Insight for Intercessors



May 30, 2020

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Shalom and Chag Sameach Shavuot/Pentecost!

What a joyous season this is in the midst of the outworking of the global pandemic scenario! As Jews we celebrate Shavuot (the feast of Weeks) as the 50th day (1 day after the passing of 7 weeks) following Passover. While we read in scripture that the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the disciples of Yeshua, gathered in the Upper Room on this holy day, Shavuot didn’t begin with that amazing event. Actually, it has been one of the major holy days/biblical feasts of YHVH, mandated to be observed by all of YHVH’s people each year, since the time of Moses. The first Shavuot event took place at Mt. Sinai (See the Torah portion for this Shabbat, which includes Ex. 19). It was the occasion when the Lord gave Moses the 10 commandments. At that time, YHVH actually came down to the earth and rested on the top of the mountain. The evidence of His awesomeness, as seen and heard by the surrounding Jewish assembly, came in the form of fire, thunder, lightning, and thick clouds of smoke on the mountain. His presence was also announced with a very loud trumpet-like of sound that terrified the people, so that they drew back from wanting to meet with Him personally. It’s incredible to think that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that took place on Shavuot, was again, the Lord’s descended presence, but was now indicated by the sound of a rushing wind, and appeared as personal tongues of fire on the heads of those gathered. There were no terrifying sights and sounds, only an apprehending wonder of His presence coming to dwell inside of each of them; changing these disciples into strong people of wisdom and power. Beyond these two events associated with the holiday, Shavuot also denotes the first day of the summer harvest. It was when the first mature sheaves of wheat were presented before the Lord in the Temple; blessing and sanctifying the remainder of the harvest. Throughout the generations, it has been the tradition of the Jews to read the book of Ruth … one of the most beautiful pictures of the One New Man … of a Jewess (Naomi) and a Gentile (Ruth) becoming “one” in the Lord. Isn’t it marvelous to think that on Shavuot, in Jerusalem, the Lord caused His disciples to speak in the languages of the Gentiles as a sign that EVERYONE, throughout the world, was invited to hear and to know Him.  How fitting that the One New Man, of Jew and Gentile together, is associated with the Jewish Shavuot. Those first Jewish disciples were instructed to spread the truth about YHVH; beginning with the Jews in Jerusalem, then to all of Judea and Samaria, all of Israel, and then reaching out to take that truth to the Gentile nations of the world.

For those of you, who are practicing the Christian traditions, you are familiar with the Greek word (written in the New Testament translations) applied to this occasion of the Holy Spirit being poured down upon the disciples … i.e. Pentecost. In the Christian tradition, counting 7 Sundays after Easter sets the date for this observance, rather than the Jewish calendar and rather than counting from Passover. The actual dates of Shavuot and Pentecost rarely coincide on the calendar. The Christian observance of Pentecost usually does not include acknowledging the giving of the 10 commandants, or the presentation of the first mature wheat, or the story of Ruth, or the beginning of the summer harvest season. And yet, at the time of the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room, those occasions were one and the same day … even though the Greek Jews eventually spoke of it, and labeled it as Pentecost, in that language. As Christianity moved away from its Jewish roots, the name Shavuot was no longer was heard among the Christian congregations. Still, the same phenomenal event is acknowledged, with Jewish believers acknowledging it as part of Shavuot, and the Gentile believers calling it Pentecost. The most important thing is that YHVH again descended to the earth in visible manifestations. This time is was not to give an externally written law, but this time for the law to indwell and to abide within the hearts of His people; giving them power and internal instruction. Rather than being written on scrolls or tablets, the truth of YHVH … His way, His will, and His word … were transportable throughout the world in human hearts, and affirmed through signs and wonders manifested through the operating gifts of the Spirit.  We are so blessed to be given this gift, and so honored to have this intimate relationship with the Holy One of Israel. So BLESSED SHAVUOT and BLESSED PENTECOST! Celebrate the fullness of these days!

I need to keep this message very short, but I also need to share a couple of exciting things with you.

First of all, news about ANDREA!  Remember the young single mother, who broke her back and was totally paralyzed from the waist down?  I called for the Body of Messiah world-wide to pray for her healing the night of April 30th, at 8:10 PM. Many hundreds of people picked up that call to pray and participated.  Well, I’m delighted to tell you that Andrea left the hospital for home today.  After the night of our concert of prayers, she soon began to have sensations in her toes, feet, and legs. Some of those sensations were very painful, but they indicated that nerves were reconnecting to promote proper function. Her toes and feet began to move. Her legs began to cramp. Then she had sensations return to her abdomen.  While I would love to be able to report that she walked out of the hospital, I can tell you that she was able to put herself into a wheelchair to exit the building. She is doing some walking with the help of parallel bars in rehab. Apparently, the Lord decided to give her a miraculous recovery against all odds, but in a way that it would come in steps, rather than having her instantly jump up and walk out of the ICU. More physical rehab will need to be done at home in the coming days, for Andrea’s body to regain strength.  Her recovery is nevertheless MIRACULOUS, and all of you were a part of it. When she left the hospital today, a group of people were cheering her on with a great celebration of joy. That, which was slated to be a devastating tragedy, has been turned into a new beginning. Some of you sent confirming and encouraging words regarding her journey over these past weeks. Know that I copied them, printed them, and passed them on to Andrea. She was so blessed by each one of them, and re-reads them frequently. She has made the request that you continue to pray for the full recovery of her bladder and bowel control. In time, that too will manifest.  All that I can say is PRAISE YHVH, and THANK YOU for applying your faith and love in this battle.  Where there was no hope, the saints in the Body of Messiah called forth wholeness, and our beloved Father responded with healing manifestations. That’s the way it’s supposed to work. After this Shavuot, perhaps well begin to see amazing miracles on a daily basis. That would be so awesome!!

Secondly, I want to say something about the Class Action Suit that was read by so many people around the world, and presented to the High Court in Heaven this past Wednesday at 9 PM. I can’t begin to share with you all the amazing reports I’ve received about what happened to people, personally, as they read that document. Several people actually got to see the Court Room in open visions. The reported images matched, confirming that the visions were accurate accountings and not imaginary. Many reported a period of deep weeping as they prepared to stand before the Lord to read. That happened to me during the hours between 7-9 PM. Many reported that the repentance and worship time between 6 and 9 PM was so deep that they could not stand, so that they ended up face down on the floor. Still others reported that as they stood in groups to read, or gathered on Zoom meetings, they felt a tangible presence of the Lord, or the presence of angelic beings standing around them. Multitudes of people said that when the reading was over, they felt something shift in the spiritual realm. The great excitement that accompanied that discernment, brought forth a depth of worship that was amazing. Perhaps one of the most surprising, and yet common reports that I heard, were of people, who were able to sleep deeply, or through the night, for the first time in many years, after they read the document before the Lord. Still others found themselves awakening the next morning with songs in their hearts, and with a strange sense of joy, lightness, and freedom. A few even reported that their battle with depression and hopelessness had left them after the reading, and that a new shalom filled them. Amazing blessings!!

Personally, I can tell you that as my husband and I stood together to read the document … with our 7-branched menorah lit, and both of us anointed with oil … there was the physical sense of being surrounded by fire. My husband read the beginning and end statements together with me, but he did not read the “whereas” statements. He felt/heard from the Lord that He was to stand behind me, with His arms outstretched as if a rear guard, as I faced the bench. As I proceeded to read through that list, my husband discovered why he had to take that position. His spiritual eyes were opened to see the court room. Around the perimeter of the huge room, he saw many very distressed demons, pressed up against the walls … apprehended and forced to hear the charges being read. He also saw that satan had come through the door at the back of the courtroom, and was required to listen to the charges. Other seers reported seeing the victims, who are now part of the redeemed (those who had died at the hands of those, who were mentioned in the document, through the crimes mentioned. They were mingled among the multitude assembled in the courtroom. After the “whereas” charges were read, these victims brought forward the evidence from their own suffering, that supported the charges. The evidence came in the form of documents to lay on the bench of the Judge. Volumes and volumes of evidence were presented. And after all that was accomplished, there was an incredible level of worship released in heaven that touched those of us, who abide on the earth. We may never know in this life what was truly accomplished by the simple act of obedience in the Class Action Suit, but I can tell you, that the document was read around the globe by countless believers … each standing in his/her own times zone … which enabled the declaration to move like a great wave, completely around the earth. Since that night, there has been an increasing the level of dreams, prayer, worship, and revelations reported. Meanwhile, we wait to receive the verdict from the Supreme Judge.  YHVH had indicated to me that He would make His ruling on Shavuot. Therefore, I suspect that the decision has now been made.  I wonder if each of us will be given some kind of an alert in the Spirit, so that we will know when the verdict is being handed down for us to know it. I also wonder how long it will take for sentencing to be declared and carried out. All those questions are matters for the Highest Judge to determine. Some of the results and details of all this may not be apprehended through our level of understanding during this lifetime. Perhaps, for now, the Class Action Suit will simply be held in our hearts as an act of obedience. That too will be recorded in the High Kingdom. But wasn’t it an honor to stand before Him; laying before Him some of the most distressing things in our present world, and then leaving them in His hands? We surely can trust Him to deal with the evil outlined in the document. As He deals with it, undoubtedly, we will see some noticeable changes in our situations, and in our world. I suspect that in those “whereas” statements, we have only seen the tip of a very great iceberg. It’s probably YHVH’s mercy that we haven’t seen more. Whatever wickedness is out there, we can trust that our loving Father has it all in His hands. HE WILL DEAL WITH IT! We can be at peace.

Thank you all so much for the faith and discernment you exhibited by participating in this opportunity given to us by the Lord. Across the board, I’ve heard people saying that the Lord is pleased, and they are more at peace now; confident that our hearts have been laid before Him as a Body, and that He has taken much of the heavy-heartedness off of us. Isn’t that what our loving Father would want for us. We live in a fallen world. That puts us in the position of seeing the evil and of walking in the midst of the consequences and manifestations of it, as we intercede. Our role is to stand in the gap. Sometimes that job gets very, very heavy, as we feel His heart in regard to sin. The concerns are allowed to be a bit heavy, so that we will know we need to shift the load to His much broader shoulders. For now, we cannot escape the realities of this world, but we can rise in our level of worship, and in relationship with Him, to come up above all the darkness, for rest and to be unburdened.  Will there ever being another Class Action Suit formed, or another mandated initiative to bring into the High Court? I honestly don’t know. But what I do know is this: THE CHIEF JUDGE IS AWARE OF OUR PAIN … PAIN THAT COMES FROM FEELING HIS HEART in regard to some horrific matters … regarding the evil that is trying to crush our world. He wants us to come to Him with it; trusting that He will act on behalf of the righteous, and on behalf of His great name. It doesn’t matter that a couple of believers decried this initiative; calling it witchcraft, and an act of un-righteously leveling judgment against other human beings. Clearly the Class Action Suit was not that (and also stated that in the document), but sometimes fear or religious spirits in operation could cause someone to view it that way. Furthermore, it was not a wasted effort, nor anything of showmanship or arrogance. It was the children of YHVH, knowing that evil operates within a legal system, coming to stand before the ONLY ONE, who is worthy to judge the hearts and intentions human beings. It was children, caring for His heart and for our world, asking Him to weigh the fruit … to review the evidence that grieves us … imploring Him to give us respite through His rulings … requesting Him to bring forth revival, so that His Kingdom might manifest in strength, before the anti-Christ is actually allowed to rule the planet. We need a global awakening of righteousness that He alone can bring. We need to have Him break the grip of certain principalities and powers that fall in His area of jurisdiction alone. That’s what the lawsuit was all about.

Shavuot and Pentecost have come. The case against the elite has been heard, and the ruling will be coming forth soon. I think it’s time to praise and worship Him for all that He is, as we await the movement of His hand against the evil powers of this world. We could be entering into the most challenging, and yet most glorious season, that the Body of Messiah has EVER SEEN on the face of the earth. Even writing those words, makes me smile, as the Holy Spirit gives me a hug of great expectation.

May YHVH bless you!!!  With much love,



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