is outside of the terrorist mentality and operations. His reasoning was shared with Ynet News. He said: "We will have no escape one day from a temporary takeover of Gaza, which has heavy prices. This day did not come for all sorts of reasons. I think this day will come, if not now, then in the coming years." He’s saying that if there is ever to be a time of lasting peace, Hamas needs to go. Its values, its principals, its purposes and passions are centered around destroying Israel. As long as they live in Gaza, and as long as Iran and Turkey continue to supply, and to rearm them, this type of battle will come around again soon.

There are some serious concerns about any troop advances into Gaza. Yes, Hamas has largely been gutted during this operation, and yet, the number of mortar and rockets that are still flying testify to a large group of young supporters, who will continue the battle for the honor of Hamas and for the glory of Islam. To die as a martyr for their god is something they have been taught to aspire to, since they were very small children. These young disciples know nothing different. Even today, a female terrorist made a shooting attack against IDF soldiers in broad daylight. Even the women of Gaza, could rise up to attack any young Israeli soldiers walking around Gaza. Cleaning out Gaza through a troop incursion could be too much risk for the lives of our soldiers. After all, the people of Gaza have been so deeply indoctrinated with mindless hatred, that they may not want a different government, nor freedom from ruthless Hamas. Given that Gaza is part of Judah’s inheritance from the Lord through Jacob, I’d love to see Gaza in Jewish hands; operating as a safe and prosperous place for Jews and Arabs alike. I realize that when Yeshua returns, to be resident in Jerusalem for 1000 years, that Gaza will be in Judah’s hands and there will be peace everywhere. But do we want to try to clean out Gaza of Hamas weapons and capabilities right now? I don’t know the mind of YHVH on this matter, but it would be good to ask Him.

--Pray that any incursion into Gaza to disarm Hamas would be the plan of the Lord; approved by Him personally, so that He would direct it specifically.

--Pray that this might be a more enduring time of peace in the region … unless this is His time for a larger war.

BREAKING NEWS: The first early morning report of the IDF has come in.

**Hamas has not fired any rockets since 1:00 AM. It was a quiet night. Having said that, Hamas still has enough long-range missiles in its stockpile, to launch a significant number of barrages into Tel Aviv as a parting shot. This battle is not yet over.

**At this hour, since the beginning of Operation Guardian of the Walls, 4070 rockets have been fired into Israel. 610 fell short and landed in Gaza. 90% of the rockets flying toward populated areas, were intercepted by the IRON DOME!

**The IDF continued to strike the metro underground tunnels, and the homes of terrorist commanders overnight, in a sort of clean-up effort before a ceasefire begins. At the time of this writing, they are still striking those metro tunnels to destroy the whole network as is crisscrosses the Gaza Strip. Its hard to imagine who huge and extensive this tunnel network is and how deep it is.

**The home of a terror leader in Khan Yunis was hit, as it was being used for conducting Hamas military operations. In addition, some weapons manufacturing facilities were taken out, along with some above and below ground rocket launching sites. The photos of the overnight operations reveal that the area, from which Hamas launched barrages of rockets is located in a residential area of Gaza. It is surrounded by schools, a UN building, a health center, some mosques, and dozens of apartment building housing hundreds of families. The proximity of these launching sites to civilians is not an accident. Hamas has always been known for using human shields, as are other Islamic terror organizations. Sometimes they hope that their innocent people will be hit and killed, so that their outcry to the blind and deceived internationals has more power to condemn, and to contain, Israel. These terrorists have no love or affection for their woman and children when it comes to accomplishing jihad for their god. Those, who become collateral damage, are most useful to the cause as disposables. Very sad!

**It appears from reports that a ceasefire could begin on Friday morning. We’ll see if Israel is done by then.

**Pray that the IDF will find and destroy ALL those long-range Hamas missiles before this ceasefire is called, and before Hamas can launch them

**Pray that there will not be a vicious parting shot fired by Hamas. They want to be able to point out something that suggests they have been victorious over Israel. Pray that YHVH gives them no opportunities to do that.

**Pray for all the IDF forces to be alert and discerning now, and even after any ceasefire is enacted.

**Pray that YHVH would outline, and deliver HIS terms for ceasefire, and that Israel will present them.

**Pray against all unholy surprises and ambushes

**Pray for the Israelis to thank the Lord for His help in this battle. Pray that they see His hand through it all.

Well, it’s after 2AM again, so it’s time to shut this down and jet it off to you through cyberspace. It looks as if I may have one more day of this operation to write about. Time will tell. Thank you all for your faithfulness in prayer throughout these last 10 days in particular. Keep an ear to heaven and prayer blanketed over Israel. May YHVH bless you!

In Him,


PS: I just know that I’ve missed typos this time around. Please forgive them and correct them as always.