November 19, 2020
NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!
Well, we are … still in a holding pattern; waiting to see what the hand of the Lord will do in turning this election around to manifest righteousness and truth. We are doing our part; praying, fasting, believing, trusting, and praying even more. On Wednesday of last week, many American believers renewed the covenant that our forefathers, the Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock, established with YHVH when they landed on our shores 400 years ago. I, and three other sisters in the Lord, participated in the national event; praying together, declaring that America is “One nation under God” and that “Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ) is Lord over this nation”. We lifted up our prayers and proclamations (in concert with Americans positioned all across this land) from within the exact replica of Noah’s Ark (at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown KY). We drove to the site in the morning, and arrived in time to begin the concert of prayer and declaration. We sat and knelt at the Great Door … the portal through which Noah and his family, and all the animals entered, and which was closed and sealed by the hand of the Lord, just before the rains of the Great Flood began to fall. As I knelt and prayed at the door from inside the Ark, I felt a deep sense that the USA is currently experiencing a flood of swirling wickedness, perversion, rebellion, and even violence; probably much like the state of the world in which Noah and his family were living as the ark was being built. At the same time, while inside the Ark last week, I felt as if the Lord has again closed a great door to securely keep those in this nation, who love righteousness and truth; safely tucking us away in His hand, while our world is being rocked about on stormy seas in this current flood of evil. A deep peace fell over me after we finished our prayers and rededication. Even as the Lord provided for those, who feared and honored Him so many generations ago, He is again providing for us, as we await a new start after the evil agendas, which are threatening us, are destroyed.
Indeed, we are in a time of intense spiritual war. The battle is raging between satan’s aspirations for global control, and the sovereignty of YHVH’s Kingdom. Right now, the USA, and the Trump administration specifically, are in his crosshairs. Satan’s human operatives, along with the principalities, powers, and demons of the 2nd heaven, are very well organized and fully engaged. Sadly, the church is greatly divided and poorly organized for this level of spiritual battle. Therefore, it is the remnant Body of Messiah, who are fighting back against the Enemy’s strategies and forces. However, in this present moment, many of the warriors of the remnant Body are becoming weary and discouraged. This battle is going on longer than many had anticipated. The progress is slower that most had hoped for. Therefore, the taunting of the Enemy is increasing in volume. Satan is broadcasting that we have lost; that he has won. We wait for promised evidence of election fraud to be released. The waiting is difficult, when so many voices are saying that the evidence doesn’t exist. Some of the weary warriors are listening to that disgusting voice and, thus, are giving up the fight. Some are wanting to put down their swords, and to withdraw for a vacation of rest. Some just want to sleep away the time; withdrawing from the constant assaults on their hearts, minds, and relationships until it’s all settled. This is a time when we MUST stay alert and remain engaged; following the lead of the Lord explicitly while operating in full faith. This is the time to worship constantly and to stay in the Spirit at all times. This is the time for us to contend against the Enemy’s lying agenda, and to make our stand … even against all odd in the natural world. This past Monday, something happened to me that brought this reality home in a deeply personal way. While it is unpleasant to report, I believe it is an important demonstration that you need to hear.
Sometimes, the Lord uses situations in the prophetic to illustrate a point that He wants to make known to the Body of believers. Occasionally, He will bring signs into a physical human body, when He wants to impress a clear message upon the larger Body of Messiah. Now is the time that you are free to say, “Oh my goodness! … I’m glad that I’m not called to be a prophetic signpost!” I admit it can be very challenging, but as long as the illustrations serve His purposes, I am humbled to be the messenger. Here is what happened to me:
Every 8 years or so, all those, who pass middle age, are recommended to undergo a primary prevention scope procedure of the colon to verify the health of that organ (a colonoscopy). That time had come around for me, so I was scheduled for the test on Monday, at 9 AM. I checked into the outpatient endoscopy unit at the hospital and was settled in, awaiting my test early that morning. The first “out- of-the-ordinary” thing that I noticed was that the wall clock in my private cubicle suddenly stopped advancing the time, after the sweeping hands displayed 8:52. For 20 minutes or more, the clock would not advance further, because the sweep second hand seemed to be bumping up against an invisible obstacle, as it rested on number 6. That thin little second hand was trying to move ahead, but it kept bouncing back to number 6 with each tick of the clock. I asked a nurse technician, how long that clock had been having problems, and he replied, “It never has had any problems.” Odd!! Then the really tough part of my prophetic experience began. I was wheeled into the test room to begin the procedure. Honestly, I had been looking forward to being “knocked out” and waking up in recovery; having missed the whole ordeal. Well, I was disappointed. The nurse injected the IV medicine that was to make me sleepy before I was to be given something that would take me the rest of the way out into unconsciousness. When she put in the first medication, nothing happened. I told her that I wasn’t getting sleepy at all. Her reply was that she had given me enough of it, but decided to give me a bit more. No effect! She then injected the next medication that worked only partially. Bottom line, I was aware of the scope being moved throughout my colon … an uncomfortable and honestly creepy feeling. When the test was over, and I was shown to be in excellent health, I was honestly feeling disconcerted as well as uncomfortable. I asked why the medication didn’t work, but no one had an answer for me. Why didn’t they wait to make sure that I was “out” of awareness, before beginning that traumatic experience? That would have been the norm for this excellent facility. Shortly after test was completed, I was released to go home. The next morning, I asked the Lord why all that was allowed to happened to me? What was the clock saying, and why was I not allowed to be mindless of the procedure, but had to be aware of it? Here is what the Lord told me:
--8:52 on the clock … 52 is Psalm 52 … the 8 is verse 8 … and the second hand stuck on the 6 was connected to verse 6. The whole Psalm contains a reassuring message for us, but those two verses were to be a special focus. Let’s take a look!
1 Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man?
The lovingkindness of God endures all day long.
2 Your tongue devises destruction,
Like a sharp razor, O worker of deceit.
3 You love evil more than good,
Falsehood more than speaking what is right.
4 You love all words that devour,
O deceitful tongue.
5 But YHVH will break you down forever;
He will snatch you up and tear you away from your tent,
And uproot you from the land of the living.
6 The righteous will see and fear,
And will laugh at him, saying,
7 “Behold, the man who would not make God his refuge,
But trusted in the abundance of his riches
And was strong in his evil desire.”
8 But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God;
I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever.
9 I will give You thanks forever, because You have done it,
And I will wait on Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones.
Now look at that is light of this fraudulent election and in light of the Covid-19 conspiracy of the World Economic Forum of the Global elite. (Note: there will be links to more information about both of those issues posted below this writing)
This scripture talks about wealthy, deceitful, immoral men, who act wickedly against the righteous. They are proud of their power and wealth; feeling entitled to create lies to achieve their desires over other people, because they feel superior in their evil power and agendas. They use their wealth and positions to deceitfully bring about their agendas to destroy our world and to deceive the populations into taking unholy postures of submission. Isn’t that a description of those, who consider themselves to be the GLOBAL ELITE? Their wickedness and wealth are of the highest level upon the earth … G. Soros, B. Gates, the World Economic Forum, etc.? Doesn’t that also describe the Chinese Community Party, and those, who are trying to steal this election, so that their “social, global, reset” of our world can take place for their own power, control, and benefit? Have we ever seen this level of falsehoods and agreement with lies across the world, in such a massive, coordinated, way? What the Lord is telling us is this: What seems to be “stuck” in any forward movement against evil (the invisible obstacle forbidding the second hand of the clock to move past the 6), is the Lord holding things until everything is in order to bring forth the full exposure of the “orchestrators” of the evil plots, as well as their operatives. He will do it in a way that will demonstrate His power … not ours. We must be like a green olive leaf in the house of the Lord; trusting Him explicitly and completely. We are not to whither or to shrivel away from our position of faith, nor leave our posts of intercession for any reason of flesh. YHVH will break the evil ones. He willpull them up out of their tents and remove them. We are to stand without doubt or fear. It may take a while yet, before all this sorts out to be openly seen. It may appear that all is lost for a while, but the Lord is still working His plan on behalf of the righteous. The Enemy wants to wear us down and to discourage us with his arrogant threats, and with the appearance of his victorious, successful, strategies to destroy our nation, as well as our individual lives. We must not fear, nor buy into his lying, mocking, threatening, tactics. Stand! Trust YHVH with firm resolve! Continue to pray, worship and thank Him. Scripture tells us in many texts that the Lord is a “righter” of wrongs. He the vindicator and the ultimate Chief Justice in all disputes. His rulings will be handed down. Count on it. YHVH acknowledged our class action suit, which we filed last Spring in His High Court in Heaven. His full ruling and sentencing are still to be handed down. We must have patience, as well as faith, in the waiting time.
The second part of the revelation of my Monday experience was having to experience the procedure while being conscious … for no apparent reason. When I asked the Lord why He allowed that, His response was clear. He wants the warriors and the remnant Body of Messiah to STAY AWAKE in the midst of the threats, the unexpected, the pain, and the chaos. Too many want to go to sleep and wake up when this present trauma is over. That is not our calling or our role. We are called to endure by faith in our wakefulness. Discomfort and fear must have no power to pull us back from the battle, nor are these things to pull us out of position. We must not allow the pain, nor any appearing indications of defeat, bring doubt into our minds or hearts, regarding the promises, sovereignty, and faithfulness of YHVH. WE ARE OK even when uncomfortable, out of control, and in frightening, unexplainable, and unexpected situations. People may not listen to us, when we are telling them that something is very wrong. The Lord is always listening and always caring for us. We must trust that truth. YHVH always gives us what we need in order to endure, and He never leaves our side in the midst of a trial. He is never cruel. Therefore, everything unpleasant that we experience (whatever He allows) contains a Kingdom purpose, if we chose to seek it out. There is glory to be gleaned wherever the Lord positions us … and in every situation … no matter how difficult, uncomfortable, and unexplainable. There will be an increase in strength, wisdom, and victory when the storm passes.
We are surely in the midst of a great threat and trial right now. A coup is being enacted against our United States Republic. A socialist, communist, globalist agenda that has been planned for decades is now unfolding in our nation. Honestly, it’s shocking to see the vast number of people, who are in collusion with deceit, theft, and wickedness! Are they clueless about the consequences that await their lives, and our world, from their collusion with evil? Perhaps! Where there is a lack of the fear of the Lord there is always an abundance of foolishness and error.
You know all this, but I am recapping what the Lord is about to judge: The wicked, arrogant, global cabal of wealthy Luciferian power brokers, carefully orchestrated a global Covid-19 release/plandemic, and then accompanied it with deliberate fear and control strategies to bring massive destruction. They dictated their false scenarios of science and safety measure in order to shatter economies, to sever unity, to drain all national strength, and to break holy resolve. They decried real science and outlawed the use of effective medicines that could heal the sick from the virus. They achieved ownership of the mainstream media, as well as countless judges, legislators, and health officials, so that their success could easily be facilitated without successful challenges. They instituted treatment and containment protocols that greatly increased the losses and death, while further weakening our Divinely designed immune systems; all the time knowing full well that these protocols would destroy lives and kill people. Fear, promoted through their scary false scenarios of life-threatening danger, caused the people to comply in order to stay “safe”. Massive division, disinformation, and isolation served to weaken any resistance to their plan. All this plandemic crisis was part of the elite’s depopulation strategy combined with their plan for global takeover, domination, and control. Create the crisis … manage and control it through fear and disinformation … offer their globalist solution, which is the most dangerous part of all (RNA vaccines with Ai tracking implanted into the people) … establish that “protective solution” as a commanded requirement for having any future quality life. It’s really hard to wrap our minds around that level of wickedness, isn’t it? Human life means nothing to these monsters. They have multi-billions of dollars, so they don’t need more. They are greedy for power and for the eternal honor and benefits that Satan has promised them, as a result of their service to his cause. But the elite didn’t stop with Covid-19.
Knowing that Donald Trump’s love of God, of freedom, and of this nation, would be the single obstacle to the initiation of their global reset in January of 2021, they vowed to removed him from office by any means necessary … including the well-organized theft and defrauding of the American election. There are times when I would love to seen the mighty hand of YHVH come down and sweep all of these “global elite” players off the planet. At the same time, I would prefer that they get saved, if that is still possible for them. However, I really would love to see the fire of YHVH fall upon the cabal and upon the Chinese Communist Party … and upon all those in the nations, who have sided with the CCP version of Godless, evil control, and domination. SAVE US NOW, LORD! Deliver us!
So, what do we need to do at this point, beside pray, fast, and hold on? Peace (shalom) will only come when the authority of Chaos is destroyed. Right now, Chaos seems to have the upper hand. The question, then, emerges: Where have we personally or corporately allowed Chaos to have authority in our lives/nations, families, etc.? Wherever that is, we need to repent, renounce, reject, and cut off that acquired legal right; removing the authority/opportunity that we have given Chaos … those things which Chaos has acquired through our foolishness and sin. In fact, we have all given Chaos the a certain amount of authority, and contributed to the opportunities it now has to command power over our lives. Question: Do we have the power and the authority to make war against this level of evil? Humbly, obediently, carefully, we can begin to bring down the demonic strongholds with the help of YHVH. When those strongholds are taken apart, Chaos, and other Principalities and Powers of the Dark Kingdom become weaker; having lost their support system. The angelic armies of the Lord will be fighting with us as we attack the strongholds. The Lord will rebuke, those Principalities as we do our part. Do we have the authority to do this work? Do we have the power to do it?
Matthew 28:18-20 (NASB)
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
In this text we read that Yeshua, who has total authority in heaven and in the earth, is commissioning His disciples (including us) to bring all the nations to Himself, through their testimony and through teaching the things that He has taught them. He has the authority to commission us to do His will. When we are commissioned, the Lord backs us up so that we can operate in obedience to His call. We have the personal power of “free will” to obey Him and to do the work He has commissioned. He will be with us to give us success in our assignments through the guidance of the Holy Spirit operating within us. We lose our power, whenever we try to pick up our own agenda, without a commission. We lack power whenever we allow sin to persist; creating strongholds in our thinking, speaking, and acting. Those strongholds can be used by the Enemy to create nasty realities in our world, which are not the will of YHVH. Right now, there are many strongholds being built up in human souls to support fear, hopelessness, and discouragement. Those things need to be struck down. What we are finding out … and what the Lord was warning us about through my Monday’s endoscopy experience … is that many in the Body of Messiah have addictions to FEAR, idolatry regarding SAFETY, idolatry regarding personal COMFORT. Many also are in collusion with Arrogant Rebellion Against Truth, and addictions to being in CONTROL. These are just a few of the sustaining strongholds … the “scaffolding” established through human sin, which has created the platforms in our world on which this highest level of evil can stand and build.
Tragically, we have given YHVH’s authority to our governments … i.e. the authority to provide us with safety, truth, comfort, direction, standards, and wellbeing. As a result, we are often an idolatrous lot, who will serve our fears; prompting many to do anything to accommodate those fears, rather than kicking them out as being bogus. When the Lord isn’t our total source of safety, we end up serving our desperate desire for safety, to the point that we are willing to accommodate demands from the government … from untrustworthy human beings … believing whatever we are being told about existing or incoming threats… and then being inclined to do whatever the prescribed necessary steps of mitigation might be suggested for those threats. Multitudes of human beings (even believers) have become willing to submit, blindly in fear, to outrageous demands, without proven evidence of their necessity, or of their ability to help (even to taking unproven, dangerous RNA vaccines with tracking chips in them).
NOTE: And for those, who hold up the scripture, telling us to obey our government authorities … such as Romans 13:1-5 … in those texts, it is understood, that those authorities are Godly, and positioned by YHVH for the blessing of the people. When the people turn their backs on the Lord, He allows them to have the leaders that suit their rebellion (their choice), so that they learn through the pain of their evil/rebellious choices. We are NEVER to obey authorities, who tell us to do something against the laws of YHVH, or which are counter to His instructions through the Holy Spirit. Look at Daniel, refusing to stop praying … Shadrak, Meshack and Abednego, refusing to bow down to the idol … the Jewish midwives, who refused to kill the newborn Hebrew baby boys when Pharaoh demanded it … the Apostles refusing to stop preaching the gospel, etc. So, anyone of faith, who is saying that we must obey and get vaccines, because God told us to in the Bible to obey our governmental authorities, is speaking in error. I believe a more applicable text for the Body of Messiah to embrace in these battles is:
Ephesians 3:10.
10 His purpose was that now, through the church (ekklésia: the assembly, the congregation of the Believers), the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, 11according to the eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The Body of Messiah is to be teaching the leaders, and demonstrating the Kingdom of YHVH to their nations and cultures … not the other way around.
The sins of entitlement and materialism have set us up for strongholds of greed, mammon, comfort, etc. to have a voice of influence in our lives. Many serve the idol of CONTROL, believing that the controllers have all the answers, whether real or imagined. Many have linked their fear to their pride, and made a contract with Control; declaring that the steps of control being taken are absolutely truthful and wise, according to their own thinking. And all of these things can bring us into forming strongholds for Arrogance and Pride, as we set the Lord aside to run with our own expectations/philosophies/agendas over His divine truth and mandates. TRUST IN THE LORD WILL ALL YOUR HEART … LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. IN ALL YOUR WAYS, ACKNOWLEDGE HIM (consult and follow Him)!
Matt. 10:8 tells us that Jesus commissioned the disciples to cast out demons, to heal the sick, and to raise the dead to life. He has given us permission to engage the enemy in this way, in obedience to His authority operating within us. We have the commission and the ability through the name, blood, and authority of Yeshua within us to take down demonic strongholds on which the powerful principalities have a place to stand and rule. If we take down the strongholds in our own lives (through confessions, repentance, deliverance, forgiveness, humility, holiness, love, obedience to the Word, etc), we take advantage away from the Enemy to influence, and to operate, with the Body of Messiah (as well as in our own lives and nations). We will have the power, applied with the authority, entrusted to us by the Lord, to arise in courage against all incoming threats. We will have discernment from the Holy Spirit to know what to do. When we rid ourselves of the sins of pride, competition, comparison, jealousy, self-preservation, self-promotion, and insecurity, we can bring down the strongholds constructed out of rejection, self-proving, and manufactured self-importance. When we knock down the strongholds of timidity, laziness, hiding, excuse, complacency, blind obedience, helplessness, hopelessness, and negative expectation, FEAR loses power. Humility releases the authority of the Lord’s character within us, to empower our warfare against many demonic and flesh-loving evils. Holiness, causes the strongholds of perversions, unholy tolerance, and political correctness to collapse. Repentance of the sins of unforgiveness, keeping records of wrongs, bitterness, hatred, assumptions, retaliation/revenge, etc., weakens the strongholds that are set up to remove Love from the scene, and which gives permission for Violence and Entitlement to take what “WE deserve/want”.
We are in a war that will continue until the Lord returns, but we can impact the outcome of battles when we establish all that we are, and all that we have, all that we trust, all that we know, and all that we do, in the person and reality of YHVH … fortified and personified in His word. This war is HIS. We are participant in these battles for the purpose of glorifying Him in the outcomes … and for bringing others to His reality as they see those changed outcomes, and our role in them.
1 Cor. 15:24-25
24 Then the end will come, when He hands over the kingdom to God the Father after He has destroyed all dominion, authority, and power. 25For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.…
From this text we know that the Lord, Himself, will destroy all the dominion, authority and power of ALL the evil that stands against His Kingdom and authority. We have the power (the ability) to take down the strongholds in our lives that the principalities and powers can use to promote their agendas. We must attend to that work. It’s time to take the authority away from CHAOS … authority that we have given that prominent principality, which is currently running the show. Let’s knock out the strongholds so that CHAOS will fall, and Shalom will arise!
** Declare that you have a God of DIVINE ORDER … in YHVH there is no Confusion, Disorder, Anarchy, Turmoil or Spin. YHVH is the opposite of Chaos, while Satan is the epitome of Chaos.
**Repent for, and renounce, serving as a pawn for satan’s kingdom by speaking words of defeat, confusion, repeating disinformation, repeating or distributing unproven or unfounded negative prognostications. Our words have the power to prophesy outcomes. Ask YHVH to break the power of any words you have written or spoken that were not of Him, and not in support of what He is doing.
**Repent and renounce for having depended upon human beings to provide for your welfare, or to secure your Safety. Repent and renounce for having made “staying SAFE” such a priority that it became an idol that you have often served foolishly … even to standing back from a call to serve the Lord in a way, or in a location, that was deemed too risky to be safe.
** Repent and renounce being impacted more strongly by satan’s spin, than by YHVH’s truth in the midst of these crisis situations. Repent for not taking the time to consult Him about what was happening or what He needed for you to do, or how to respond.
** Repent and renounce listening to, or repeating, or giving power in your thinking and emotions to Chaos.
** Repent for, and renounce, allowing Confusion and Disinformation to destabilize your heart … for giving these things attention and credibility over/against the leading of the Holy Spirit and the word of YHVH.
** Repent and renounce for going to secular, ungodly people for counsel, truth, and insight into the crisis situations, rather than to Spirit-filled believers, who fear, seek, and hear the Lord.
** Confess and ask for mercy on behalf of the American cities, leaders, organizations, and even the churches, who embraced Black Lives Matters, and who yielded to Antifa; giving Chaos a free hand to rob, steal, and destroy. Allowing this Chaos to have a free hand for so long, enabled many strongholds to be established, and allowed Chaos to embed and to gain much ground within cities, communities, and families. That ground can only be taken back now, by the direct intervention of YHVH applied in painful ways. The spiritual law of reaping what has been sown is in effect. Cry out for mercy!
** Repent, renounce, and reject the authority that you may have given to the media at any point; believing as truth, the reports that were not confirmed by evidence or by the Lord. Repent for failing to believe what the Lord was revealing … sometimes with clear evidence that you might have discounted. Remove that authority, which has been wrongly given to the media. Replace it with the rightful authority and the power of Truth, which originates and abides solely in YHVH.
** Repent, renounce, and reject all inclinations to listen to, and to obey, the call of Fear … whether fear about COVID, about war, about a failed Trump re-election bid, etc. FEAR HAS NO AUTHORITY, unless we give it authority.
** Repent, renounce and reject Cowardice … which comes from believing that YHVH is not in control and not with us … thinking that everything is up to us, and that if we can’t manage situations, we will become victims. Failing to stand in support of truth, and with what the Lord is doing, shows the idolatry of SELF in operation. Whether Self-protection, Self-proving, Self-consciousness, Self-concern, etc. whenever the Self is given more power and authority to determine actions, conclusions, outcomes, and personal stance, than the Sovereignty of the Lord, it is the sin of idolatry. The intimidated, frightened, Self can become a coward.
** Repent and renounce the lack of faith, that ever gave a place for Doubt, Worry, Anxiety, Hopelessness, Depression etc. to establish strongholds. Renounce and reject these things, and also declare FAITH, so that you will be strengthened in the truth. Spend time searching the scriptures for texts that crush the power of fear. Set aside time each day for you to soak in the perfect LOVE of the Messiah, so that Fear has no place to abide within your soul (feeling or thinking).
**Repent and renounce acting and speaking as if Death has more power than Life in your world/our world. Yeshua is the WAY, THE TRUTH, and the LIFE. If we run to human solutions to escape Death, we are actually running away from LIFE. Run to the Source of all LIFE so that you will truly live!!!
** Repent and renounce Intellectual Pride … for believing that we, and other human beings, have the answers for our problems … that we have a grasp on reality and truth, through the processes of our own minds.
**Repent and renounce the idolatry of Comfort … thinking that we deserve comfort, and will do whatever is necessary to make ourselves comfortable and to have a comfortable life.
**Repent and renounce staying out of the battle on the basis that you don’t think you have anything to contribute to the victory. It’s not about US, it’s about the LORD IN US. Everyone has a contribution to make. Age is irrelevant!!!!
** Repent and renounce any Division you may have brought into the Body. Division feeds Chaos. The strongholds of Comparison, Competition, Jealousy, Suspicion, Territorialism, etc. inspire believers to set themselves apart, or above, others in order to feel more powerful, more esteemed, or more significant. Repent of each of these things specifically. They are all a form of Pride, so repent of Pride and Arrogance as well.
** Repent and renounce any actions, words, or intentions of Entitlement or of Covetousness. Chaos builds upon discontentment, especially when the heart motive says, “I deserve”. We deserve nothing except hell, but by the grace of YHVH, we have been gifted with eternal life and with an abundance of good things. Be grateful.
**If you have slandered, or tried to remove favor or position, from another member of the Body, repent, renounce, and reconcile. Chaos feeds upon ill will and upon unresolved hurts, petty differences, jealousies, and upon groundless assumptions in the Body.
**Repent and renounce any Unforgiveness that you have held for another person. Chaos gains great authority wherever unforgiveness is operating. FORGIVE, BLESS, and leave any real (or perceived) wrongs done against you, in the hands of the Lord. He knows the truth of the heart. He alone will judge and hold to account.
**Repent and renounce all occasions where you have sought your own vindication or vengeance for wrongs done to you. Vengeance in MINE says the Lord. Allow Him to vindicate you and to grant you your restitution.
**Repent and renounce all admiration, affection, or benefit that you may have received by practicing rebellion in any form. Rebellion is witchcraft. Wherever manipulation, half-truths, delusions, and undermining have served the purposes of your flesh to give you success in any area of life, REPENT.
**Repent and renounce the pleasure you have received from watching movies, hearing presentations, or reading books that portray violence, magic, power by deceit, murder, sexual perversity, witchcraft, or rebellion in any form. Chaos grows in strength and in influence wherever these things are found … especially, when they are done by believers.
These areas of repentance and renouncement have been only a few KEY strongholds that have been established; upon which Chaos now stands in our lives and society. There are more, but this is a good place to begin. Continue as the Lord inspires you to address still other areas that give Chaos an opportunity to gain authority. As we have repented and renounced each of these sins, the scaffolding upon which Chaos has been standing, declaring authority to bring destruction to our world, has been crumbling. As the strongholds come down, we need to be quick to put the substance of the Kingdom of YHVH in their place, so that SHALOM (wholeness spirit, soul, and body) can arise to supplant Chaos; driving it into the pit. Holiness, Humility, Submission, Obedience, and Love are key elements to put into authority over our lives and nations. Truth, based upon YHVH is vital to declare. Other Kingdom elements to declare into positions of power and authority are:
--Divine Justice
--Valor and holy Courage
--Faith and Trust
--Fidelity and Loyalty to the Lord
--Honesty and Integrity
--YHVH’s Law
--Kindness, Gentleness, Self-Control
--Selflessness and Loving Sacrifice
--Righteous Accountability and Personal Responsibility
--Sanctified, Divine Mercy (not soulish, unsanctified, human mercy)
--Holy Covenant
--Gratitude and Contentment
Again, these are not all the aspects of the Kingdom that need to be put in place, but they are certainly foundational.
What I hope you come away with from this publication is that there IS HOPE, and there IS DIVINE RESTRUCTURING that is happening in the midst of all our struggles. We must not be afraid of the pain that comes with looking at the realities and making course adjustments. None of what is going on is random or pointless. Just like the frozen clock in my cubicle on Monday gave me an important message, these days of seemingly little progress are simply the hand of the Lord holding things until they fit His perfect timing. HE WILL DEAL with all this wickedness that is attacking us. He wants us to confidently stand in shalom; trusting in Him as we are allowed to go through this ordeal. It will end, and it will have an outcome that will be a testimony of the Lord’s authority. But we too have a role to play. Chaos has been given too much authority. It’s time that be removed, so that shalom can abound. We must remain on the walls of intercession to pray in faith. What is about to unfold may be more uncomfortable that what we have experienced to this point. Resist the temptation to pull the covers over your head, or to seek the comfort of some convenient anesthesia (distraction, entertainment, fantasy) to ease the pain. Stay aware, but stay in confident peace; knowing that He, who sees all, and who knows all, IS dealing with our troubled world in His way and timing. Stay on the walls of intercession. Keep praying! Keep praising and worshipping! Keep believing that all IS WELL IN HIM.
Love and blessings,
WEBSITES TO VIEW FOR MORE INFORMATION: ( the ** items may be a particular interest)
** Song: The Goodness of God
** Song: For Such A Time As This
**Breaking news … evidence of fraud presented publicly:
**The tricks of STOP, DROP, and ROLL the election
**"A Top Down Revolution" Curtis Bowers
**Revolution is taking place
**Important information:
**Details about vaccines and immunizations:
**Together … we must stand … (Beautiful song of faith)
**Testimony of truth … what it is like to have COVID-19
**Sum of all evils: the depth of the Covid conspiracy
Prophetic worship warfare
The rest of the story:
Illegal play … Time to throw down a “red card”
The long and the short of the RESET plan
A UK church takes a stand
**Recombinant dangers
The UN is exposed for helping China commit genocide on the Uyghur people:
Most corrupt American election: