
June 7, 2020

NOTE:  Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values.  There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard.  Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!

Wow!!! How things have changed in just a week!! The way satan’s agenda seems to be surfacing and advancing in this hour, it seems as if time is speeding up, and the abyss has been opened up. Before we get into all that, let me remind you that YHVH IS STILL VERY MUCH IN COMPLETE CONTROL. Nothing is out of His hand. A couple of days ago, Rick Ridings released a word and vision from Jerusalem that revealed part of the Lord’s verdict given in response to the Class Action suit (that the Body of Believers, around the world, presented to Him prior to the beginning of Shavuot).  Here is a quote from that revelation:

I then saw in the sky, in large letters over His throne, the word “restrain”. (As I prayed afterward, I felt this was an order to restrain and hold back demonic powers of anarchy, anti-Christ, Red Dragon, and World War.) The train of His robe restrained these evil powers from being able to fully carry out their diabolical plans at this time.

(To read the whole prophesy, go to this site: )

The Lord is still holding back the full revelation of His verdict, and the contents of His sentencing; but this word, entrusted to Rick is letting us know that YHVH has acted in response to our case. He has issued a RESTRAINING ORDER. What does a restraining order do, if you are the person to benefit from this order from a judge? The description of a restraining order, as giving on judicial sites, is this: A restraining order, whether given on behalf of an individual or a group, is a court order handed down with the purpose of protecting you/others from further harm from a person/s who has hurt, harmed or threatened you. It sets up strong boundaries, with severe penalties attached, to keep an abuser/ attacker/ harasser away from you … ordering that offender is required to stop contacting you, and from being in your environs. Restraining orders also may keep an abusive or threatening person/s away from the scene where he/she had already acted out in violence against you; possibly your residence (home or apartment), your place of work, your neighborhood, your place of worship, etc. In regard to the current spiritual battle, the Lord seems to be allowing certain things to continue to unfold, so that more evidence of evil emerges … until some of the perpetrators step over the line and into His net.  Whatever the reason that the full disclosure of the verdict has not yet appeared, we know that the Lord is manifesting His strategy perfectly … and in His timing.  The Enemy may be working his agenda, with his operatives creating also sorts of lies, theft, entrapment, and destruction. However, he/they can only go so far. They are being restrained, so that their sin will catch up with them in a divinely orchestrate plan.  So, while we are seeing serious things … distressing things still unfolding before our eyes … something has changed in the spiritual world. I’m hearing amazing reports from believers around the globe.  There is a boldness and a clarity of vision emerging in them. The fog is clearing and the compromises with evil are being exposed and rejected by the Remnant Body of Messiah. Things are becoming more polarized, so that the sides people choose will be clearer than ever. Simultaneously, the restraining order is giving the Body more time to pray, to unify, to worship, to speak, to listen to the Spirit, and to go after the people on the fringe; pulling them back from the edge of the cliff wherever possible. 

Before I write about the situations in need of intercession, I want to share with a very interesting and prophetic thing that happened to me yesterday, during the Shabbat. I was sitting in my prayer chair, resting in the Lord, when the stillness of the moment was sharply interrupted. First there was the sound of our doorbell being pressed several times in rapid succession. Then there was some loud pounding on the front door. Our home is near an intersection, so over the years we have had occasions when people came to our door; frantically asking for assistance after a car accident occurred. I hadn’t heard any sounds on the street that would have indicated a collision, so I had no clue as to why there would be such an urgent appeal at our front door. When I opened the door, the first thing I saw was a handsome young man beautifully dressed in a tuxedo. Beyond him … parked on the street, crosswise at the back of our driveway, was a beautiful, full-sized, shiny black, bus that looked as classy as a limousine. Cradled in the young man’s arms were three bottles of white wine.  The first words out of his mouth were, “Do you have a wine opener/key that I could borrow for a minute?” He went on to explain that they were a wedding party on the way to have photos taken before the wedding. The guys and the groom were to be photographed first … and very soon. They were in a hurry to get there … the bride and groom were already waiting. They had all sorts of things to eat and drink on the bus, but they realized that in order to drink the wine … and to have the toast in the photos … they needed something to open the wine.  They lacked that “key” element on the bus. As I went to the kitchen to get him our wine key, I thought, “There is something of a message from the Lord in this.”  When I returned to the door and handed him the opener, a great shout arose from the wedding party on the bus, “Yeaay! … we’re saved!  THANK YOU!” Simultaneously, a groomsman stepped off the bus with a camera in hand; taking my photo to record the rescue for the archive.  Just before the final bottle of wine was opened, the best man said, “We didn’t know what to do when we discovered that we had this great wine, but no way to get into it. A wedding must have wine and our bus crowd needed it too. You don’t know how important getting these bottles opened is to us. Thank you so much!” 

Now, how does all that strike you?  Think about it in terms of the coming Messiah as time winds down: A wedding soon to begin … a waiting groom and bride … chosen attendants being late for their appointment with the groom, and urgently hurrying to meet up with him before it’s too late … the attendants of the bride are all dressed up and ready to stand with her, but they need to go where she is waiting … a sufficient supply of excellent wine, and yet no way to access it … a luxuriously splendid vehicle to transport the wedding party, but one that was lacking a tool to open the wedding wine … a shout of joy and thanks to a Jewess for “saving the day”. What is all that about?  Do you see the connections with the end-time, spiritual scenario? I believe it speaks of believers that have been invited to the wedding of the Messiah, but they are running late (what delayed them?).  They are dressed in wedding clothes and are fully of expectancy. Given that a vehicle often refers to a ministry in dreams, the fancy, impressively large bus could represent a prosperous church community, but one that is lacking something “key”. They have a supply of wine (which represents the Holy Spirit), but it is bottled up, with the people in the ministry wanting it, but having no tool to access it. I believe this is a message that there are many lovely believers that have done all the right things, and even have the correct theology, but who are unable to enjoy the wine of the Holy Spirit, because they lack the tools to “uncork” the power, comfort, and revelation. In this season of the earth it is VITAL for all believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We can’t get through this without it.  I believe the Lord wants those of us, who walk in, and who drink deeply of, the Holy Spirit, need to be available to help those, who have not yet been able to drink of that wine. Sometimes, we flock together in our own spiritually empowered groups; enjoying the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, but not thinking that there are those invited to the wedding, who may not know how to access His gifts and power.  Now is the time to invest in sharing what we have learned, and applying the tools that we have been given. The gratitude of the wedding party on the bus expressed both joy and relief. I suspect the Lord is about to bring some of His wedding party to our doors; expressing to us their urgent need, so that we will be able to provide what they lack. We must humbly give to them, and bless the on their way toward the wedding. Their joy will be full and the wedding gathering will be richer when all of YHVH’s chosen are there together. Just some thoughts to ponder as we look at some difficult situations that require discernment in the Spirit, and prayer in the Spirit for successful breakthroughs.  And yes … if you wonder if this sort of thing happens to me often … yes, it does. The Lord loves speaking to me in parables, so that I might share them with other. These little interruptions are never boring, and they’re almost always a surprise.

PRAYER FOCUS #1:  Sovereignty

The item that I will present in regard to Israel is the projected annexation of the Jordan Valley and portions of Judea and Samaria.  But before I do that, I want to suggest that the issue of SOVEREIGNTY is not just an issue that Israel has been battling. It is also what I believe is at the heart of these attacks and crisis events being stages by the global elite and the Left. As we lift up prayer for Israel in this matter, I will also request intercession for each of our national sovereignty challenges.  Sovereignty refers to autonomy, freedom, self-determination, the power to rule your own nation, and the authority to be an independent nation that determines its own laws and borders. Israel, according to international law, has the legal right to annex territory that she acquired by pushing back her enemies … as the result of being undeservedly attacked, from that same territory by the Arabs in the 1967 war. Israel has the legal right to declare Israeli sovereignty over that territory, even if the world decries it as being illegal. That specific territory has been historically proven to be vital for the national security of the people and nation of Israel.   The USA, the UK nations, Australia, and all the free nations of the world have the right to be sovereign nations too; determining the course over their own territory, laws, and people; according to the will of the people and according to their constitution. The Deep State, global elite have worked relentlessly to take national sovereignty away from Israel and the nations, so that they could establish their single global rule and order (often working through the United Nations, the EU, the International Monetary System, International Criminal Court, et al). Israel has been the primary target in their crosshairs, but America is right there, as a primary target, as well. Our nationality is a gift determined by the Lord. It is not up for grabs. Our national sovereignty must never be made available for anyone to deny us of it, to strip us of it, or to crush it, so that another entity can established its own desires to rule over us.

When the newly elected Israeli government was established, PM Netanyahu pledged that the main settlement blocks in Judea and Samaria, along with the Jordan Valley, would finally come under Israeli sovereignty. July 1st was the projected date. Bibi’s governmental partner, Benny Gantz agreed for this to take place. Now, as the date approaches, and as Israel prepares to make this move, the world is going crazy; threatening Israel with horrific consequences if that annexation occurs. (Note: they made the same dire statements in regard to Israel formally making Jerusalem its sole, undivided, capital, when the USA moved its embassy to Jerusalem. Not much happened at that time, but the stakes seem to be higher now.). The Arab League is suggesting that friendship/cooperation gains made with Israel could be totally lost if the annexation occurs. The EU is promising to bring devastating economic sanctions upon Israel. The UN is making all sorts of grave prognostications … the Palestinians are suggesting massive uprisings and terror attacks within Israel. Take a listen to the words of an Islamic cleric in Qatar (Dr. Abduljabbar Saeed, Head of the Quran and Sunnah Department in Qatar University's Shari'a faculty)

These quotes are from an interview that was broadcast throughout the world by Al-Jazeera a couple of weeks ago:  Saeed said: "We will liberate Palestine from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, from its northern border with southern Lebanon to Um Al-Rashrash [Eilat] in southern Palestine. Palestine includes all its soil, every grain of its sand."

    "The Prophet Muhammad said: 'Judgment Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them.'...I believe that all the rocks and all the trees will be fighting the Jews along with the Muslims and will call upon the Muslims to kill the Jews."

    "These are Allah's promises and laws that govern us.... Victory is achieved through the blood of martyrs and over the skulls of the enemies."

Please note that the words of this Islamic cleric/authority on Islam, are Islamic absolutes, regardless of whether any territorial annexation occurs or not. Given that truth, wouldn’t it be wise to make the annexation now, rather than to leave that strategic territory (needed to maintain Israel’s security) available, and up for grabs, as a beachhead for Arabs to launch attacks against Israel?

Now, read what PM Netanyahu said in a recent interview on the matter:

"All the diplomatic plans proposed to us in the past asked us to concede swathes of the Land of Israel, return to the 1967 lines and divide Jerusalem. To take in [Palestinian] refugees. This [the U.S. peace plan] is a reversal. We aren't the ones being forced to make concessions, rather the Palestinians are."

    "If they (the Palestinians) see fit to meet and accept about 10 stringent conditions - including Israeli sovereignty west of the Jordan River, preserving a united Jerusalem, refusing to accept refugees, not uprooting Jewish communities, and Israeli sovereignty in large swathes of Judea and Samaria, etc. - the [diplomatic] process will move ahead. If they consent to all thisthen they will have an entity of their own that President Trump defines as a state."  

Do you see the brilliant strategy in this initiative? 10 conditions must be accepted by the Palestinians BEFORE anything moves ahead. Those 10 things will NEVER be accepted by the Palestinians because the Lord has totally hardened their hearts against it. Their Koran tells them that they will go to hell for eternity if they give up any land, and if they allow any Jews to survive on any soil where an Islamic prayer rug has been placed; dedicating that land to Allah. This deal is a non-starter. Trump and Bibi know it. Kushner may have said that this annexation will set the boundaries of a future Palestinian State, but if their jaws have been hooked, and their hearts hardened, there never will be a Palestinian State. Also notice the choice of words by Bibi:  If they consent to all thisthen they will have an entity of their own that President Trump defines as a state."  Trump will define a future entity AS a state, even it in actuality isn’t one. These Arabs will NEVER allow themselves to be a de-militarized state (one of the conditions/terms)! They live by the sword. They will never lay their swords down at the feet of Jews and American infidels. No way!!! There is a chess match being played. If the Lord is calling the moves, we need to wait to find out how this will sort out. YHVH is in the middle of this … orchestrating His plan and purposes … regardless of whether we understand it or agree with it.  IT IS SORTING OUT!

(Note: Where some believers have been saying that the COVID-19, afflicting in the USA, was due to Trump’s suggesting his peace deal, requiring Israel to surrender land, it might be good to rethink that notion. Again, suggesting a plan is not signing a deal/making covenant … especially when accepting the terms is forbidden by the Palestinians. The COVID-19 has been allowed by the Lord to RESET the USA, Israel and the whole world. It’s serving His plans for retooling and rebooting the Body of Messiah. It’s working well.)

**Given that the Lord sovereignly returned this portion of Israel’s inheritance to her in 1967, pray that the State of Israel will move ahead to annex this area in Judea and Samaria and in the Jordan Valley.

**Pray that this annexation will fail to take place, ONLY if the Lord disapproves of this move.

**Pray that the Lord would mitigate the threatened consequences of Israel taking possession of this territory.

**Pray for the people of Israel to grasp, with deep conviction, the truth that this is legally their Land. For their security, and in legality, they must take possession of what spiritually belongs to YHVH as His personal property, entrusted to them.

**Pray for the Lord to make Israel ready for the potential war or terror that could come with this move. (NOTE: Keep in mind that when Israel wages a major war, the Lord always gives her more territory in the process. Would He want to have Israel take this territory so that a war might begin; adding even more land of this “contested” territory to possess?)

**Pray for the angelic armies of YHVH to surround this territory and around the settler families that live there. Protect them, Lord!

**Pray for the Jewish people in the Land to become united about this issue. So many on the left, and also on the right, are critical and unhappy with aspects about this move to annex. Pray that the Lord will unify them in His truth on the matter, and cause them to come together to fulfill His purposes … even if they don’t want to.

**Pray for the people of YHVH to have discernment and insight regarding what the Lord is doing through this. Pray for believers to become current with what the Lord is doing NOW … what He is testing, hooking, and entrapping NOW … not making assumptions about what has been, or what they expect Him to think/do.  HE doesn’t change. HE doesn’t go back on His word. But WE are so incomplete in our understanding, and so shortsighted … and we forget how hugely wise and creative He is, when it comes to dealing with deceitful enemies, who are set upon the destruction of Israel.

**Pray for the Lord to unfold HIS plan in perfect timing; accomplishing more than what we can think, ask, imagine, or expect.

**Pray for YHVH to lead Bibi and Gantz … not popular political opinion, nor international pressure. Pray for them to hear and to listen to YHVH, not to any human voice or influence.

**Pray for the Lord to take notice of what Saeed and other Moslem leaders/clerics have said about the necessity for them to kill all the Jews. Pray for Him to give them a revelation that will change their lives ... their direction, their actions, thinking, attitudes, allegiances, and faith.

**Pray for the Lord to take into His hands the EU, the UN, the Arab League, etc. as they curse and threaten Israel.

**Pray for Pres. Trump to fully play the role YHVH has assigned to him. Pray for him to be surrounded and advised by prophetic, Godly people, who hear the voice of the Lord. Pray for Trump to be receptive to the truth and then to follow it.

**Pray that the Israelis will love and appreciate the national sovereignty that has been given to them. 

**Pray that all the western nations, which are under attack by the elite, will also cherish their national sovereignty, and that they will refuse to give it over to the global elite or to anyone else.

PRAYER FOCUS #2: Fact vs.Truth

Before I close of this publication I want to share another concern with you for prayer. Jeremiah Johnson, a prophetic man of YHVH, shared a week ago that he had a demonic visitation which led to some key revelation. It was revealed that the MEDIA was the main stronghold operating; working toward the goal of bringing forth the outrageous level of chaos, destruction and losses that have been pouring out across the world. We need to keep in mind that the word MEDIA is plural for the word MEDIUM.  A medium, you may remember, among other things, refers to a person, who serves as a channel, a mouthpiece, or an agent, of Satan and his kingdom; doing “fortune-telling” and bringing messages from the dark side. Demons speak through people, who are mediums; using them to deceive, to control, and to entrap human beings with their words and reports. Mediums have an agenda, which is to serve the dark forces, by capturing the souls (minds, emotions, and will) of human beings. It shouldn’t be too surprising, therefore, that THE MEDIA is serving very effectively as channels, mouthpieces, and as agents for those (the global elite and Luciferians), who are working relentlessly to control the narrative; directing it against anything true, Godly, and righteous. I believe we need to be focusing much prayer toward efforts to silence and to confound the media … as well as to cut off the funding and credibility of these deceitful outlets, and from the people doing the speaking (channeling). The dark agendas and connections must be exposed. 

The death of this man, George Floyd, has been a battle of FACT vs TRUTH.  It is a fact that this man was killed. It is not true that it was a racially motivated act, nor that this raging outburst of world-wide protest is about racial equality or police brutality. The truth is: this is part of the playbook, and a set-up, by the global elite to further destroy, and to destabilize, an already traumatized and confused global population. It is yet another effort to discredit and to demonized Trump, so that he fails to be re-elected; giving the global elite a chance to strip away U.S. national sovereignty in favor of their global rule over the populations of the world.  Similarly, the fact is that COVID-19 is a virus that has been spread throughout the world.  However, the truth is: this was created in a laboratory … that it has a high contagion rate, but a very low mortality rate. The truth is that the nations should have never gone into lockdown … and that this was a pre-planned, well-orchestrated “plot and release” by the elite; using their operatives in the MEDIA, in the WHO, in the CDC, and in the NIH to create panic in the people, and disinformation to the leaders of nations. Jeremiah Johnson was shown that the main demons, operating under the power of the media are HATRED, GREED, and FEAR. While I was in prayer a few days ago, the Lord showed me three words: INITIALIZED … SUBSIDIZED … WEAPONIZED. YHVH went on to reveal that this global pandemic and now the riots/protests surrounding the Floyd death have been:

INITIALIZED by HATRED … SUBSIDIZED by GREED … WEAPONIZED by FEAR.  I believe we need to pull these attacks apart by pulling apart these alliances. Each of us must sit before the Lord for His examination; exposing anything in us, that might have been, or is currently, in the employ of the falsehoods being disseminated through the media … and any affection, power, or benefit we may have enjoyed/embraced of hatred, greed, or fear … and any habit of behavior or thinking that we have embraced, involving hatred, greed and fear. They need to go, so that we don’t give these things any legal right to manifest, operate, or transfer.

**Pray for the people of all YHVH-fearing nations to repent for entertaining, enabling, operating in, or for propagating HATRED, FEAR and GREED.

**Pray for YHVH to shatter the bonds between Hatred initialized, between Greed subsidized, and between Fear weaponized. In the name, blood and authority of Yeshua the Messiah, pray for Hatred, Greed and Fear to be bound from being able to manifest, operate, or transfer among the people. Bind them, Lord, and send them back into the abyss. 

**Pray to release love to be initialized into our surroundings and relationships through us.

**Pray for all of us to subsidize generosity and selflessness, wherever the Enemy is facilitating and supporting any form of greed.

**Pray for all of us to take a strong stand against fear that has been weaponized (particularly by the Media) in our hearts and minds, in order to make us compromised and cowardly … gullible, timid, and silent.

**Pray to release from heaven, the Spirits of Love, Generosity, and Courage throughout Israel, and throughout the earth.

**Pray for the Lord to help us make a successful and enduring RESET of our nations, and of our personal spiritual lives, so that both will serve the Kingdom of YHVH.

**Pray and repent for our willingness to so often react to, and to accept, the media’s version of truth, rather than dissecting what we are fed as facts, when in truth they are lies and perversions. 

**Pray to receive an outpouring of the gift of discernment and wisdom, so that we may be able to correctly perceive through the Holy Spirit what is TRUTH and what is pure, satanic, spin or partial, misleading half-truths.

**Pray for the Lord to do a mind and heart washing … even a purging … of all that we have held in our soul, which is satanic deception and lies.

**Pray for the Lord to guard and to protect His truth-tellers. May He increase their number, their reach, their credibility, their accuracy, and their anointing.

The hour is very late, and my brain is becoming very sleepy. I don’t have the alertness in my weary eyes to proof read this one more time. Therefore, I will close now, but ask you a favor as I do.  Last week, I discovered that approximately 350 of my subscribers, to my email list, had their mail from me bounced back as UNDELIVERABLE, UNSUBSCRIBED, or INVALID ADDRESS.  I have continually been receiving messages from subscribers asking why I stopped writing to them, when I have not done that. One dear friend in Australia, I have re-subscribed 5 times. Each time, the mailing fails to come to him, and his address/named disappear from my list. I need your help to pray protection over my list and connections. If you know of anyone, who is wondering why I’m not sending him/her any mail, please let me know. My iContact distributing service is not removing anyone, so servers (or hidden code) must be doing that, without the will or knowledge of the subscriber. Let’s see if we can put an end to this theft. On that note, I will say good-night. Without a doubt, you will come across typos in this text. As always, forgive them, please, and correct them before you share the writing with your like-minded friends. I do my best, but sometimes those little typos escape my notice.  Below, you will find many websites to view for more information. I hope they are helpful.

Blessings and love,



Music from Israel … YOU ARE HOLY … Joshua Aaron

Carolyn Glick unpacks what these protests are about:

"THE DEEP STATE: Viganò Stands With Trump"

Anti-Semitic attacks taking place under the cover of protests against Floyd’s death

The facts on the Floyd riots/protests:

Black Lives Matters endanger us all … even Israel:

Saul Alinsky’s rule and tactics for radical takeover

Attack on western civilization:

Riots break out in Lebanon about economic issues, and against Hizbullah.

"COVID19:  Globalism's Perfect Storm (Portuguese Subtitles)" on YouTube

Dr. Cahill speaks out:

A certified COVID Tracer reveals the truth

The goal of the BDS movement is leaked

Australian, indigenous truth-teller about the riots/protests

Worship paves the road to peace

Watch "KEEP YOUR MASK ON,  by Dr. Birx"  … humor

Answers about smart technology and information technology … in case you’ve wondered about it:

Alexa privacy failures:  the dangers of SMART technology (acronym: Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology)


Real effects of technology on your health

Paris Jackson to play gender-bending role of Jesus in the film to be released;

Petition against the release of the above mentioned film; Michael Jones, Nicolas Chartier, Cassian Elwes: Hollywood wants to make Jesus a Woman, Help Us stop it. :

Candace Owens speaks out at a congressional meeting: